LOL chief designer

Chapter 127 Recommendations

Chapter 127 Recommendations
"Attention all summoners."

"Next, please..."

"League of Legends S11 Global Finals champion - FPX, debut!"

The players on the field were chatting at first. Although everyone is an opponent, they still need to form a team in the future.

Some of the more confident ones have already started forming cliques.

But as soon as the host tone sounded, everyone fell silent, as if maintaining some kind of order.

They thought they were going to announce the content of the second competition, but unexpectedly, what came was a big surprise prepared for them by the organizer!

The door opened, and five people from FPX came out side by side.

Among the five people, except for doinb who smiled like a baboon, the others waved politely and kept smiling.

"oh oh--"




The contestants erupted in enthusiastic voices, which shows how terrifying the popularity brought by winning the championship is!
Taking advantage of the hot atmosphere at the scene, the four captains also walked out.

Afterwards, Chen Chichi, the controller of the rhythm of the variety show, strode out, pressed his hands together, and made everyone quiet.

Everyone's face turned red with excitement. After all, famous professional players enjoy the treatment of first-line stars in the e-sports circle, which is difficult for ordinary people to meet.

And some acquaintances or friends in the live broadcast circle, it is even more necessary to join in, after all, they are friends in the same circle.

"It's really standing in front of us, our champion." Chen Chichi looked at the five FPX members with a look of a fanboy.

"Let our champion say hello to everyone!" Luo Yunxi said afterwards.

This is the line prepared by the director team, and everyone just needs to cooperate and say it.

Luo Yunxi successfully drove the rhythm, and then it was stage time for everyone in FPX.

"Hi everyone, I'm Jin Gong, the top laner of FPX."

"Hi everybody, I'm……"

"Hi everybody, I'm……"

"Hi everybody, I'm……"

"Hi everybody, I'm……"

The five quickly introduced themselves.

When everyone introduces themselves, there will be enthusiastic cheers and applause from the audience, and the stage effect is MAX!

"Can you give us some advice so we can learn from it?" Chen Chichi continued to create a topic.

The first to speak was the hunk Jin Gong, who is said to say "Xiba" dozens of times a day and likes to slap tables, and is also one of the men doinb fears the most!

But at this time, Jin Gong in front of the camera is very shy, giving people a kind of contrast.

"If you are in a unit, I think the most important thing is to be stable. You can also understand it as a dog."

"But it can't be understood as cowardice, because the unit needs to be rational and ready for TP support at any time, and it is easy to be used as a breakthrough and receive military training, so mentality is very important!"

Speaking of this, doinb in the same row couldn't help laughing.

Other people in the know also had strange expressions.

A man who never leaves his mouth every day, and likes to slam the table like crazy, actually said that a good attitude is most needed to play the top laner.

Although you are right, it seems that you have not done it yourself!
But steady is really steady!
It’s not been a day or two since Gong Zi’s top laner was bullied, and the backbone of the team is not on the road, so Gong Zi’s situation is very miserable every time he plays either the anti-pressure game or the back-to-back game!
But this man has already played the anti-stress to a certain level, quite a bit like that man, a man who is equal to all beings.

Why FPX can win the championship, brother Gong Zi actually contributed a lot.

Gong Zi's ability to steal development is also relatively top among top laners.

You thought he collapsed, but if you accidentally let him develop for a few minutes, the original disadvantage will be dragged away.

So this is a top laner who should not be underestimated, otherwise he would not lead FPX to the championship.

"What are you laughing at?" Gong Zi glared at Doinb, and Doinb immediately suppressed his uncontrollable smile.

The dominance of the Gongzi team is undoubtedly revealed.

After Gongzi finished speaking, it was time for Xiaotian.

It can be said that Xiaotian's jungler basically contracted most of the high-light operations in this year's S game.

This is a very good, very strong jungler!
It is said that Xiaotian also had a bad time on the bench, and his mentality was not very good at the beginning. He is one of the players who likes to blame himself when he loses a game.

But he proved himself with time and game data, he is a dragon not a worm!

"If you play jungler, you need to communicate more with your teammates and cooperate well, and you must be decisive and not too hesitant!" Xiaotian's character is like this, and he finished speaking without saying a few words.

But what he said is very useful. FPX's Nakano Roaming and Nakano Assistant system are very famous, which shows how spiritual their communication is!
And decisiveness is also very important for junglers!
Go up when you should, drive when you should, and lose if you hesitate, but decisiveness is not necessarily in vain!
Sometimes when playing games, what I hate the most are those people who use the name of OB to delay the start and make a crispy person helpless to start!
This kind of person is estimated to have been encountered by every player, and it is really aggrieved to see it!
"Hi everyone, I'm doinb, and my advice to you is to roam around more, don't pay too much attention to some vested resources, and have long-term considerations!"

What doinb said is very sincere and true.

Everyone in the audience thought about it.

This is true in real matchups, not just in the mid lane.

Sometimes, you'll be in danger because of a tapie!
Sometimes, you will give up supporting your teammates because you hit a wild monster with half health!
Sometimes, you will sell out your teammates who are fighting because of a wave of tower troops!

Sometimes, you feel that you can't beat yourself, and you sell your teammates decisively!
After all, people are emotional animals, it's not that you are not allowed to sell, but don't be so ruthless.

Seeing teammates surrounded by people, pretending to take two steps to throw a skill, or taking a look before leaving, maybe the teammates will not feel so resentful.

What is angry is not that I can't beat my opponent, but that my teammates don't regard themselves as teammates at all.

Why are some brass and black iron teams happy to play together even if they lose, while some king masters are so lonely and take it for granted when they win.

People are social animals, if you leave the group for too long, your blood will become cold and your heart will ache!

The same is true for playing games. Why do some people like to blame the opponent's jungler for coming all the time, while their own jungler plays single player.

Isn't it just envious of having a wild father to take care of him? This is the same reason as seeing other people in pairs on the road and being single.

So please don't play a five-person game as a one-person game, or you will have less happiness than you think.

"The advice to AD is, it's better to die less, and don't make trouble for the brothers."

"The suggestion for the support is to have a good vision, monitor the overall situation, roam with teammates more, and don't always stay in the bottom lane."

The suggestions of the last two people were also very sincere and useful, and everyone burst into applause.

(End of this chapter)

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