LOL chief designer

Chapter 130 The Cruel Match

Chapter 130 The Cruel Match
The outfits on both sides are quite satisfactory, nothing special.

The pony Jax first sneaked into the grass, silently being an old cunt.

But Zhang Wei is also an old AD, so naturally it is impossible to do such a coquettish operation such as probing the grass with his face.

Zhang Wei controlled the gun and threw a W skill enthusiastically into the grass, and the lovely Alley instantly picked out the weapon master hiding in the grass.

However, because the picture of the Howling Abyss does not have eye accessories, the pony's weapon pretends to take two steps back and walks to the front of the grass.

*** A W skill has a cooldown time of more than ten seconds, so Xiaoma doesn't pay attention to this consumption at all.

In this way, the two were in a state of confrontation in the void, and the atmosphere became tense.

After all, only one of the two can survive, so the solo match is so cruel.

at last!

Soldiers are here!

The soldiers from both sides fought together, you hit a hammer, I hit a hammer, it was extremely fierce.

The pony controlled the weapon and walked out of the grass, and began to replenish troops.

Seeing this, Zhang Wei also stepped forward to replenish troops with vigilance.

The opponent is a man who has been No. 1000 in the national server and has more than [-] points in the king. He will inevitably feel nervous.

Suddenly, the pony moved!
No one thought that Xiao Ma had just made up a pawn, and immediately controlled the weapon master to jump on Zhang Wei's face.

The smooth QAW triggers the phase rush, and Zhang Wei reacts very quickly. When he sees the weapon jumping in the face, he immediately uses the E skill to ruthlessly pursue to open the distance and start to fight back.

The silver bullets of holy light fell on the weapon's body, harvesting a small wave of blood.

This wave of exchange of blood can only be called a draw.

Because of the pony's phase rush, Zhang Wei didn't have time to make a lot of A's. As for the weapon, it was a simple QAW, so naturally he didn't lose much HP.

Seeing that the weapon master didn't make any changes, Zhang Wei went up to replenish troops obediently, who knew that this was a deadly trap prepared for him by the pony.

It's like playing a psychological game, do you think that after a wave of blood exchange, you can develop steadily and then exchange blood again?
Mutual development, this does not exist in the pony dictionary!

I saw Xiaoma's weapon master sneaking into the grass again, and when the Q skill cools down, Xiaoma immediately stepped forward and jumped in the face again.

This time, it's a killer move!

After the Q skill jumped to the face, the counterattack storm started, and all the way to A, ***'s blood volume instantly dropped wildly, and the rush could not be stopped.

Zhang Wei opened the barrier of weakness, as if he was unwilling to be prostituted for nothing like this.

However, the fact is that his blood volume is almost bottoming out.

At this moment, ***'s E skill was finally ready, and he and the pony pulled away in an instant.

But Xiao Ma just stood outside the attacking range of the defense tower, he was waiting for the cooldown of his Q skill, and he still had flash, which was useless.

Flash Q!

The Weapon Master eventually took Lucian's head.

The audience cheered, this wave of games is too exciting.

Originally, Lucian should be a relatively strong hero in the solo match, but unexpectedly he was KO by the weapon master.

At the captain's table, Sun Junyue also lamented that the pony was too detailed, so scheming.

The first wave replaced Lucian's E skill. Players who are familiar with Lucian know that the early cooling time of Lucian's E skill is as high as 22 seconds. Although each silver bullet of the Holy Light can reduce the CD of two seconds on the hero, hitting the minions The body can be reduced by one second.

But compared with the Q skill of the weapon master, the cooldown time of the skill is still too long.

And Xiao Ma took advantage of this very schemingly.

While Lucian's E skill was still cooling down, he immediately jumped in the face and gave Lucian a heavy blow.

It was the CD difference of these few seconds that killed Zhang Wei.

On the contestant's bench, Zhang Wei smiled wryly and shook his head.

No. [-] in national service, well-deserved reputation!

"Can Lucian beat Jax? I doubt my ADC, brother!" Gu Yue Zeyu was stunned in the audience.

"He calculated the CD of Lucian's E skill."

Immediately, a friend revealed the secret there.

Play the CD battle, which is the main reason why the Colts won.

"Now let's congratulate Summoner Pony for winning and successfully advancing to the next round!" The host applauded as soon as the host voice came out.



The four captains congratulated one after another, after all, Xiao Ma will most likely become their teammate.

Xiao Ma successfully stepped into the winner's seat, while Zhang Wei regretted leaving.

"Zhang Wei, do you have anything to say?" Chen Chichi asked.

"What I want to say is that in the map of Summoner's Canyon, there are four words: When you meet the strong, you become strong."

"So it's very interesting to challenge the strong."

"The last four words I want to say are, this wave is not a loss!"

After finishing his exit speech, Zhang Wei regretted leaving the stage, and everyone felt very sorry.

But regrets are regrets, the game still has to continue.

Soon, Haohao, who was teased by Chen Chichi, entered the battle zone, and he was confronted by a nanny who had a very good solo row performance.

The game was very anxious for a time, after all, the strength of both of them is not weak.

In the end, Haohao stepped on Zoe's hypnotic bubble by mistake, and died of resentment.

The game is over, baby brother wins!
The third game is Zhixun VS Xiaolongbao.

Sun Junyue looked at Zhixun at the captain's seat and smiled wryly.

Xiaolongbao ranks second in single row data, only second to theshy, better than Qijiang and Xiaoming, which shows how fierce this wild Tibetan mastiff is.

Zhixun usually plays mid-lane assassins, like Nightmare and the like.

To his favorite male sword in the previous life, it has not been released in this life, but it should be released in the new year.

At that time, this strong mid-laner hero should be able to attract a large number of fans.

After all, the male sword is very handsome, no, very handsome.

At that time, I will prepare the skins of the Jade Sword Legend series.

Sun Junyue seemed to be able to see the rush of banknotes pouring into his pocket.

Cough cough, how can a person only see money?
I am here to build a more complete League of Legends skin library, and I am definitely not in the same boat as Tencent Ma Papa.

In the end, Zhixun chose the newly revised Galio, while Xiaolongbao chose the poodle.

However, no one expected that as soon as they reached the line, the poodle would get into the opponent's grass and meet the big Galio head-on.

Zhixun couldn't bear it, seeing the poodle on his face, he gave him a 'service' immediately!
However, sadly, he didn't fight.

The poodle not only has a high explosive rate, but the W skill is also one of the lazy skills, so Zhixun died without even seeing the opponent's pawn line.

The time stayed at 40 seconds.

Zhixun died tragically, and Xiaolongbao advanced.

Sun Junyue looked at the dejected Zhixun and felt a little pity.

He still has a resurrection card in his hand, as to whether Zhixun will be revived or not, it depends on the arrangement of the director team.

In fact, the resurrection card can't be used as you like, it's all arranged by the program group.

So if the director team refuses, then Sun Junyue can only say sorry!

(End of this chapter)

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