LOL chief designer

Chapter 104 Halloween Chapter, Carnival to the End!

Chapter 104 Halloween, Carnival Ends! (seeking tickets)

"Is it gone?" Even Sun Junyue felt a little lost after watching it, and he forgot that the plot ended here.

Afterwards, Sun Junyue clicked into the comment area, gave the show a five-star rating with a sly smile, and then typed and commented: "It's so good, I never thought that the animation short drama made by the big god brother can be so good, I strongly recommend it to everyone !"

Bai Xiaoyu on the side was also blinded by Sun Junyue's operation.

In the past few days of contact, she has discovered that Sun Junyue is a sand sculpture youth who hides a funny soul.

"Why are you staring blankly, give me a five-star review!" Sun Junyue said to Bai Xiaoyu, who was in a daze.

Bai Xiaoyu: ... (I have never seen such a brazen person!)

"I'm going to the Imperial Capital in a few days, will you accompany me?" Sun Junyue turned to Bai Xiaoyu and asked.

"Why are you going to the Imperial Capital!" Bai Xiaoyu was a little puzzled.

"Busy, designing a New Year's Eve short film and filming a new year's League of Legends trailer. I, the chief designer, is the protagonist and must be present." Sun Junyue cried aggrievedly.

"The final exam is coming soon, and I still have to review! I can't compare to you, a top student, so go alone!"


Sun Junyue yelled in disappointment, he thought there would be a beautiful woman to accompany him on this trip.

In the end, Bai Xiaoyu still didn't agree. After all, Sun Junyue was busy and didn't have time to accompany her, so she might as well review her homework more!
A few days later, in the animation design class, Sun Junyue submitted the homework as the team leader, and naturally got No.1, got a lot of credit rewards, and his usual grades probably increased a lot.

This is a showdown without suspense.

In just a few days on Tencent Video, Katrina's animation short drama rushed to the third place in the hot search list, and the second place in the animation list.

Moreover, the popularity continues to rise, and there is a possibility of overthrowing the first and second at any time.

I have to say that the fans of League of Legends in this world are too crazy. Just one episode of the anime suddenly made them popular.

This is a very strange thing that Sun Junyue discovered after coming to the parallel world.

The e-sports circle in this world is not excluded by the entertainment circle, but has a very high status.

Moreover, the love of the people of this country for e-sports is also very high. Not to mention that the whole people love e-sports, but at least everyone knows more or less about the e-sports circle.

This is where the unique charm of this country lies. I have to say that there are too many benefits to entering the e-sports circle in this world. At least you won't be regarded as something different by your neighbors, but you will admire them very much.

As for Tiandou Continent, which is the number one searched list, and Kuafeng Nian, which is the second most searched list, Sun Junyue believes that it will be a matter of time before they surpass them.

However, there is only one episode of Katerina's animation short drama, and the popularity comes and goes quickly. Sun Junyue probably won't be popular for too long.

After the heat reaches the extreme, it will start to call back.

Sun Junyue and Tencent Video also signed a buyout agreement, with a buyout price of 100 million, because Sun Junyue understands that even if the share is divided, he will not make much money. If there are more episodes, he can consider signing the share.

Since having a girlfriend, Sun Junyue's life has become much more interesting, while the old Xu on the upper bunk has become much more lonely.

Since he was abandoned by Sun Junyue, he often complained in Sun Junyue's ear, which made Sun Junyue feel a little bit unbearable, so in the new issue of "Xu Dawang Comes to Patrol the Mountain", he appeared again and chatted casually Two sentences, it should be regarded as compensation.

And the potential of Katerina's animation short drama did not disappoint Sun Junyue. It directly rushed to the top of Tencent's video search list, making countless animation directors and TV drama directors feel ashamed.

They seem to have seen that a shining star will rise in the director's world and shine in all directions.

On the night of December 23rd, this night is destined to be extraordinary!

Sun Junyue had already arrived at the Imperial Capital at this time, in the staff apartment of the Tencent designer, waiting for the update of the League of Legends, waiting for the new skin, and waiting for the arrival of the new hero!

It is clearly early in the morning, but there are countless people sitting in front of the computer, waiting for the moment of zero.

This scene not only happened at home, but also abroad.

On the live broadcast platforms in Europe, America, Korea and other regions, many League of Legends anchors are joking in front of the camera, waiting for the update of the Chinese server, and then cross-server to try a new wave in advance.

Even in the Shark Fighting Faker live broadcast room, Faker is also waiting quietly. What he is waiting for is a new hero, and he has no feeling for skins.

He just wants to know how much impact the new hero will have on the meta.

He is old, and he has become more and more powerless to play games in recent years.

But the arrival of the big brother has muddied the League of Legends arena. Many club coaches and analysts have been studying new routines and dirty routines day and night, and analyzing various new styles of play, making full preparations for the spring game.

There are also many experienced league veterans gearing up, wanting to tell the newcomers that they are not old yet, and that the League of Legends has not changed hands yet!

The test server is opened at zero o'clock, and the test server is full of heroes and skins. The carnival tonight is destined to last until dawn.

In the live broadcast room, Faker downloaded the test server as quickly as possible, entered the account password, and was just about to log in but was attracted by the picture on the login interface.

The first thing I entered was a weird village. With the sound of music, it made people feel a little scalp numb.

Then the camera showed a black and blue lamp post, and a dark blue will-o'-the-wisp glowed in the lampshade.

The audience suddenly noticed that under the dim light, there was a blue-gray figure leaning against the lamp post.

When the other party turned his head, the blue eyes directly startled the audience in the live broadcast room, but the audience who reacted quickly exclaimed.

"Isn't this Brother Monkey?"

"Brother Hou finally has a skin, long live Tencent!"

"My mother, this looks too handsome!"

In the exclamation of the barrage, the video advances quickly. After all, this is just a short video about skin introduction.

Then, in the passing pumpkin field, a pumpkin suddenly shook, and then a skinny figure jumped out. It was the Scarecrow Frederick who had appeared a long time ago.

Then, on a tower in the village, a catwoman who can make people's blood spurt is looking at the screen with teary eyes. I don't know how many male players can't help swallowing at this moment.

The ultimate temptation comes from Katerina!

Then, in a wooden house, a gothic loli dressed in black suddenly appeared in front of the camera. Finally, everyone could see that Brand, who was burning with green will-o'-the-wisps, was adding fire to the stove sitting by the stove.

It was such a weird little video, so many viewers resisted the urge to click to enter the game, and slowly finished watching the video.

Even Faker, the original skin maniac, couldn't help smacking his lips and praised: "These skins are really good."

In this way, some players entered the game.

Not to be outdone, Sun Junyue quickly entered the test server, ready to start to dominate the world!
 Guaranteed two chapters have been coded, and I will cook something later and prepare to stay up late to open the code. I suggest that you don’t stay up all night and read the new chapter tomorrow morning (humble ticket.)
(End of this chapter)

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