Chapter 9 Soul Hunting Forest
A good night's sleep.

With the leisurely sound of the Chen clock, Qian Renxue woke up faintly.

"Hmm~" Opening his eyes, the first thing he saw was a cute little boy, so scared that Qian Renxue barely managed to throw Ye Feng out of his arms.

After thinking about the cause and effect, Qian Renxue just calmed down the feeling of being stimulated when she woke up early in the morning.

Seeing that Ye Feng in her arms was still sleeping soundly, Qian Renxue, who couldn't get up, couldn't help but look at the boy in her arms.

The eyelashes of the boy in his arms are long and curly. I don’t know how many girls I can envy if I put it outside. The tall nose bridge and thin lips, although the face is a bit too thin, but this adds a touch of masculinity to the boy .

But if the boy opened his eyes, everything would be different.His big eyes stared straight at you as if he could speak, you couldn't bear to see a trace of his disappointed expression.

While Qian Renxue was staring at Ye Feng in a daze, the long eyelashes on Ye Feng's face moved, and he opened his eyes under Qian Renxue's gaze.

Ye Feng, who had just woken up, was in a daze, just when he opened his eyes, he saw an ordinary face staring at him, which made Ye Feng tremble all over.

"You, you, who are you, why did you appear on my bed?" Ye Feng, who had traveled through the world the first day, hadn't turned his head around yet, and shouted in panic.

Hearing Ye Feng's words, Qian Renxue couldn't help laughing angrily.I don't know who knocked on my door with a pitiful appearance last night, and now he puts her on the bed and pretends not to know her?
"Who am I? Who do you say I am?" Qian Renxue asked speechlessly, propping her head with one hand.

As Ye Feng's consciousness gradually returned, he finally understood the current situation.

"Brother Prince~" Ye Feng called out to Qian Renxue sweetly, and then Ye Feng lowered his head embarrassedly and said, "I am, I am not used to it."

"Okay, I didn't bother with you." Shaking her head disapprovingly, Qian Renxue nodded Ye Feng's head vigorously, and said, "I don't know who pitifully held a pillow outside the door last night and wanted to come Sleeping with me, but today I just woke up and refused to recognize anyone, people are not old."

However, Ye Feng didn't talk about his self-consciousness at all. He pretended not to understand what Qian Renxue was saying, looked around and pretended to be angry: "Who? Who is so heartless? How can you not recognize someone when you are asleep?"

As for last night's pillow, Ye Feng brought it on purpose.After all, seeing through some of the little tricks of the children often makes the adults feel happy, and if the adults are not very resistant, then in this mood, they are often willing to agree to the children's small requests.

Seeing Ye Feng's seriousness, as if she really didn't know that person was herself, Qian Renxue couldn't help being happy.If it wasn't for her to be the person involved in the incident, maybe Ye Feng would really have cheated her.

"Okay, okay." Seeing Ye Feng woke up, Qian Renxue also straightened up, her long hair drooping down like a waterfall, although it was against Xue Qinghe's face, somehow it seemed... very special to Ye Feng.

"Since you're awake, I'll take you to the Hunting Soul Forest." Not paying attention to Ye Feng, Qian Renxue put on the robe on the side and said, "You are a genius full of soul power, After obtaining the first soul ring, you can become a real soul master."

"Really, that's really great!" Although there was no fluctuation in his heart, Ye Feng still acted happy.After all, people in Douluo Dalu basically want to become a powerful soul master.

However, in Ye Feng's opinion, compared to being a soul master, he still feels more comfortable being a salted fish.How tiring it is to fight and kill, how can there be a fragrance of hugging thighs.

After returning to his side hall and changing his clothes, Ye Feng followed Qian Renxue in a carriage to the Hunting Soul Forest outside Tiandou City.

Of course, accompanying him was the captain of the guard of the Prince's Mansion, a soul saint who had just arrived at the seventh ring.After all, the prince is only the soul sect of the fourth ring, so he will still be in great danger in the hunting soul forest.

Following the carriage along the way, after more than half an hour, they came to a bustling market.

Under Ye Feng's puzzled eyes, the carriage did not move on, but came to a place where the carriage was parked and listened.

Ye Feng was a little puzzled, didn't he mean to take him to the Hunting Soul Forest, why did he stop here?

"Let's go, get out of the car, we're at the place." As the carriage stopped, Qian Renxue jumped out of the carriage, and then hugged Ye Feng in her arms.

Followed by the soul saint guards, the two walked towards the entrance of the hunting soul forest.

Leaning in Qian Renxue's arms, Ye Feng looked curiously at the vendors passing by, and saw that these vendors sold everything.Some sold daggers, some sold armor, and Ye Feng even saw someone selling a small baby bird, saying that it was a relic from the ancient times, and when it grew up, it would be comparable to a Titled Douluo.

Although no one bought it, there was a large circle of people around him, and all the other things on his booth were sold out because of the hot atmosphere.

Looking around with great interest, feeling the real people and voices around him, Ye Feng felt like he had truly traveled to the Douluo Continent at this moment.

Being carried by Qian Renxue all the way, finally, less than a quarter of an hour later, the three of them arrived at the real gate of the Hunting Soul Forest.

 Please collect tickets~
(End of this chapter)

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