LOL chief designer

Chapter 133 Driven Crazy by Multiple Choice Questions

Chapter 133 Driven Crazy by Multiple Choice Questions
"Hey, it's here!"

"There are signs, there are cameras, it should be here!"

Sun Junyue and his group first came to the lecture theater where the shooting site was located.

The purpose of entering is a spacious and bright classroom that can accommodate a large number of classrooms.

Xiao Ming rushed to the front. When he saw the paper and pens on the table with a smile on his face, he froze immediately, and said in a slightly questioning voice: "I don't want to take the exam!"

"Is it an exam? It's like an exam!" Sister Zha also saw the layout of the lecture hall clearly.

Sun Junyue felt a rush of intimacy, because he had just finished the final exam a few days ago.

If it is the case that he has been playing for several days, then he probably cannot bear the mentality.

He is not a god of learning, and his general tiresome behavior is normal.

"Wow, you don't know how to take exams! Your mentality has collapsed!" Chen Chichi also walked in at this time.

"It's hard, I finally graduated, and I still have to take the exam?!"

Soon, other teams rushed over one after another.

What makes people laugh and cry is that when it comes to the exam, the expressions of all the people are almost the same, they are all one: the expression of the baby who doesn't want to live, the backstage watched the planning of this scene, and there was a sinister smile at the corner of his mouth.

"What's the test like this!"

At this time, everyone had found their seats and sat down. The four captains were naturally in the first row, because behind them was their own team.

"Is there a teacher? Where is the teacher?" Chen Chichi asked loudly.

And just as Chen Chichi finished speaking, a tall figure walked in the door.



Someone had already seen the teacher walking in from the door, so everyone followed the sound and found Wang Jingwen walking in.

With a clean white shirt and a black work skirt that covers the hips, she looks like a strong woman in the workplace.

If it were a teacher, he would have the majesty of a familiar head teacher.

"If I had such a good-looking teacher when I was in school, my grades would be super!"

"You are too realistic!"

"Quiet!" Suddenly, the security guard at the side uttered a quiet voice, making the air in the classroom stagnant.

"It's so imposing!" Chen Chichi's words broke his skills, and the classroom burst into laughter instantly.

At this moment, Wang Jingwen came over with a look, and the familiar momentum made everyone quiet again in an instant.

"I am your teacher Wang. In 5 minutes, we will have a theory test."

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone was not calm.

"I really need a test!"

"Why do I have a feeling of fear?"

"Also hand out the answer sheet!"

"What the hell is writing?"

"My mind is buzzing right now. Is there any bully here?" Luo Yunxi couldn't help asking.

And Sun Junyue next to Luo Yunxi couldn't help but give him a blank stare. In your previous life, you were always looking for a top student, and in the end you were the one with the highest score!
Luo Xueba, what are you pretending to be!
Wait, there is a high school student sitting next to me?

Sun Junyue's eyes suddenly wandered, and there was still some struggle in his eyes, as if he was making a difficult decision.

"How could I have such an idea, I'm cheap!" Sun Junyue wanted to slap himself.

Just copy it, why hesitate?

I'm not human!
"I'm a bully, I'm a strong thief!"

Suddenly a voice sounded, attracting everyone's attention.

Sun Junyue also looked towards the source of the voice.

Seeing that Brother Jiu was speaking, three black lines gathered on his forehead immediately.

Others may not know, but Sun Junyue knows brother Jiu very well.

Xueba is his bragging words. He doesn't know what to do when it comes to the questions, and sometimes releases false information to disturb others. He is simply a shit stick.

Sun Junyue would not believe what he said at all.

However, some people really believed him, seeing the way he patted his chest to promise, Sun Junyue wanted to laugh.

"Welcome to the Transcendent High School Exhibition Competition. Today you will compete with five high schools on the same stage..."

The rules and manifesto of the college exhibition game were played on the projector, waking up everyone in the examination room.

When everyone heard that one person was going to be eliminated, their expressions became more solemn.

"The following is a multiple-choice question!"

"Please listen to the question."

"In the League of Legends, how many heroes belong to the Demacia camp?"

Four options appear below the question, corresponding to their respective numbers.

Immediately, the scene became quiet, and for a while it was thought to be a still picture.

But soon, there were more people.

This question was not difficult for Sun Junyue, because he sorted out the information when he was filming the CG video of Demacia.

So he knows exactly how many heroes there are in the Demacia camp.

After Luo Yunxi counted for a while, he was a little unsure, so he secretly looked at Sun Junyue's test paper.

Sun Junyue noticed this and didn't say anything, just opened it up for the other party to see.

Soon several people around also reacted.

Nima Sun Junyue just doesn't hug his thighs, so he counts chickens here!

As a result, the gazes on Sun Junyue increased instantly.

"Ahem, cheating in the examination room requires a yellow card warning and five points will be deducted!" Wang Jingwen walked towards Sun Junyue holding the yellow card in her hand.

Everyone lowered their heads, including Sun Junyue.

He didn't know why he was suddenly numb.

"Hide the exam papers better." Wang Jingwen approached and said.

Sun Junyue only felt a burst of fragrance, and then nodded in a daze.

"The second question, what is the total amount of gold coins required for the five-speed shoes, the Storm Sword, and the stopwatch?"

This kind of simple calculation is considered a bonus question for everyone present.

"The third question, what is the name of Carter's father's adopted son?"

Everyone smiled knowingly when they heard this question.

Who doesn't know this question now?

Everyone has seen Sun Junyue's CG video about Katerina. Who doesn't know that Tai Long is Katerina's father, but Tai Long hasn't been released yet. When it comes out, everyone will probably know it.

After filling in the answers, everyone raised their heads confidently. These questions don't look difficult!

"The fourth question, when Galio's taunt skill is fully charged, what is the taunt time?"

When this question came up, the audience was stunned.

Although Sun Junyue proposed the Galio model, after the test server, Galio seemed to have been slashed, and the mocking time seemed to be shortened. As for the exact amount, Sun Junyue also looked confused!

Unexpectedly, just as they were complacent, the director team threw a bomb to them.

The hero Galio is a jack of all trades, so theshy and the others started practicing very early, but they can roughly know the time to taunt.

But other amateur players just shook their heads.

Even Sun Junyue filled in a random answer with a wry smile.


As the multiple-choice questions went through, everyone no longer maintained a calm look, because it was too terrifying.

At the beginning, he was given a handful of sweet dates, and then he slapped him in the face crazily.

(End of this chapter)

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