dear miss jane

Chapter 954

Chapter 954

Jiaxin became even more silent after returning from the hospital, but she was in a bad mood, especially after meeting those reporters.

Why do they know so much about her past?They shouldn't be focusing on Xiang Shi and Xiang Yihang, why are they all here to expose her!
The more Jiaxin thought about it, the more annoyed she became. After venting, she realized that those reporters might have been bribed by others.

If she is made into a disgusting false object, then everything she said may be false, and she will want to pour dirty water on others in order to gain fame!
Hehe, what a great way!What kind of live reports are used to illustrate the credibility of the facts, which is far stronger than the fake content she worked so hard to create before!

So now Xiang Yihang has been washed clean?Are he and Jane Xin safe and sound?Why?Why!

"Have you come to see me, have you come to see me!"

Jiaxin yelled loudly in the room, and the police officer in charge was extremely annoyed. She didn't know how long it would take for a mental patient to stay here. I really hope she can leave sooner!
No one paid any attention to her, Jiaxin squatted on the ground with her head in her arms and was maddened, what should she do now, and who else can help her!

Ji Linlin, Ji Linlin!
Jiaxin thought of the only possibility.

"I want to call, I want to find Ji Linlin! Let her come to see me, let her come!"

Jiaxin shouted hysterically, there was no other way, the police called Ji Linlin after she applied for the approval.

"It's like this, Jiaxin has been clamoring to see you, so if it's convenient for you..."

"No way!"

Ji Linlin coldly refused, why did she want to see Jiaxin, she caused trouble but didn't make much impact, she thought it would cause some waves, but it was a pity that people were always disappointed.

The police passed on Ji Linlin's attitude to Jiaxin, and Jiaxin's last hope was shattered. If she was forced into a desperate situation, she would have to die!
"Officer, I want to report!"

Soon the police came to take notes for her, and Jiaxin had a stern smile on her face, which made people panic.

"What did you say you want to report?"

"Ji Changming abandons the child, it's against the law, go catch him, go catch him!!"

Jiaxin is crazy, she is not doing well, and no one else can be alone!Ji Linlin isn't coming, is it? It doesn't matter, then let Ji Changming come!

The policeman was speechless, so suddenly she started talking nonsense again.

"What I'm saying is true!"

Jiaxin desperately wanted them to be convinced, "You have to believe me, although I have no evidence, but I know he did it! His daughter is Xiang Yihang's wife, Jian Xin, if you don't believe me, you can go and verify, they all know, real!"

"Then tell me, what's going on here?"

The police were waiting for her statement, and Jiaxin spoke according to her own imagination.

"You don't know, they deliberately didn't mention this matter because they didn't want to take responsibility. Abandonment, what a shameful thing, Ji Changming and Zhang Lanxin are so good at face, they wish this matter would not be revealed!"

"Haha, those who don't know have been deceived, all of you have been deceived! His illegitimate daughter is Jane Xin! Haha..."

Jiaxin was extremely proud, and no one could leave aside all these incidents, because she just wanted to watch the excitement, and this time it was enough excitement!

The police looked at Jiaxin, who was a little dazed, and still didn't believe her words. Jiaxin was still filling in her imagination, thinking that what she said were facts that had already happened.

"You can ask if you don't believe me, I guarantee that what I said is the truth, no one will deny it!"

(End of this chapter)

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