LOL chief designer

Chapter 122 Invite 3 people to be responsible

Chapter 122 Invite Three Leaders

"Old Sun, I have already searched for three or four places for the next semester's house, do you have time to take a look later?"

At this time, Lao Xu, who was on the upper bunk, heard a voice.

"How about the location and the price? What is the apartment type?" Sun Junyue asked immediately after hearing it.

"There is a lot of money and land near the school. There is only one relatively popular student apartment, but there are so many people and noisy, so I lost the pass."

"The four places I chose are not very close to the school. They are small villas. The places are big and the locations are good. The price is definitely affordable for both of us!"

The reason why Lao Xu is so concerned about this matter is because he met a girl who was chasing him the day before the exam.

That girl Sun Junyue has also met, she is a very quiet, very temperamental girl, at first she didn't like a salty young man like Lao Xu.

But Lao Xu hasn't started chasing him yet, so how could he give up?
In order to chase this girl, he not only accompanied her to the library every day (he was always looking at her, but did not study hard), but also learned to take care of himself, changed his rough image, and became much gentler.

Even Sun Junyue occasionally scolds "hypocrisy"!
Gouzi, you have changed!

You are no longer that salted fish old Xu!
I still remember that I was called out by Lao Xu for two drinks a few days ago. It turned out that Lao Xu deleted all the QQ accounts and WeChat of Meimei, and some groups with intentions were also deleted.

Sun Junyue was filled with emotion immediately,
Is this the power of love?
After drinking too much and chatting, I realized that this was one of the requests made by the girl, and Lao Xu was actually very reluctant.

But for the sake of his sister, Lao Xu also fought hard.

At the beginning, Lao Xu really didn't take it too seriously, but after a few days of chasing him, Lao Xu really paid attention, and his whole spirit changed.

In the end, Lao Xu got what he wanted, but it also came with a one-month probationary period.

If the test fails, the two will eventually break up.

In order to quickly increase the goodwill between the two of them, Lao Xu thought about renting a house. Before the holiday, he quickly made more strategies, lest when the one-month deadline came, Lao Xu had not yet reached the standard.

"Okay, call Xiaoyue later, let's go out to have a meal, and we can talk about the house after dinner." Sun Junyue agreed.

"Okay!" Old Xu was overjoyed.

The two of them took the department exam early, and Xiaoyue's department took a week to finish the exam, so there were only seven days left for Lao Xu, so he was naturally anxious.

Sun Junyue also knew what this guy was thinking.

My brother, of course I have to help him!
"Oh, by the way, I have a variety show here, do you want to participate?" Sun Junyue suddenly thought that Lao Xu also met the standards of "Beyond the Alliance", and Lao Xu was also a small fire online, not an ordinary amateur, just happened It can bring some traffic to the show.

Let him spread the news through "Xu Dawang Comes to Patrol the Mountain" later, it will be regarded as an advertisement for the program.

"What variety show? I can even participate?" Old Xu asked curiously.

"It's a League of Legends program called "Beyond the League". It's just about playing games. There are quite a lot of amateurs, and there are no great masters."

"Okay, then I will participate!" Old Xu immediately agreed when he heard this.

He has never participated in a variety show since he grew up, so when he heard Sun Junyue's introduction, he immediately agreed.

Lao Xu hastily sent a WeChat message to his unofficial girlfriend, inviting him out for dinner.

Sun Junyue also called Bai Xiaoyu.

At this time, many bigwigs in the circle have already responded to Sun Junyue's message.

PDD was not available, so he declined, but Xiao Ma and Xiaolong Bao participated in the show.

The puppy went out to play with his girlfriend, so he has no time.

doinb doesn't like variety shows and doesn't have time.

However, there was one person who agreed, which surprised Sun Junyue, and that was Qijiang, a former legendary jungler who now works as a coach for EDG.

His arrival surprised Sun Junyue very much.

Sun Junyue immediately asked the person in charge of the program to prepare a very lucrative contract and send it to Qijiang.

Qijiang gave face like this, so naturally he couldn't afford less money, anyway, Papa Ma was not short of money.

There is another man who surprised Sun Junyue, and that is theshy.

After falling in the semi-finals of the S game, he has been in a bad mood and rested at home for a month.

This time he is willing to participate in variety shows, which is also an expression of facing reality.

And theshy speaks Chinese very well now, and can actually send voice messages to Sun Junyue.

Theshy and Sun Junyue have a good relationship in private, because theshy likes the hero Riven very much, so once he even privately trusted Sun Junyue to ask Sun Junyue to design more Riven skins.

However, Sun Junyue sent him only one message: Riwen will be cut again!
theshy: (||_)
With these two e-sports leaders joining, Sun Junyue felt that the effect of the program was already leveraged.

The last one invited by Sun Junyue was Xiao Ming. After Xiao Ming was cruelly abandoned by Gouzi, Sun Junyue occasionally saw him online, and he would invite him to fight twice, and they naturally became acquainted.

With the addition of three masters, the effect of this show has been raised to a higher level.

The person in charge of the show was overjoyed on the spot.

You know, they came forward to invite them for a long time, and the only ones with high enough ranks were Chen Chichi and the other captains. Of course, Sun Junyue was also one of the captains, and the ranks were enough.

Among the other people, the more famous ones are Teacher Da Sima Ma, the leader of the Demon Cult, Zhi Xun, and Xiao Ma.

The person in charge of the program was very efficient, and quickly arranged several people recommended by Sun Junyue, and the notice of the program shooting had also been issued, the day after tomorrow.

The location is the magic city.

Sun Junyue is close, without any pressure, and he is the captain, there is no possibility of being eliminated, so he has no sense of crisis.

After dealing with these, the sky is almost dark.

The two immediately got up and went downstairs to the girls' dormitory to pick up their girlfriends.

During the free time of eating, Sun Junyue talked about the matter of renting a house.

Bai Xiaoyu knew about this a long time ago, so she wasn't too surprised.

But Xiaoyue is different, Lao Xu hasn't discussed this matter with her yet!
Wasn't it because he was afraid that the other party would reject him, so he looked for such an opportunity, taking advantage of Sun Junyue and Bai Xiaoyu's presence, to help persuade him!

Xiaoyue is also a relatively traditional girl, and it is inevitable that she will be a little bit resistant to renting a house with other people.

But under Sun Junyue and Bai Xiaoyu's kind persuasion, Xiaoyue finally agreed, but she had to discuss it with her family.

For Xiaoyue's request, Lao Xu naturally had to agree. After all, the two had just met not long ago, and it was normal for Xiaoyue to feel insecure.

However, Bai Xiaoyu and Xiaoyue have become good girlfriends these few days, and they have also become Lao Xu's insider, often saying good things to Lao Xu.

"Well, why don't we go and see the room first!" Old Xu suggested.


Everyone got up and called a car to go to the rented house.


(End of this chapter)

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