LOL chief designer

Chapter 102 If he betrays you, I will slaughter him all over the house!

Chapter 102 If he betrays you, I will slaughter him all over the house! (322)

Seeing this, the audience also got tangled up.

At that time, on the battlefield, if Katerina meets Galen, no matter which side wins or which side loses, it is not what the audience wants to see.

The more complicated the dispute is, the more it tortures the temper of the audience, and it is also the most attractive to watch.

Soon, the war that the audience was looking forward to came.

In the picture, the armies of the two forces collided in a wide area that was cut down, as if two torrents of steel were colliding. From a distance, it was extremely spectacular.

The camera quickly showed the heroic Galen. With a wave of Galen's sword, several Noxus soldiers were about to be shot flying.

"My good daughter, the leader of the Fearless Pioneer Legion, you go and deal with it." Duke Cao recognized Katerina's existence again after knowing that Katerina had perfectly completed the mission and came back. The order of the next task.

Katerina hesitated a little and walked out.

She was afraid that her father would see the problem, so she could only stand out reluctantly, and then sneaked in the direction of Galen.

Katarina quietly hid behind a charging Noxus soldier, and after Galen chopped off the soldier in front, Katarina immediately attacked Galen.

Galen could have dodged the blow, but when he saw Katerina's face, he was obviously taken aback.

Katerina's face darkened, and she secretly slowed down the speed of swinging the dagger, giving Galen enough time to react.

Soon, the two got into a fight.


Galen couldn't help asking during the fight.

Katerina didn't respond, just kept attacking with a cold face.

Soon, after a fierce fight, the two sides withdrew their troops and waited to fight again in the future.

Katerina and Galen also left with a sense of relief.

Although the two are already equal in strength, it is normal for them to be tied.

But the two of them were still a little guilty, afraid of being seen by others, so when Ming Jin withdrew his troops, they both breathed a sigh of relief.

Originally, this battle could continue for a while, but a sudden upheaval turned the tide of the battle.

Swain launched a long-planned rebellion, killed Emperor Darkwill, formed the Trifarian Council, and shocked the ruling and opposition parties.

Even Duke Kao couldn't avoid falling into the whirlpool, he was from Darkville.

So Duke Kao had to terminate the offensive of the war and retreated to defend.

Then he sent his daughter Katrina to assassinate Swain.

He also asked his youngest daughter, Cassiopeia, to contact the forces in the Black Rose. After Swain died, he would immediately support the new emperor to ascend the throne. Then their Duke Kao family would be servants of the dragon!

However, will the situation really tilt in the way he believes?
At this time, in a dark conference room, a dignified and elegant woman sat at the head. She casually manipulated the black scepter in her hand and listened to her subordinates report the situation.

"That's what my dad made me do!"

The person sitting at the head is naturally the leader behind the Black Rose - LeBlanc. It is said that no one can guess where her real body is, and she will always walk on the bright side with her avatar.

And the one who spoke was Cassiopeia, Duke Kao's good daughter who thought he was obedient, but she didn't know that the other party had already taken refuge in LeBlanc.

"I see, I have something for you to do here."

"Leader, please speak!" Cassiopeia's eyes showed fanaticism. In her eyes, this mysterious leader is the Almighty Lord.

"Deep in the Shurima Desert, there is an ancient city hidden. I need you to find it. Here is the map!"


This video is actually superfluous, mainly because Sun Junyue wanted to explain the easter eggs left over from the Shurima CG video, so he filled it in here.

But what Sun Junyue didn't expect was that the audience's reaction was very intense. This feeling of filling in eggs is similar to the feeling of filling in Easter eggs in Avengers.

This kind of integration and unity of the plot, and the feeling that multiple videos are related to each other, greatly satisfied the audience's desire to find out.

Moreover, digging and filling holes will also make him, a video producer, feel particularly comfortable and have a special sense of accomplishment.

Cassiopeia's side is completely unreliable, and then the plot turns to Katerina's assassination of Swain.

After many days of trekking, Katerina finally came to this imperial capital like a steel giant.

After bypassing countless elite troops on duty and climbing a magnificent castle, Katerina finally sneaked into Swain's study on the top of the castle.

However, to her surprise, as soon as she looked up, she found Swain standing on the balcony.

But it was too late for Katrina to shrink her head now, because Swain had already looked at her.

If you don't sleep in the middle of the night, it's impossible to watch the stars on the balcony, right?
So Katerina knew immediately that she had been exposed long ago.

The other party was probably waiting for her on purpose.

Katerina was about to make a move, but was stopped by the opponent.

Katerina stopped hesitantly, not because she was really obedient, but because her sixth sense told her that Swain had a terrifying and dark power that could easily crush her.

It was precisely because she was afraid of this power that she hesitated to stop her movements.

"Are you loyal to Noxus or Darkville?"

Swain's question made Katerina frown.

"I am the new will of Noxus, and I will lead Noxus to new glory!"

"The more they try to kill me, the more they prove that my path is correct."

Swain looked at Katerina, those bottomless eyes made Katerina's scalp go numb.

Katerina left without saying a word. When she saw Swain for the first time, she knew that he was the most suitable leader of Noxus.

And Katerina also knew that doing it herself would only cost her life in vain, and the other party controlled a magic power that she could not resist at all.

So Katrina retreated!

After another long journey, Katerina returned home, but learned from other people that the Dukecao family's house was ransacked because they were suspected of treason.

And her father and sister are missing.

Just when she was at a loss, a person found her.

That night, Katerina was horrified when she saw Tyrone in tatters and wounds.

Katerina immediately found a doctor for him to treat him, and finally saved Tyrone's life.

The news that Tai Long told her made her fall into another shock.

Tyrone killed all the insiders of the incident in Recovery City, and chased Wu Liuqi thousands of miles away. Except for him, no one knew that Katerina liked Galen anymore.

"Go, go find him!" Tai Long said with a smile on the hospital bed.

Tai Long knew that he had no chance, so he couldn't let Junior Sister spend the rest of her life in pain.

He will handle everything, you, go find him!

"If he betrays you, I'll slaughter his whole family!"

Although Tyrone was seriously injured and lacked confidence, Katerina absolutely believed in the truth of this sentence.

Because he is the Shadow of the Blade - Talon.

"Thank you."

After the curtain ended with a thank you, Katerina subconsciously looked towards the north.

 Various demands
(End of this chapter)

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