dear miss jane

Chapter 956 She Made a Oriole

Chapter 956 She Made a Oriole
Ji Linlin didn't say a word, the reporter looked at her and knew it, no matter what, it was a private matter of a rich family, just like what she said just now, only they themselves knew the truth.

"This matter is not important. This is what I want you to continue to send out. Don't worry, money is not a problem. If it works, I will still be paid!"

The reporter looked at the materials and the thick money that had been prepared and smiled happily. He shook them in his hand and put them in his arms.

"Don't worry, I won't disappoint you."

Looking at the reports on the Internet, Jane Xin was very turbulent. Those words undoubtedly created another big wave for the storm that just went down, and this time the wave was not small!
Who did this again!

Jane can't figure it out, there are too many things about Xiang's recently, it's normal for someone to fish in troubled waters.

How to do?What should I do?
Lin Hao came to Xiang Yihang immediately after receiving the news. The situation developed very quickly. With Jiaxin's enthusiasm before, Xiang's reappeared in everyone's eyes. The recent Xiang's is really not peaceful!
Xiao Xu also saw the same content, and he was worried even under the astonishment, and immediately asked people to investigate the mastermind behind this incident without hesitation.

Xiang Yihang, who came out of the hospital, ran into Lin Hao who was looking for him. After reading the news, his phone calls came in one after another. What should he say when he answered the phone?He doesn't know either, can it be enough to just say that it's not him?Will anyone believe it?Jiaxin's topic was created, and she also won the support of many people as a weak person.

No matter whether he confronts it or obeys the acquiescence, it will be disadvantageous. Let him think about it, what should the company look like at this moment?Those directors who are dissatisfied with him with ulterior motives must be trying to settle accounts with him!

"Husband, what do you think is going on, one after another!"

Li Jie took the newspaper and asked Xiang Qingtian next to her. Jianxin stood in the corridor with the child in her arms and did not pass by. This matter has a lot to do with her. It is true that she is an illegitimate daughter, but they only know half of the truth , but the essence has not changed, she is indeed an abandoned child.

"Stop talking, how uncomfortable Jane Xin will feel when she sees it! Let your son handle this matter well, he won't watch his wife get angry!"

"I know."

Li Jie sighed, "Jane Xin is also a child with a hard life, how can she be with such a father, how does Ji Changming deserve to be a father, look at that Ji Linlin, what she is now, against my sister, I don't trust her at all If she doesn't know, maybe she just wants to fight against Jane Xin."

"Who said no!"

Ji Linlin, who was being discussed, was also reading the newspaper at the moment, and she was very happy when she saw the sentence added by the reporter about illegitimate daughter.

"Miss Ji, according to your wishes, I have sent them out!"

The reporter called, "The thing about the remuneration you mentioned..."

"Hmph, who told you to make up your own mind, how much do you know if Jane Xin is an illegitimate daughter!"


The reporter found a reason to justify, "Didn't I let more people see it, make the news bigger, this is not the result you want, don't worry, Xiang Shi and Xiang Yihang must be in a state of distress now !"

"Then this money..."

The reporter didn't give up, Ji Linlin hated people who were greedy and pretended to be smart, let alone revenge, she didn't even want to listen to the phone anymore!
"Asshole! Get out!"

(End of this chapter)

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