LOL chief designer

Chapter 110 Gradually encroaching, the situation gradually stabilized

Chapter 110 Gradually encroaching, the situation gradually stabilized (seeking tickets)

Sun Junyue's full attention was also on this axe, as long as he was hit, he would definitely be hacked to death by Olaf who was chasing him.

The hero Olaf is really annoying!
Sun Junyue made such a sigh of emotion.

Not only him, but the others in the water spring also frowned, feeling a little bad.

Originally, they played this wave perfectly, but LWX died suddenly without any output.

This is simply the perfect rhythm to start a group.

As a result, such a perfect rhythm was unexpectedly broken by an uncontrollable reckless man.

Just like his line "I chop, I chop, I chop again!"

The hero Olaf is not difficult to operate, it just needs a good eye to know who to target when charging!

An uncontrollable mad dog targeting a person purposefully is very terrifying.

No matter who is being targeted by this thing, it will be a headache.

The reason why the situation has become like this is because the first wave of output from the blue side was completely eaten up by LWX, and when Olaf appeared on the stage, there was no way to kill him with concentrated fire.

And there is no way to kill Olaf in seconds. With Olaf's passive presence, beating and maiming the opponent is actually helping the evil.

There is deceleration, acceleration, attack speed, lifesteal, and the most important thing is that this thing still has some flesh.

iboy was very desperate when he died, and Qijiang was the same. The thick pigskin was just a few more axes to resist.

But fortunately, when facing Sun Junyue and theshy, the effect of Olaf's ultimate move has passed, and the blood volume has been consumed by theshy a lot.

After Sun Junyue slowed down Olaf with sand soldiers, Olaf kept a short distance from Sun Junyue.

Even at this short distance, brother Gongzi's face turned red even when he was holding back.

At this time, Sun Junyue looked at the big ax that was shining coldly in the air, and moved around deftly.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the blue side breathed a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, as soon as Sun Junyue stepped into the long grass on the middle road and down the river, he immediately turned around and fought back.

Summoning sand soldiers, a Q skill slammed on Olaf.

The blood bar that decelerated and lost made Gong Zi's heart sink.

This time he was reckless.

Originally, he could stop at the end and withdraw after getting four kills.

But he was greedy, greedy for the five kills, and he bet that Sun Junyue would not have time to react to the throwing axe.

It's a pity that the facts gave him a heavy punch, and the opponent was not an old man, and Sun Junyue still saw through this throwing ax that had been planned for a long time.

With 1000 yuan in his pocket, plus the heads of doinb and Xiaotian before, this wave of Sun Junyue has taken off.

Of course, it was too late to fight the dragon at this time. The greedy Sun Junyue took advantage of the pawn line and ate a layer of tapi in the middle before returning home.

After returning home, a stable banshee came out, and Sun Junyue was afraid that after his head was worth a lot of money, some young people would miss him.

In fact, it is true. The real eyes that Xiaotian originally bought were intended to stay in the middle lane for vision, but when he saw the shiny banshee bra on Sun Junyue's body, he instantly lost interest in catching them.

The Tsar has long hands, and it is not easy for Phoenix to meet the Tsar.

So as long as Sun Junyue didn't take the initiative to die, it would be difficult to break the banshee. In this case, it would not be easy for the scorpion to get close to the czar, especially if there was no flash.

The middle and lower lanes are at a disadvantage. Although FPX did not lose too many team battles in the upper wave, but now all the heads are concentrated on Olaf who is on the top lane. This is not good news for a team with the core of Nakanosuke .

So after thinking about it, all FPX staff had to give up this fire dragon.

Because if they compete, a large wave of soldiers will be lost in the middle and lower lanes, and the Tsar and the Bottom Snake have always made moves to rely on the dragon pit, which makes FPX have no desire to compete for the dragon.

Anyway, as long as it's not a dragon soul, everything is negotiable!

In order to stop the loss, Xiaotian ran directly to the canyon pioneer after going out, and with the help of Tianhu Olaf, he successfully won the first canyon pioneer.

The price paid was that the crocodile comfortably made up two waves of soldiers.

theshy just took a head and a bunch of assists in the team battle, which increased a lot of economy.

But Olaf's economy is higher, bloody hands have come out, and there is a stopwatch, he is so rich, he is almost as fat as Sun Junyue.

One gets rich by first blood and four kills, and the other by bounty, robbing the rich and helping the poor, both have money and silver.

After all, a man is not rich without windfall, and a horse is not fat without night grass. This is the truth.

The two heroes, Pig Girl and Scorpion, are doomed not to develop steadily.

None of them are developmental junglers, and their skill mechanisms are destined to allow them to take the rhythm.

This is also the reason why Qijiang thought for the first time that these two new heroes would shine in the arena.

Once this kind of rhythm hero falls into the hands of a jungler who can play, it is simply a nightmare for the enemy team.

Xiaotian caught it, military training theshy.

Once the scorpion tail chain was controlled, theshy couldn't move, and could only be beaten passively.

Moreover, the scorpion is also fleshy now, and it is easy to take damage from the defense tower.

Gongzige Olaf's injury was also unreasonable, chasing and hacking theshy to death.

The bullet screen felt sorry for theshy, it was so pitiful.

And Qijiang is caught.

If you catch it, then I will catch it and raise each other's fathers to see whose father is stronger in the back.

At this time, LWX is also very desperate under the tower.

Qijiang directly and blatantly went around to the position between the first tower and the second tower of the enemy's bot lane, and let the iboy line advance to the tower, and immediately attacked LWX.

LWX cleverly gave iboy his big move, freezing the opponent's strongest output point and gaining a little time.

Liu Qingsong also threw out the ice prison and froze Qijiang.

However, because no one has ever beaten LWX and Liu Qingsong, the defensive towers are still attacking the blue side's minions.

The control was over soon, and Qijiang's thick pigskin lost a small layer of blood.

The recovered iboy also started to output like a storm immediately.

There are two meats standing firmly in front of him, so don't be too comfortable!
Moreover, the damage of the hero Snake Girl is inexplicably high. The E skill is like a machine gun, and it hurts to press it.

Both the FPX bottom lane duo died tragically, and the bottom lane tower and wild area also fell.

FPX is betting now, betting on the later stage!

Doinb in the middle can still be stable, the hero Phoenix, unless the dragon is buffed or forcibly demolished, otherwise he is really a small expert at defending the line.

And the Gongzi brother on the road alone, theshy can't beat it, so it will greatly restrain the blue team's strength.

When the shy tower can't stay anymore, the blue side is really held back.

But in this case, theshy will not let him happen.

So the situation is still moving towards FPX a little bit.

The blue side goes up and down the lane and changes lanes, the crocodile goes down the lane, and Snake Girl and passers-by assist to go up the road and then dismantle.

Don't underestimate this wave of line changes, it is this wave of line changes, if there are no major mistakes, the second canyon pioneer can be said to be in the pocket of the blue side.

In this way, the time came to 10 minutes, and the third earth dragon, FPX, was also released here. I decided to wait for the two-piece suit for all members, and go shopping with the blue side in Dalongkeng.

If you play well to recover the disadvantages, if you can't play well, you can change a few more players from the blue team. It is best to kill the jungler and iboy, so that the blue team will not be happy to fight Baron later.

And that's exactly how the script developed!

 Humble begging for votes

(End of this chapter)

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