LOL chief designer

Chapter 120 The Face of the Closed Moon

Chapter 120 The Face of the Closed Moon (Ticket Request)
The next day, Sun Junyue slept until noon, and when he woke up, the docile 'kitten' in his arms had quietly left.

Sun Junyue smelled the faint lingering fragrance in the air, turned over and squinted for a while, and then Shi Shiran climbed out of bed.


After a comfortable laziness, Sun Junyue rubbed his confused eye circles, and picked up the phone on the table.

Turning on the screensaver, the first thing I saw was the message Bai Xiaoyu had left for him.

Bai Xiaoyu: Lazy pig, I'm going back to study first, you wake up later, come to the school library to find me!
Bai Xiaoyu: It's noon, lazy pig, are you still awake?

After Sun Junyue saw the news, he immediately replied with an emoji of waking up.

The little white cat in the emoji is so cute with its short legs.

Soon, Bai Xiaoyu replied the message.

Bai Xiaoyu: You're finally awake, I'm at Hefengguli in the school's food street, come quickly!
Sun Junyue immediately asked Bai Xiaoyu to order a curry fried chicken rice for him, and then went to the bathroom to wash up before going to school for lunch.

On the way back to school, Sun Junyue put on a mask habitually.

As League of Legends became popular again, his popularity quickly spread across the country.

But now it is still limited to the e-sports circle and some players who like League of Legends.

As for the others, they would only find Sun Junyue somewhat familiar.

Because Sun Junyue's live video is often posted on the Internet.

Whatever Douyin, what QQ highlights, he will always appear.

As time goes by, everyone will feel that Sun Junyue looks familiar.

Moreover, Sun Junyue's good looks successfully attracted a large number of fans, and he set up a support fan group in private.

It seems to be called Shrimp Rice Vermicelli Group. The reason is that Sun Junyue is beautiful and delicious, and he is very good with rice.

Sun Junyue took it as a compliment for his handsomeness. Although these two words symbolized derogatory terms in LOL, they just wanted to be happy. As long as the audience in the live broadcast room knew what Sun Junyue was capable of.

In fact, Sun Junyue originally wanted to see how the quality of the girls in his fan club was.

As a result, when testing Bai Xiaoyu's tone, he almost didn't come back alive.

Sure enough, the woman became jealous, and even Jesus couldn't stop her!

So, Sun Junyue was heartbroken and rejected the invitation from the leader of the shrimp rice fan group, a very beautiful girl, and did not join his fan group.

He also has several live broadcast fan groups, called Dashenge fan groups, basically limited to 2000 people, but Sun Junyue has never managed it, so he set up a few administrators who have seen it carefully, and there are very few at ordinary times Talk to the fanbase.

Let's just keep the sense of mystery that an idol should have. The main reason is that Sun Junyue doesn't know what to say, so he organizes at most two water friends matches.

Soon, Sun Junyue arrived at the school gate.

But the school is the most dangerous place!
Originally, Sun Junyue could still eat and go to class normally at school, but as his fame grew, more and more little fans surrounded him.

Sun Junyue also participated in a speech held by the school before, saying that it was for everyone to pay their respects to the superstars of the school.

As a result, all of a sudden, everyone in the school knew about Sun Junyue's existence.

In fact, there are still a large number of people who are not fans of Sun Junyue, but are just curious about Sun Junyue's existence, so wherever Sun Junyue appears, they will form a circle, making it difficult for Sun Junyue to move an inch.

Since then, Sun Junyue seldom showed his true face in school, wearing a mask all the time.

Coming to Hefenggu, Sun Junyue quickly found Bai Xiaoyu in a small corner on the second floor.

Now is the time to eat, so it is a bit hot in Hefeng Valley.

During the time Sun Junyue stopped, two boys approached Bai Xiaoyu and asked her if there was any space at this table.

Unfortunately, Bai Xiaoyu already had Sun Junyue, so he naturally rejected both of them.

The two boys didn't seem to give up, but at this moment Sun Junyue stepped forward.

"Brother, give up my seat!"

As soon as Sun Junyue appeared, Bai Xiaoyu immediately stared into his eyes, and exclaimed with joy: "Husband, you are here!"

"Yeah." As soon as Sun Junyue sat down, the two boys left desperately.

Sun Junyue took off his mask to eat, and was quickly recognized by a small group of people nearby.

However, the location Bai Xiaoyu chose was remote enough, and the brothers around him didn't intend to expose Sun Junyue, so Sun Junyue ate the meal with peace of mind.

"Honey, I'm going to go back and take a nap, I was exhausted last night!"

"What about you?"

Bai Xiaoyu asked.

"I'm going to the studio." Sun Junyue said immediately.

"What else do you want to draw?"

Bai Xiaoyu blinked curiously.

Sun Junyue stared at Bai Xiaoyu intently, and then said slowly: "Secret!"

"Cut, let's forget about it, then I'll go!"

"Well, let's go together, I'll take you back to the dormitory."

When they got downstairs in Bai Xiaoyu's dormitory, Sun Junyue asked for a loving kiss, and then let Bai Xiaoyu go.


Sun Junyue went back to the dormitory to get the drawing board and materials first, and then set off for the studio.

What will he draw this time?

In fact, what he drew this time was not a hero, but a skin, a skin given to Bai Xiaoyu.

Bai Xiaoyu played Katrina in League of Legends, so this skin is naturally Katrina's too.

It has to be said that since Katerina came out, she has been very popular with League of Legends players, and her skin sales are also high.

So Mr. Ma would naturally not refuse Sun Junyue's conscious move.

The skin Sun Junyue chose is Diao Chan!

This skin was very expensive in the previous life, but not very affordable.

To be honest, Sun Junyue felt that Diao Chan's skin was far less easy to use than Yuan Jihua.

But in this life, Sun Junyue is in charge, so he can modify the original painting and add some gorgeous special effects, trying to make this skin worthy of its price.

Of course, it is impossible to reduce the price. His wife's skin, Sun Junyue did not increase the price, it would be good.

No, it has to be limited!

It is necessary to add some words on the skin, so that it can be worthy of the identity of his chief designer girlfriend.

But what to add, he still has to think carefully.

Soon, Sun Junyue drew the face of the closed moon - Diao Chan.

The modified face of the closed moon——Diao Chan, I don’t know how many times it looks better.

Although the slight scars on the corners of Katerina's eyes remained, they were covered up by Sun Junyue with a veil.

So basically you can't see where the scars are.

Then it was Diao Chan's graceful figure and hazy appearance that made Sun Junyue, the original artist, swallow her saliva.

So beautiful, so beautiful!
Sun Junyue immediately took a photo and sent it to Mr. Ma. After obtaining Mr. Ma's consent, he sent it to the brothers in the designer department to let them design the skin model as soon as possible.

As for the dubbing lines when Diao Chan and Lu Bu met, as well as the handwriting on the skin, Sun Junyue thought about it later and sent it to the designer brothers.

After finishing all this, Sun Junyue took the drawing board and left the studio.

He was about to get someone to frame the painting as a token of his love for Bai Xiaoyu.

He wanted to give Bai Xiaoyu a big surprise!

 Chatting with a friend, missed the time, sorry!

(End of this chapter)

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