Chapter 53

After Xi Haoze came, the old lady relaxed a lot, as expected, a man is indispensable in the family.Chu Wu's attitude towards him was not as cold as before, but also not too enthusiastic.

When Haoyue came, she enjoyed the treatment of sleeping with Chuwu.After the real husband came, he could only hide in that remote hut, which was cold and damp, so desolate.

On New Year's Eve, the first snowfall, according to the customs in the countryside, the old lady used to go up the mountain this afternoon to give lucky money to her wife. Chu Wu couldn't go with her when she was pregnant. As a grandson-in-law, Xi Haoze naturally went to the house in the first year Worship.

Chu Wu stayed at home alone, tidied up the house a bit, and called Han Dequn.Han Dequn visited her years ago and wanted to take her and the old lady back to celebrate the New Year, but the old lady kept silent, and then he gave up.The old lady got in the way of Nan Shumei's affairs, and she had lost contact with them all these years, and everyone had their own persistence.

When Chu Wu heard Han Chen yelling on the phone, the corner of her mouth unconsciously smiled.

"Xiao Wu, a few days ago, when Hao Ze came to the house, he told you all about you. Dad is sorry for you. My daughter has suffered so much. I have nothing to do."

"Dad—" Chu Wu shouted hoarsely, "It's not like this."

"Father doesn't want to say anything more. The notice of house demolition has been issued. Yesterday, your mother and I discussed the plan to rent a house in Jiangbei after the next year. When the time comes, you can come back."

Chu Wu's eye circles were reddish, and her nails kept clasping her palms.

"Your grandma is also getting old. Who will take care of you when the child is born in the future? And there are still two."

What Han Dequn said was the truth, she couldn't hide here for the rest of her life, Chu Wu sniffed, her voice hoarse, "Dad, let me think about it."

Han Dequn sighed deeply, paused, "Xiao Wu, your mother..." He hesitated to speak.


"It's okay, it's okay, just wish me and your grandma a new year." Father Han quickly said on the other end.

Chu Wu felt that Father Han obviously had something to say, and there must be something wrong, since he didn't say anything, he had his reasons, "Okay."

On the evening of the [-]th, the sound of firecrackers in the village continued to crackle.The old lady cooked a table of dishes. She lived alone for so many years. This year, it was rare for her granddaughter and grandson-in-law to accompany her. She was so happy and in a particularly good mood. Xi Haoze accompanied her to drink homemade wine.

When Chu Wu stood up to serve dumplings, Xi Haoze immediately stood up and took the bowl in her hand.After coming here, he has to do everything big and small by himself.Chu Wu refused at first, but he still went his own way, and then she stopped saying anything.

He wanted to make up for it. If these things could make him feel better, why would she not do it.

After the meal, the old lady took out four red envelopes, one for each of Xi Haoze and Chu Wu, and two for the younger ones.Not much money, after all, is a habit.

When Xi Haoze came here, the Xi family also prepared one by one. Chu Wu sat on the sofa and watched the still dull sketch. Xi Haoze sat next to her, watched it for a while, and then took out the gift box from the bag on the side.

"Grandpa and the others asked me to bring this to you." This was her first year as a daughter-in-law, and it was customary for the elders in the family to give her lucky money.The old man was telling her that no matter where she was, she was still the daughter-in-law of the Xi family.

Chu Wu smiled and took it, "It's for the children."

Xi Haoze's eyes paused for a moment, and his face tightened, "I have saved the two children's share, and I will give it to them when they grow up. Your share is at your disposal."

Chu Wu was ashamed, and the two children in her belly probably became agitated when they heard that their father took their New Year's money to protest.

Xi Haoze glanced at the TV and folded his hands, "Time flies, last year I was in the army watching a performance, and then I called you, but you hung up, and when I called again, you turned off the phone." Speaking of This, the corners of his mouth slowly rose.

The memories shared by the two people are really different when they think about it now.

Chu Wu turned her eyes and looked at his profile, "Really? Why don't I remember."

Xi Haoze looked at her slightly rounded chin and was silent for a while, then said softly, "You have changed."

People change, especially after going through so many things.If possible, he hoped that she would remain the same as before.

Chu Wu smiled, "You have changed too, haven't you? Before, you would only threaten me and force me. I hated you at that time, especially when you were still wearing that uniform."

The corners of Xi Haoze's brows relaxed, "What happened next?"

Chu Wu's eyes suddenly opened, and the eyes were bright, "Later—later, I found out that you are actually a jerk."

The corner of Xi Haoze's mouth twitched suddenly, "Chuwu, I just want to say that you have become fat."

Chu Wu was furious and silently climbed onto the bed.

There was a smile on the corner of Xi Haoze's mouth.

Because it was a reunion night, someone thought that the family would naturally be reunited, so he naturally stayed in the room at night, naturally moved his quilt to the bed, and naturally slept on the other side of the first dance.

At night, the sound of firecrackers has been continuous.In the middle of the night, Chu Wu hummed a few times in her sleep.Xi Haoze didn't sleep deeply, and whenever she moved, he would wake up with a start.

"Chu Wu, Chu Wu—" Turn on the light and see that Chu Wu is sweating.

Xi Haoze touched her lower part, but there was no sign of wetness.

"First dance, wake up, wake up."

Chu Wu only knew that her stomach was sore and her lower abdomen was distended and painful, she opened her heavy eyelids in a daze, and saw Xi Haoze looking at her anxiously.

"My stomach hurts." She clasped his hand and gritted her teeth.

Xi Haoze was also a little flustered, he couldn't give birth at this time, it was obviously three weeks before the due date.He quickly put on her clothes.When the old lady heard the movement, she came over wearing a padded jacket. Seeing this scene, she hurriedly stepped forward to have a look, "The amniotic fluid is not broken, why does it hurt so much?"

"Grandma, take care of her. I'll start the car." Xi Haoze's face was serious. After all, he had fallen before this first dance, and he was faintly worried.

"Okay." The old lady nodded hurriedly.

On the way to send Chuwu to the hospital, he hung up on Chen Luxia.

"You send Chu Wu to the county hospital first." Chen Luxia took a breath. She was worried about this before, but now everyone was caught off guard.

The Xi family's life this year is really frightening.

When Xi Haoze sent Chu Wu to the hospital, Chu Wu lay listlessly on the back seat, her lip was bitten by her because of the pain, the old lady was at a loss and could only comfort her.Xi Haoze took her to the hospital, but fortunately, Chen Luxia quickly contacted the doctor at the local hospital, who happened to be the doctor Zheng who examined Chuwu before, and she was a famous obstetrician and gynecologist in the hospital.

Dr. Zheng was watching the Spring Festival Gala at home when she received the call from the dean. The dean's tone was a little anxious and told her to come to the hospital immediately. A special pregnant woman was about to give birth.Unexpectedly, it turned out to be Chu Wu, and after a detailed inspection, "It doesn't matter, there is no sign of birth."

Pressed on Chuwu's stomach, "Don't be nervous, relax slowly, follow me, inhale, exhale." Dr. Zheng gently touched her stomach.

After a long time, the pain finally eased.

"Doctor Zheng, what's going on?"

"Mr. Xi, don't worry, it's okay, the two little guys are naughty. Pay more attention these few days, pay attention to the fact that pregnant women should relax. You should touch her belly more on weekdays, and strengthen the interaction between the baby and the parents."

Xi Haoze breathed a sigh of relief, women's childbirth is indeed more terrifying than the usual devil training.

Chu Wu was tired from being tossed about by the two children, and fell asleep.He hurriedly called Chen Luxia, fearing that his mother was waiting there in a hurry.

Chen Luxia answered the phone and said one last sentence, words that could not be refused, "When her condition is stable, I will bring her back in two days. If you still let her go at this time, then you will not enter Xi's house."

On the morning of leaving City X, the old lady took her hand, and the old man was a little sad, "Go back, and grandma will visit you after the baby is born."

Chu Wu smiled, and didn't force the old lady to go back with her. She knew that grandma was the same person as her, and she was too persistent.

When she returned to her hometown where she had been away for several months, she felt a little fluctuated in her heart when she looked at the scenery outside the window.

She watched quietly, and by the time she realized it, the car had already driven to the alley.

Xi Haoze met her eyes from the rearview mirror, "Dad, they are waiting for you."

She took a deep breath and didn't know how to describe her mood at the moment. She always thought that she was going back to the mansion. After all, Ms. Chen had given an ultimatum, but in this situation, she looked at him suspiciously.Xi Haoze stroked his forehead, "Why do you want to go back to the compound with me?"

Chu Wu glared at him.

Xi Haoze sighed softly, and that sound went straight to her heart. "Chuwu, don't worry, from now on I will only obey the orders of my country and my wife." He said half-jokingly, his dark eyes were actually sincere.

When talking to Xu Yifeng last night, Xu Yifeng said, "Are you not afraid that she will never come back?"

He knew that even if he brought Chu Wu back today, Chu Wu's knot might be difficult to solve. If she was not willing to go back with him for the sake of the child, he would naturally not force him, and he could not let the child become her bondage.

"Will not."

"Are you so sure?" The corner of Xu Yifeng's mouth twitched coldly, women's hearts sometimes became so hard that even these old men were no match for them.

"Yi Feng, why did Meng Xia go away for so many years, and now that you come back, you will pester her. Didn't you hate her very much before?" Xi Haoze cleared his throat, "I think you understand me."

"Damn it, because I'm a cheapie." Xu Yifeng hung up the phone resentfully, his eyes swept to a Barbie doll on the desk, and his eyes were slightly dazed.

Chu Wu didn't know how he persuaded Ms. Chen, and she had no intention of asking.The one who came back rested at home for a few days. When Xi Haoze came home, a blue patch was faintly visible on his chin. Han Chen hated seeing this brother-in-law very much now. When he saw him before, his eyes were full of envy, but now he was full of contempt.

"Sister, he was beaten." Han Chen gloated and whispered to Chu Wu.

Chu Wu hummed, and continued to pack her luggage. Xi Haoze came to pick her up and take her to the hospital. She was about to give birth in two weeks, and her family members asked her to go to the hospital to wait for delivery.Chu Wu was also afraid of another thirty-night situation, so she had to cooperate at this time.

"Sister, I'll carry it for you." Seeing Chu Wu's pale face, Han Chen smiled.

When he came out, Xi Haoze didn't know what he was talking to Father Han. Seeing Chu Wu, Father Han panicked and covered the paper with a box.

Chu Wu glanced slightly, and Xi Haoze came over, ready to take the luggage from Han Chen. Han Chen snorted, "Don't bother you." The resistance in his tone was not concealed.

Li Xiuyun came over and slapped his forehead hard, "Go back to the room and read."

"I'll go with my sister."

"I failed all the exams at the end of the semester, stay at home and read books, and prepare for your make-up exam."

Han Chen went back to his room angrily. When the door slammed down, his voice shook. Li Xiuyun was about to scold him.

"Mom, let's go." Chu Wu said hastily.

Li Xiuyun took her breath away resentfully.

When we arrived at the hospital, the old man, Ms. Chen, and Xi Haoyue all came.Seeing that she was still the same as before, the old man said, "Xiao Wu, you've missed Grandpa badly. When you go back to see your grandma, you don't even think about me as an old man." The clever words naturally overshadowed those things.

"Grandpa, how can there be?" Chu Wu smiled sweetly at him.

"My two little great-grandchildren, Xiao Wu, have worked hard."

Xi Haoyue chuckled, "Grandpa, Xiao Wu should answer serving the people."

The suffocating atmosphere instantly eased.Ms. Chen looked at Chu Wu's appearance, her belly was big and clumsy, except for her belly, other parts of her body were still pitifully thin, the complexion on her face was darker than before leaving, and there were spots under her eyes .She felt a little sad in her eyes. After all the tossing and tossing of being pregnant, it was herself and the child who suffered.

"Xiao Wu, let's go. I have an appointment with Dr. Li from the obstetrics and gynecology department." Chen Luxia took Chu Wu's hand and tugged at the corner of her mouth in relief. The love she had for Chu Wu in the past was real, and it was impossible to do so easily erase.Since some identities cannot be changed, she can only adapt, think about her goodness, and it was never her fault, but she has to pay for other people's mistakes.admit!
Chu Wu turned her head to look at Chen Luxia, feeling uncomfortable, with tears in her eyes, the corners of her mouth twitched, and she called softly, "Mom." This sound was the same as when she called her for the first time last year.

"Hey. Let's go up first."

Dr. Li is Chen Luxia's old classmate, he gave Chuwu a comprehensive examination, and said with a smile, "Old Chen, don't worry."

"How are the adults and the children?" Chen Luxia was still worried, Chuwu's stomach ache that night really scared her who was thousands of miles away, and she hadn't slept well for several nights in a row.

"Everything is fine. These two little guys look good. I'm afraid that the adults will suffer during the delivery." Dr. Li looked at Chu Wu, "Is this going to be cut or born naturally?"



Xi Haoze Chuwu and the two voices sounded at the same time, Xi Haoze said firmly, "Auntie, let's cut it."

Dr. Li was taken aback by Xi Haoze's tough expression, he was stunned for a few seconds, and said, "Your wife is better than you."

"I want to give birth naturally." She knows that giving birth naturally is good for children, but adults will have to suffer more, but she is not afraid of pain, and she can bear it for the sake of children.

Both of them were very persistent, and Ms. Chen made a final decision, "If it can be born naturally, it will be born naturally. If it is impossible, then it will be cut."

(End of this chapter)

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