LOL chief designer

Chapter 136 Our performance has begun

Chapter 136 Our performance has begun (seeking tickets)
Sun Junyue finished filming that day and moved into the newly bought villa.

At the same time, Bai Xiaoyu, Lao Xu and Xiaoyue helped tidy up the house.

Originally, Xiaoyue was still somewhat resistant to everyone moving out of the dormitory, but after knowing that Bai Xiaoyu was with her, the resistance subsided a lot.

With the joint efforts of everyone, the villa has a new look, revealing youthful vigor everywhere.

At dinner time, at Bai Xiaoyu's suggestion, everyone organized a small party and had a barbecue in the garden behind the villa.


The oil dripped on the anthracite, making a sizzling sound.

Mouth-watering chicken wings and sausages on the grill.

"Old Sun, will there be a CG video of Ionia released later?"

Lao Xu, who was flipping the grilled chicken wings in full swing, suddenly said.

Hearing Lao Xu's words, Sun Junyue couldn't help being taken aback.

I've been a bit confused lately when shooting variety shows, and it seems that the last video of Ionia is about to come out.

In the past few issues, the number of hits on videos like Demacia, Noxus, and Shurima was astonishing, which led Tencent officials to be very keen on shooting CG videos.

Sun Junyue expressed some concerns about this.

Thinking of a certain brainwashing game advertisement in his previous life, Sun Junyue couldn't help but feel chills in his heart.

China must not be in a situation where CG is made with heart and games with feet, so Sun Junyue reported this to Mr. Ma, hoping to invest more time and money in the game itself. The reason why League of Legends can continue to be popular is because the version is constantly being updated. , the map is constantly being updated, the number of heroes is increasing, and the number of equipment and gameplay is increasing.

This is the secret to the longevity of League of Legends.

However, Mr. Ma's reply made Sun Junyue dumbfounded.

Mr. Ma replied directly: Then why don't you hurry up and design more heroes?
Sun Junyue: ... (the baby is bitter, the baby is tired, but don't say it)
"Yeah, I'll take a tablet later and let's watch it together!"

Sun Junyue looked indifferent, but Bai Xiaoyu got excited and suggested excitedly from the side.

Sun Junyue could only respond with a smile, let's watch it together, although Sun Junyue has watched it many times during production and review.

This time Ionia's video, the only thing that can interest Sun Junyue is the barrage.

Sometimes the barrage is also very good-looking, and there are too many talents on the barrage.

In this way, everyone ate and drank to kill time, and before we knew it, it was time for Ionia's CG video to be released.

"Let's watch it at Station B, or Tencent Video." Sun Junyue suggested.

"Okay, let's go to Tencent Video." Bai Xiaoyu, who was fiddling with the tablet, replied.

Bai Xiaoyu quickly clicked into the entrance, but the broadcast hadn't started yet, and there was a 1-minute countdown on the black screen.

Just like that, Bai Xiaoyu arranged the tablet and placed it on the stone table in the garden, and the others moved small stools and sat in front of the tablet.

"It's about to start, it's about to start."

Old Xu said excitedly.

"Suddenly I feel like watching a blockbuster movie." Xiaoyue added.

"It's very similar to a big movie, but the plot line is a little shorter." Bai Xiaoyu pouted angrily and said at the same time, looking at Sun Junyue beside him, his eyes were full of little stars.

Sun Junyue pampered Bai Xiaoyu's hair, and the old Xu beside him was full of resentment.

And at this moment, the video started broadcasting on time.

Before the dark background unfolded, the crazy barrage army had already struck.

I saw that all the words on the screen were 'first'.

Everyone paid no attention and focused on the content of the video.

Spots of greenery bloomed on the screen, and green hills stood erect on the screen.

The melodious background music sounded slowly, as did the old and solemn voice of the narrator.

"This is the mountainous area in the south of Ionia. There is a notorious killer who slaughtered here. No one can subdue him."

"This murderer wears a pale gold mask, so the locals call it the Golden Demon!"

After the opening remarks, the players immediately aroused a crazy barrage.

"Murderer? New hero!"

"It's so exciting to come up, look forward to it."

"It's very Tencent to come up and make such a big deal."

Soon, five words appeared in the video - Zhiyun Province.

A bustling small village suddenly appeared on the screen. The streets were full of people, and everyone crowded shoulder to shoulder and raised their heads.

The reason for this lively scene is that a circus came to the village.

For a village that has no entertainment all year round, it is almost like a festival.

So everyone gathered around the circus, watching the performance with their heads raised.

It didn't take long for the performance to end, and this day was also the last day of the performance.

Many people left reluctantly, but at this time the camera suddenly shifted to a few little kids who were reluctant to leave.

"It's over, don't you want to leave?" A gentle voice sounded.

I saw an unremarkable young man walking towards a few kids.

"We'll leave right away." One of the little girls replied timidly.

"Well, go home quickly, it will be dark soon, and it will be unsafe." The young man kindly asked.

"Understood, thank you brother."

Only then did the little brats slowly leave the performance venue.

But at this moment, the ordinary-looking young man with an ordinary face suddenly showed a strange smile, and then the audience saw that there was a pale mask on his hand.

He slowly put the mask on his face.

The pale mask looked a little worn, and there was a crack above the socket of the right eye.

The faint golden lines reveal his mystery, while the pale mask color seduces a little fear in people's hearts.


A weird long-handled pistol twirled in his hand, and he slowly closed his eyes.

"Stage, ready."

"Our performance has begun."

His tone was very calm, but the hearts of all the listeners sank.

Because this is a murderer, and he doesn't seem to have a good mind.

"My audience has already entered."

He looked at the gradually quiet village at dusk, and a wordless sense of suffocation enveloped the hearts of every audience member.


As soon as the screen turned, gold-plated bullets flew across the screen, blood and screams danced together, and death was the theme of tonight.

"They call me a lunatic, an artist, a lunatic."

"A costume, some heavy makeup, and a pool of blood."

In front of him was already a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, and the raging fire was devouring the originally peaceful and peaceful village.


A sudden burst of crying attracted Jin Mo's attention. It turned out that it was the little brats running helplessly in the sea of ​​flames.

The Golden Demon squatted on the ground and raised the long-handled gun in his hand.


A fiery snake spewed out, and then a young figure fell down.

"I only feel alive when the gunfire is blowing."

"With my skills, killing will also blossom into art."

"The moment before I fire is the pinnacle of bliss."

The fire snake flew around, and finally, all the figures fell to the ground, and the golden demon slowly stood up.

Behind him was an endless sea of ​​flames, and the pale mask of the Golden Demon aimed at the video camera.

"Smile, everyone is watching."

(End of this chapter)

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