Chapter 19

In the weather in March, the spring is warm and flowers are blooming, the wind is gentle, and the pine branches are swaying with the wind.

Chu Wu followed Feiran's gaze and turned around slowly, and saw Xi Haoze standing far away at the intersection, looking at her, the eyes of the two met in space, and Chu Wu was a little embarrassed for a moment.

"It's him!" Feiran's tone didn't have the slightest surprise, he curled the corner of his mouth, and quickly removed the bitterness from the corner of his mouth.

Chu Wu lowered her eyes and said nothing.

"Hurry up, I'll come and see Uncle again when I have time." Feiran patted her on the shoulder, just like encouraging her when he was a child, but he knew in his heart that everything had changed now.

Chu Wu looked at his leaving back, feeling a little pain in her heart.

Xi Haoze stood beside her, and her strong aura made her put away her emotions in an instant.

"Have you had lunch?"

Chu Wu looked at her phone, it turned out that it was past twelve o'clock, and she had so many things on her mind that she didn't even feel hungry at all.She raised her head to look at Xi Haoze, and shook her head slightly.

Xi Haoze didn't say anything, he took her hand naturally, walked towards the door, and took her to a Hunan restaurant.

Xi Haoze ordered a few dishes casually. There was no conversation between the two of them, but they were miraculously harmonious.Looking at the attractive dishes, the appetite was also aroused, and I ate with big mouthfuls.In the past, because of dancing, she had to consider calories when eating, for fear that she would gain weight and the teacher would nag her again.But during this period of time, she was determined to give up dancing, and she was not as cautious as before when eating.

She was so focused on eating that she couldn't say it was elegant. Xi Haoze basically didn't eat, but could use his chopsticks to pick up vegetables and serve soup for Chu Wu.All of this seems to be more proficient.

After Chu Wu finished eating, she realized that Xi Haoze had accompanied her to eat.She was a little embarrassed, but her heart was warm. All of this was what she had longed for since she was a child. For so many years, she took care of herself and her family by herself.It is so simple to have someone who can treat her so considerately.

Xi Haoze looked at her silent appearance, his eyes flickered slightly, and said softly, "Let's go."

In the afternoon, the sun hits the body, warm.The two walked back slowly along the circuit.

"How's your father's leg?"

"I don't feel it yet."

Xi Haoze pursed his lips, "There's no rush to do this." Chu Wu was silent, and after checking for the past few days, her father seemed to have given up.Hope is always given to yourself. If you give up on yourself, who can help you?
She sighed slightly.

Xi Haoze grabbed her hand abruptly, she stopped, and met his eyes in confusion.

Xi Haoze slowly took out a card from his pocket and put it in her hand. Chu Wu instantly felt the heat in his palm, and he paused, "I don't want it, you take it away."

Xi Haoze frowned, "I'll borrow it from you and return it to me when you work later."

Waiting for her to work?Chu Wu stared at the delicate cuff button on his cuff, the sun reflected colorful light on it, she smiled shyly.Every day my father was hospitalized cost a lot of money, and the money flowed out like running water.Li Xiuyun took out the money in several bankbooks at home, and she didn't know how many days she could last.

How much she wanted to hold the card in her palm.But she didn't want to owe him any more money.She didn't move, she stood there straight, but her heart was suffering, and her fingertips trembled slightly.

"I can't ask for your money." She bit her lower lip and said with difficulty.Every time she saw him, the inferiority complex in her heart would suddenly come up.

"Be obedient, take it. Your father is hospitalized now, the family has no source of income, your younger brother is still studying, and you haven't graduated yet. You can't just watch your father being kicked out of the hospital because he has no money to see his legs." Of course, the following The words were to coax her, how dare the hospital drive out the people he sent.

Originally, he could have paid the money directly for her, but he knew that the girl would definitely feel uncomfortable at that time, so he might as well explain it to her directly.He rubbed her hair, "You will pay me back later."

Chu Wu said gruffly, "Then I'll give you an IOU." It's not that she's hypocritical, it's just that she has her own dignity.

Xi Haoze pouted helplessly, what a silly girl.

He accompanied her to the door of Han Dequn's ward, Chu Wu lowered her head all the way, Xi Haoze took her hand with some distress, "Chu Wu, raise your head."

Chu Wu slowly raised her head.

Xi Haoze smiled at her, and Chu Wu stared blankly at his crooked smile.

"Chuwu, you have to raise your head when you walk in the future, you have the capital to strut your head high. Do you know?" He said firmly, but pity filled his heart.

Chu Wu was very sensitive to her mother's abandonment since she was a child, and she was pointed out during her growth, which made her develop the habit of bowing her head, making her feel inferior and afraid.

"Remember my words, Chuwu, my wife, Xi Haoze, has the capital to be proud of."

Chu Wu blushed from his scorching eyes, and glanced at her face in embarrassment.Coincidentally, when Li Xiuyun came back from washing the lunch box, she saw them standing at the door and said with a smile, "Mr. Xi is here. Come in and have a seat."

Xi Haoze didn't shirk it either, since he planned to marry Chuwu, people from the Han family would naturally want to get in touch.

Father Han lay quietly on the bed. Hearing the sound, his eyes turned around. Seeing Xi Haoze, he was no longer as excited as before, and he didn't even twitch his brows.

"Mr. Xi, please sit down." Li Xiuyun faintly knew that his status was unusual, so she still respected and respected him.

"Auntie, just call me Hao Ze." After finishing speaking, he turned to look at Han Dequn, "Uncle, how do you feel?"

Han Dequn remained motionless, pursing his lips.Chu Wu felt a little uncomfortable, looked carefully at Xi Haoze, saw that he didn't have any expression, and hurriedly said, "Dad, I'll pour you a glass of water."

There was silence in the ward, and Chu Wu's heart was sore, she knew that Xi Haoze had lowered his figure for her today, but his father's knot might never be untied in this lifetime.

Xi Haoze sat for a while, then received a call.Chu Wu sent him out, the two of them walked side by side, halfway, Chu Wu gently tugged at his cuff, and said in a buzzing voice, "I'm sorry, my dad...don't be angry."

Xi Haoze chuckled, "Fool, why would I be angry with him. How can I say he is an elder."

"Then why does your face look like an iceberg?"

"I'm thinking, I'm afraid that my father-in-law's line will suffer." He joked, and it was no surprise that Chu Wu's face was stained pink again.

"Okay, I'm back to the army. Call me if you need anything."

Chu Wu nodded, at least she had gradually trusted him now.Watching his back gradually disappearing into the distance, Chu Wu suddenly felt a kind of peace of mind growing at that moment.

She stood there steadfastly until a call made her wake up like a dream, this voice... She curled her lips and lowered her head habitually.

"Xiao Wu, why are you here?" Nan Shumei was indeed a little surprised to see her, but the person who just left, if she read correctly, was the second child of the Xi family.That night in the guild hall, she also saw Chu Wu with him, she didn't understand how Chu Wu was with him.Does Xi Haoze know that Chu Wu is her daughter? If he knows, what will he do?
Chu Wu quickly went upstairs.Nan Shumei followed closely and grabbed her, "Xiao Wu, wait for me. I have something to ask you."

Chu Wu stopped, panting slightly, her heart sank, she looked at her, and said with a sneer, "Mr. Shu, aren't you afraid of gossip?"

Nan Shumei's face turned pale, and she lowered her hands in embarrassment.

After a few seconds of silence, she pursed her lips and asked, "Why did you come to the hospital? Are you feeling uncomfortable? Does it matter?"

Chu Wu looked at her concerned face, felt a little mocking in her heart, and suddenly smiled at her. With this smile, she saw the secret joy in Nan Shumei's eyes in an instant.

But she said calmly, "My dad was in a car accident, Mr. Shu, do you want to go and condolences - ex-husband?"

Nan Shumei looked at her daughter in astonishment, the corners of her mouth trembling slightly, she turned her pale face away.

Chu Wu walked past her, and said coolly, "Since you can't do it, please put away your hypocrisy. You may want to seek spiritual salvation, but please consider us ordinary flesh and blood." I can’t bear so many disgusting things.” Chu Wu looked at Nan Shumei trembling, her index finger clasped her palm tightly, restraining the discomfort in her heart, she laughed, and the breeze came in from the window and hit her face It was cool, and she raised her hand to wipe it, only to realize that it was already wet.

When Chu Wu returned to the ward, Li Xiuyun quietly pulled her away, frowned and said, "Your father is angry again."

Chu Wu sighed, and probably guessed the reason, "Mom, you go back to rest first, you stayed up all night last night, go back to sleep." Chu Wu looked at Li Xiuyun's dark blue eyes, and couldn't bear it.

Li Xiuyun nodded, "Talk to your dad, I can see that Xi is steady, your dad loves you, and he will understand."

The room is quiet, and there is a peach blossom that Chuwu cut from the tree on the bedside. The flower buds have opened petal by petal, pink and white, and a faint fragrance floats in the room, which makes people feel relieved.

Chu Wu moved a stool and sat by the bed, he knew that Han Dequn was not asleep.She stretched out her hand to hold that rough, callused big palm. These hands had been holding her and holding her since she was a child, but now they were the vicissitudes of time.

"Dad, I like him." She smiled softly.

Han Dequn breathed hard, his eyelids moved, and after a long time, he sighed, "Xiao Wu, do you know who he is? Dad can guess that his family must be unusual. Have you ever thought about your future? You Do you think I rejected him because of your mother?"

Mentioning this, both of them shrank in pain.

Han Dequn took a breath, feeling a little tired, and asked in a deep voice, "Do you know him?"

Chu Wu gently leaned her head against his side, snuggling up to her father's side as she did when she was a child, "Dad, I always knew who he was."

She pursed her lips slightly and smiled, "He is the grandson of the old chief who my grandfather used to follow."

(End of this chapter)

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