Mad Concubine Poison Walks the World

Chapter 11 Mo Qingyou's Condition

Chapter 11 Mo Qingyou's Condition
He felt that this guy was not suitable for business, and he really was!It's too perfunctory to verify his words, but compared to Jun Wushang's conciseness, Mo Qingyou didn't have any displeasure, and instead stated her own conditions.

The first condition must be the medicinal herb she needs. What she said is that the person who does not blush or breathe, and does not have any psychological burden at all, Jun Wushang belongs to the kind of person who can calmly face everything. Money is something outside of the body, and he has never taken it seriously.

But Leng Xiaxi is different. He is a leader in the commercial industry. He doesn't understand the effect of the combination of those medicinal materials, but when the price of each flavor is sold, that's all. It was enough for ordinary people to eat for a month, but she asked for so much at once!How could he not be amazed.

Mo Qingyou watched their performance silently and didn't say anything. Her body has undergone so many years of toxins. It will not take a day or two to recuperate her body. Naturally, the medicinal materials she needs will not be less there. That is why she took out the list, but she has done countless researches with the professor and made sure that the list is not harmful to the human body. The value is far beyond what these medicinal materials can compare Yes, so her conditions are not over.

Immediately afterwards, Mo Qingyou set out the second condition, she wanted the pharmacy's monthly profit of 5.00%, when she said it, it wasn't just Leng Xiaxi who couldn't close his mouth in shock, and looked at him in disbelief. She, even Jun Wushang frowned, 5.00% profit may not seem like much, but it is astonishing, and she dared to ask, what kind of ability does she have, and she thinks she can afford it? This amount.

"Can't you be the master? If you can't be the master, please return the list that was taken away just now." Mo Qingyou was exhausted at this time of support. If she didn't deal with these things quickly, hurry up Going back, she was afraid that she would faint here on the spot. This was not the result she wanted, and she would naturally not give them any more results to consider.

"Okay, I've accepted all of these. You come over tomorrow, and we'll formally sign, so that both parties can rest assured." Jun Wushang agreed with his expression unchanged. The girl was only afraid of feeling unwell, so she was in a hurry to take it. Those things, it doesn't matter if he gave them, but she is the first person who is not afraid of him when she sees him. Even the maidservant next to her lowered her head tremblingly when she saw him. Only she can keep her complexion unchanged and make a judgment that is most beneficial to her. This scheming is indeed very good!

"Thank you very much. I can do the rest tomorrow, but I need those medicinal materials now." Mo Qingyou nodded towards them, and led Xiao He out. Qu Zhe outside the door had already given them what they needed. The medicinal materials are all packed, and the speed can be said to be very fast. It seems that this small Herbal Medicine Hall is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!
Mo Qingyou motioned for Xiao He to take the medicine package, and the two quickly returned to the original road. As soon as they entered the yard, Mo Qingyou passed out like this, which scared Xiao He half to death.

Jun Wushang, who had been following behind him all this time, watched Na Mo's body fall limply, his brows frowned, he was a little confused as to what he was thinking, obviously he just wanted to find out her identity, but he still gave birth to something else. of uncertain emotions.

(End of this chapter)

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