Chapter 31

After getting married, Chu Wu gradually developed the habit of sleeping in on weekends. On Saturday, Xi Haoze happened to have a day off.Chu Wu originally thought that there would be a two-person world or something, but unexpectedly, she was woken up by her husband when she was half awake from her dream.

She rubbed her eyes in a daze, and yawned heavily, "Xi Haoze, you don't have to practice today, what are you doing up so early?" While speaking, the man also fell down limply, humming dissatisfiedly.

It was rare for Xi Haoze to see her lazy look, and he was very pitiful. Seeing her close her eyes again, the two rows of eyelashes were trembling, and the sunlight came in through the gauze, dancing softly on her white skin. The little ones are as cute as porcelain dolls.

He stretched out his hand to pinch her nose, Chu Wu couldn't breathe well, angry!Waving his arm, he said softly, "I'm really sleepy."

Xi Haoze approached her, "Chuwu, we had a normal schedule last night." When she spoke, warm breath floated on her face, warm.

Chu Wu raised her hand to cover her eyes, and said two words from the corner of her mouth, "pervert."

Xi Haoze chuckled, and patted her on the shoulder, "Get up and have breakfast, and go out later."

After breakfast, Chu Wu leaned lazily on the seat and asked, "Where are we going?"

"Shooting gallery, Jiang Zi and the others."

"I can't." Chu Wu was not familiar with those people, so she didn't know what to say when she went there.

Xi Haoze joked and laughed, "Have a good rest day, let Mrs. Xi stay at home alone, I will feel sorry for my husband."

Chu Wu burst into a smile, her heart was full of joy, and she ran out of the room excitedly to change her clothes.As soon as she took off her pajamas, Xi Haoze came in. The two of them had already faced each other many times naked. It would be too hypocritical for Chu Wu to cover up any more. Although she was still a little embarrassed, she still had to pretend to be calm.

Unexpectedly, in broad daylight, Xi Haoze went straight to her little wife's shy heart regardless of his shy heart, stretched out his long arms and took out a water pink dress from the closet at a glance, "Wear this one."

Chu Wu twitched her eyebrows slightly, "Are you too mature?" Ms. Chen bought Chu Wu's clothes before, and Chu Wu usually only picks out a few more ordinary clothes. Ms. Chen's vision is too avant-garde.Chu Wu told Xi Haoze about this in private. It is estimated that she has never used her aesthetic expertise on Xi Haoyue. It would be different without this young daughter-in-law. When I was in the army compound, I was praised by the wife of the leader in the compound. Ms. Chen didn't dress her up as a fashionista, so I really felt sorry for Chuwu's good external conditions.

"Your husband is an uncle, and if you dress like a student, those people will say that your husband has seduced an underage boy."

Chu Wu curled her lips, she only said a few times about him, really mean.After she put it on, she stood in front of the fitting mirror and looked back and forth. The V-neck was tucked in at the waist, her graceful figure was completely exposed, and the whiteness on her chest was very attractive.

Someone's gaze involuntarily stopped at her, thoughtfully, "Well, it's a little bit missing."

Chu Wu raised her eyes and stared at him.

Xi Haoze bent down and took out an exquisite box from the bedside table on one side. When he opened it, it was a necklace. When he stood behind Chu Wu and put it on for her, Chu Wu looked at the two of them in the mirror, and the warmth flowed.Putting on the chain with his hands, a smile spread across the corners of his mouth.

Meeting Xi Haoze's gaze from the mirror, she tugged at her chest, "I feel weird."

Xi Haoze looked at her firmly, with gentle eyes, "Very beautiful."

Chu Wu took a deep breath, her eyebrows and eyes curved.

When he was going out, by coincidence, Jiang Zhe, who was at the door 801, happened to be going out. When he saw Chu Wu, his eyes froze, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised, "Mr. Xi, Mrs. Xi, it's early."

Chu Wu replied crisply, "Mr. Jiang, good morning." In fact, Jiang Zhe was about the same age as her, but he was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, mature and stable, and he looked like a successful person.Chu Wu thinks that Xi Haoze is also a handsome guy, but the styles of the two are completely different.Looking back, Xi Haoze was holding a black garbage bag in one hand, killing her instantly, and immediately ran over to take the garbage bag considerately. It was really a crime for such a handsome guy to carry the garbage.

Jiang Zhe looked at Chu Wu's movements, turned around and left.

"You know him very well?" Xi Haoze asked looking at Jiang Zhe's back.

"I worked part-time in his company for a while." Chu Wu admired Jiang Zhe in her heart, and said, "He is very good. He started his own company when he returned to China. The company is full of young people, and Jiang Zhe's family background is also very good, but Rely on your own strength to make the current company do well. Great, great."

Xi Haoze hesitated for a moment, and looked at Chu Wu's expression of approval when she spoke, "Han Chuwu." He solemnly called her name.Chu Wu was surprised.

"Don't praise other men in front of your husband from now on." He slid close to her ear and whispered, "I'll be jealous!"

Chu Wu was stunned for a moment.

By the time they got to the shooting range, others had already started arriving.Xi Haoze took her hand and walked over step by step.Except for Jiang Yixian and Xu Yifeng whom she knew, she didn't know anyone else, and everyone called her "sister-in-law".The men all brought their female companions, and Chu Wu noticed that the woman beside Xu Yifeng was standing beside Xu Yifeng coldly. When she thought of that child Lele, she lamented in her heart, Xu Yifeng is really nothing. .

Men shoot, women watch.Except for Xi Haoze and Jiang Yixian who often play with guns in the army, most of the others also often come for entertainment, and their grades are not bad.

Chu Wu couldn't help admiring Xi Haoze's state of being in the top [-].Xu Yifeng's female companion, she sat beside her, quietly.The girl watched blankly, but the girl looked at her watch frequently.In fact, she seemed to be arguing with Xu Yifeng when she came in.

After a while, Xi Haoze came over and handed her the gun.

Chu Wu waved her hand, "I've never played before."

"I teach you."

Xu Yifeng also came over, and looked at the girl beside him coldly, "Meng Xia, let's make a bet, if you beat me, I will let you see Lele."

Chu Wu glanced over and looked over curiously.

Meng Xia lowered her head, clasped her hands tightly, a trace of sarcasm slowly flashed across her beautiful side face, she stood up in an instant, and raised her head high, "Xu Yifeng, what else can you do other than threaten?" She chuckled, flicked her hand quickly, and took his gun as fast as a gust of wind, playing with it for a moment.

The voice was almost calm, "I've already made the biggest bet in my life. Bet? Okay. I hope you can keep your promise this time. Scum—" Chu Wu didn't hear the last two words, only seeing Meng Xia's The lips parted and closed lightly.

Xu Yifeng's face froze immediately, with a gloomy expression on his face.

Chu Wu stood aside and was startled, Xi Haoze frowned, pulled her over, and dragged her to shoot.

"Raise your arms and straighten them, and concentrate." Xi Haoze is indeed a good teacher. Chu Wu scored a 0 ring, which can't be blamed on her. Everyone is good at different fields.
"Yo, Hao Ze, husband and wife partner, two swords match each other." Jiang Yixian pursed his lips and smiled, "However, sister-in-law still needs to practice more."

A few people were still watching Chuwu's marksmanship just now, when there was a noise from Xu Yifeng's side, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Meng Xia hit a hundred hits and scored 10 rings for 10 rounds in a row, which immediately made the surroundings cheer.Xi Haoze and Jiang Yixian have been touching guns all year round. It is not surprising that they are good and accurate in marksmanship, but they were both surprised that such a woman unexpectedly achieved such a result.

Meng Xia pulled off the earmuffs, and the corners of her mouth raised coldly, "Xu Yifeng, you will keep your promise today. I want to see Lele, immediately, immediately."

"What if I don't?" Xu Yifeng wanted to see what she would do.

Meng Xia was not angry either, he sneered, and quickly raised his hand to put the gun on his chest, muttering, "It would be great if this was a real gun."

People around were also watching, Xu Yifeng yelled coldly, "Get the fuck out of here."

Chu Wu looked at this scene in disbelief, her eyes widened suddenly, she gently pulled Xu Haoze's arm, and asked softly, "Is she Lele's mother?"

Xi Haoze frowned, "Let's go out first, there is a river over there—"

Before Xi Haoze finished speaking, Chu Wu said hurriedly, "Are you going to touch the crab?" In her memory, Xi Haoze used the crab to tease her all the time.

Touch crabs?Thanks to her for figuring it out.

He laughed and put his arms around her waist, "Go fishing. Didn't you talk about wanting to eat fish yesterday?"

Chu Wu actually wanted to watch the live broadcast.

As soon as the two turned around, they saw two familiar figures not far ahead, Su Yi and Su Qian.

When Chu Wu saw the two of them standing together, she suddenly remembered that their names were so similar.Surprise flashed in her eyes.

Su Yi and Su Qian also saw them, and they walked straight towards them.

"Hao Ze, long time no see." Su Qian said meaningfully as she glanced at Chu Wu at the side.

"Long time no see." Xi Haoze replied indifferently.

Chu Wu smiled, "Teacher Su."

Su Qian said with a smile, "Chuwu, who exactly are you calling "Teacher Su"? We two Su are here."

Chu Wu pursed her lips slightly, and looked at the two of them. In fact, Su Yi and Su Qian were not alike at all.

Su Yi seemed to guess what she was thinking, and said softly, "Su Qian and I are not in the same family. Everything is a coincidence, a coincidence." , Long time no see. I haven't congratulated you on marrying such a beautiful little wife." Suy said with a smile, with a gentle face.

"When did you come back?" Xi Haoze couldn't see any waves in his eyes, and his tone was extremely calm.

"Not long ago, I just went to the art troupe. It's very fate. I am now Chuwu's dance instructor."

Chu Wu suddenly turned her face to look at Xi Haoze, with a look of surprise on her face. In fact, Su Qian knew him, so it was natural for Su Yi to know him.

Suy smiled, "Okay, I won't bother you. We'll go there first. Goodbye, Chuwu."

When Chu Wu and Xi Haoze came outside, it was sunny and the sun was hot. Chu Wu felt uncomfortable for a while, and Xi Haoze strode forward.Chu Wu felt that something was wrong with Xi Haoze, but she didn't think too much about it, and followed obediently.

The air pressure was too low, Chu Wu felt out of breath, slowly fell behind, and finally squatted on the ground, looking at Xi Haoze with wandering eyes, what are you doing so fast when you have nothing to do? "Xi Haoze—"

It was only then that Xi Haoze noticed that she had fallen behind, walked over and reached out to pull her up, "What's wrong?"

"I'm dizzy." She was really uncomfortable. It was probably too cold inside just now, and she was really not used to coming out suddenly now.

Xi Haoze looked up at the glaring sun, and frowned without any trace, "Let's go back."

"Ah?" Just now he suggested to go fishing, but now he wants to go back.Men change up like a March day.

Xi Haoze also slowed down now, the two walked quietly under the shade of a tree beside him, Chu Wu said, "So you know Teacher Su." She turned her head and looked at his handsome profile, " By the way, Teacher Su is the one who found my wallet on the Great Wall."

After Chu Wu finished speaking, she lowered her head, and the sunlight cast mottled bright spots on the ground through the dense branches and leaves, twinkling and twinkling.

Xi Haoze was slightly taken aback, "That's really a coincidence."

Suy stood at the entrance, her eyes tightly locked on the figure in the distance.

"Xiaoyi, it's a done deal, everything will never turn around."

Suy took a breath and looked sad, "What did I do wrong?"

In the emotional world, there is no such pure right and wrong, right and wrong.

Su Qian's eyes were full of pain, and she sighed, "Okay, let's go in."

On Monday, Chuwu came to work, and everything was as usual, but when she saw Suy again, she suddenly found that she lost a lot of weight overnight.

During lunch, Wang Chen mentioned going to her house to play, and the two made an appointment to go tomorrow night.

"Is your husband home tomorrow night?"

"No, he's been in the army this week and won't come back."

"Newlyweds, the two places are separated, hey." Wang Chen pretended to sigh.

Chu Wu looked at the silent Su Yi and asked, "Ms. Su, are you free tomorrow night? Why don't you come too? I'll make some side dishes for you to try."

Su Yi's chopsticks were slightly startled, looking at Chu Wu, his gaze changed from bright to dark.

(End of this chapter)

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