Globe Trekker

Chapter 95 Unscrupulous

Chapter 95 Unscrupulous

"Why are you panicking? Om?! Look at all of you, do you look like a soldier? Is it a knife on your neck or swallowing poison? The enemy is still five kilometers away, and the assembly must not be completed yet, at least three You dare not rush in within an hour, why are you panicking? Ah!?"

Wu Ming's roar frightened the battalion and company commanders in the tent to quickly shut up. Apart from sneaking a glance, none of them dared to look at Wu Ming. The eyes of mourning and joy are terrible.

Seeing that everyone had regained their composure, Wu Ming sat down: "It's [-]:[-] in the morning, that is to say, we still have time to prepare before lunch, and three hours is enough to do a lot of things. Dai Ziran, What initiative to take and how to do it, you can tell.”


Dai Ziran hurriedly stood up, but he didn't expect that when he was joking with Wu Ming, his offensive and defensive fighting spirit would actually be useful. During the two nights of verbal deduction before going to bed, he also ridiculed Wu Ming many times for his unscrupulous methods after being out of skills. It is immoral, and even innocent villagers are used.

"What are you dawdling for? For the general who is not afraid of danger, he will be killed if he is in danger. Every minute of delay will kill someone, don't you know?" Wu Ming's roar sounded again.

Dai Ziran, who was distracted, was taken aback. He blushed and ordered the two staff officers to hold up the map. He stretched out his trembling fingers and began to tell Wu Ming's bad ideas one by one. Take a breath, and finally stunned.

After Dai Ziran finished speaking, he immediately stepped aside, regardless of whether anyone raised any questions, he put all the responsibility on Wu Ming.

Wu Ming glanced around, stood up and walked to the front of the map, ordered the two staff officers to raise the map higher, re-stated the key points of destruction in six directions, and then loudly warned everyone:

"At this juncture of life and death, I will put away any small benevolence, small righteousness and women's views, otherwise not only you will die, but also your brothers will die with you, so I ask you, absolutely obey the order! Can do Are you there?"


"can do it……"

Wu Ming was furious: "Everyone stand up! Tell me loudly, can it be done? If not, I will replace immediately!"


More than a dozen battalion and company commanders yelled in unison, their eyeballs turned red, and the two brothers standing guard outside almost fell to the ground in fright.

Wu Ming nodded in satisfaction: "Lv Kuiyuan stays, and the others will do it right away. Such a simple thing has been done countless times in previous training. If anyone can't do it well, don't blame me for taking care of him! Let's go!"

The battalion and company commanders almost rushed out. Wu Ming signaled the two staff officers to put the map on the ammunition box, and pulled Lu Kuiyuan closer to the map. His fingers slowly slid from Baiguo Village on the map to the southeast, and pointed at Lu Kuiyuan while pointing. Whispering softly in his ear, when Lu Kuiyuan understood, Wu Ming's fingers slowly moved from the southeast mountain depression to the northeast East Pass, and finally stopped at the south of the East Pass.

Lu Kuiyuan slowly raised his head, looked at the calm-faced elder brother in shock, and suddenly felt an unprecedented pride in his heart:

"I only need two blasters from the engineering company, and the brothers from the assault second platoon, that's enough! The point is, the last blast may expose the target."

Wu Ming nodded: "Be careful enough, I am very relieved, the final explosion is scheduled for [-] o'clock in the evening, I will try to use all the remaining explosives, if there is not enough, I will use cluster grenades to create large explosions in at least five directions around the village. Explosion, the Red Army has no talent in this area, and it will definitely not be able to see through our attempt..."

"As soon as it gets dark, we will start to retreat in batches. Even if we are discovered, we can still occupy Dongshanling. At most, we will wait for someone to rescue us. Even if the Red Army has artillery, they can't do anything to us. Only three machine guns are needed to seal everyone. You are most familiar with the three mountain paths that are almost in the same direction for the attacking mountain path, and you can only walk by one person, no matter how many times you come, it is not enough to be a target."

Now Lu Kuiyuan was completely relieved, stood up and saluted silently, then turned around without hesitation and strode away.

# # # # # #
Wu Ming's guess was quite accurate. The Fourth Independent Division was attacked by the reconnaissance team of Wu Ming's regiment along the way. The thigh of the reconnaissance company commander was exposed by the dark whistle, and dozens of reconnaissance warriors finally didn't even know where the enemy was sniping.

The advancing Red Army was frequently harassed and couldn't find the enemy's hiding place. They had to send additional search teams on both wings to move forward cautiously, which seriously slowed down the marching speed. When the four regiments arrived at their predetermined positions, it was already past one o'clock at noon. .

The two regiment staff officers who followed the Independent Fourth Division to supervise the battle were greatly shocked. Now they finally saw the insidiousness and cunning of the Wu Ming regiment of the Zhejiang Army, and saw the true level of scouts of the Wu Ming regiment.

The main regiments who arrived at the predetermined position had just stopped to eat when they heard earth-shattering explosions in front of them, and they all stood up in fright and raised their guns to prepare for the battle.

After the series of violent explosions, there was no sound at all, and soon a few sporadic gunshots were heard from all directions, and then fell silent again.

Guo Tianming, the division commander who personally led the reserve regiment in charge of encircling the South Road, was in a hurry. From the thick smoke rising high, he recognized that big explosions had occurred in the east, southeast, west, and northwest directions of Mao Pailing. The shock and the soaring smoke were definitely not caused by shells or grenades, and it can be judged that the enemy definitely did it.

However, there are mountains between the main forces of the various groups. Although the straight-line distance is less than three kilometers, it is impossible to contact them in time without radio stations. I didn't know the more anxious I was, but I didn't dare to advance rashly, fearing that the enemy who had been spying secretly would take advantage of it.

Half an hour later, political commissar Xie Weijun, who was drenched all over his body, ran from the southeast, and when he saw Guo Tianming, he was so angry that he cursed:

"The enemy is very treacherous and cruel. They even blew up a large area of ​​the river bank at the southern corner of Dongshanling. The ten-meter-long riverside road that people could walk on was completely destroyed. If you want to go there, you have to turn around. From the shallow water three kilometers upstream It is only possible to wade across the water to the opposite bank, but in this way, not to mention the time-consuming, the entire marching team will be exposed to the attacks of the enemies in Baiguo Village, and they will not be able to use the favorable terrain at the southwestern foot of Baiguo Village as planned."

Guo Tianming was taken aback, and finally understood what the big explosions in all directions meant, and said anxiously:
"I'm afraid the third regiment that is outflanking the northwest of the village is also in big trouble... The terrain is about the same three miles from the entrance of the northwest village. As long as you blow up the path dug out in the middle of the mountain, you will be [-] meters deep below. Shenjian, there is no way to get through it!"

Chen Feng, a staff officer in his 30s, quickly asked: "Why would the enemy do this? Don't they know that doing this also trapped themselves to death?"

Guo Tianming explained patiently: "I also have the same question in my heart, but I am very clear about one thing. The enemy we are facing is very unusual, and we must not judge them by ordinary thinking. Don't say anything else, just say Right now, the 41st Regiment, which is in charge of our east side, will definitely not be able to move forward, and some people must be left to guard there to prevent the enemy from slipping out from there, or coming around behind us through that place, and the 41st Regiment has only two options, One is to quickly retreat three kilometers and venture forward after crossing the river, and the other is to join forces with us and use the superior force to slowly press forward."

Chen Feng thought for a while and asked again: "Why do you have to retreat three kilometers before crossing the river? Can't you just swim across the river? The river is deep and wide?"

Xie Weijun quickly explained: "The width is not wide, only about ten meters, and the narrowest point is only six or seven meters, but it is indeed very deep. Our soldiers are all fully armed and cannot jump over it! It would be too dangerous to risk crossing the river. The river itself is very turbulent, and there were two heavy rains just a few days ago, and the mountain torrents came down, and the water was so fierce that we couldn't even stand firmly, let alone cross the river with weight...Moreover, most of our soldiers can't swim. "

"Can't we make bamboo rafts?"

Chen Feng proposed another possibility.

Xie Weijun was very helpless: "The whole area is that strange place. There are no bamboos growing on both sides of the river, and the trees are all on the mountains. If they are cut down, they will not float up if they are heavy!"

Chen Feng was speechless, as if he was talking to himself, he muttered: "It's really evil, could it be that the enemy has figured out such a detailed situation... No, it's absolutely impossible, they've only been stationed for a few days..."

"Old Chen, don't tell me, maybe that's the case. You have seen the map we seized. It was drawn by Wu Mingtuan himself. It can be clearly seen from the map that they are very familiar with the terrain ten kilometers around. We need to get acquainted with each other." Guo Tianming put forward his own opinion.

Seeing Xie Weijun and the others nodding, Chen Feng felt incredible: "Speaking of which, isn't this Wu Ming regiment a formidable enemy we have never met before?"

Guo Tianming did not speak, shook his head and took out his binoculars to observe the movement of the mountain in front of him. Xie Weijun knew what Guo Tianming meant, and he was unwilling to talk more with this military scholar who was keen on talking about wars on paper. Unnecessary trouble, Xie Weijun had no choice but to pull him aside, open the map and analyze it in detail.

In the end, Chen Feng opened his mouth wide: "It's so difficult for six main regiments to fight against a regiment of Chiang's bandit army who is not full. Who will believe it?"

 Today, I had an MRI examination. The child's cervical spine was damaged. The emperor was very worried. I hope there will be no sequelae!

(End of this chapter)

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