Mad Concubine Poison Walks the World

Chapter 110 It feels good to be full

Chapter 110 It feels good to be full
But what Qu Zhe didn't know was that Mo Qingyou was suffering from cruelty at this time, constantly going back and forth on the stakes, falling out of shape. Of course, it was already a month after he knew these things.

After eating half a roast duck, two chicken legs, and a bowl of rice, Qu Zhe finally touched his stomach in satisfaction. It feels good to be full!He has lived for such a long time without being bothered by hunger. Today, thanks to this girl, he has experienced it once.

"Little brother, what's your name!" Shanshan asked Qu Zhe, who was eating Houthi violently, this little brother's temper is really funny!There is absolutely no fear of eating in front of strangers, unlike the two senior brothers, even eating a meal can make people think it is a kind of art.

"If you want to know, I'll tell you!" Qu Zhe crossed his arms and glared at her. He held a grudge, and this little girl offended him, so he didn't want to tell her.

"Little brother, what do you say! I've already apologized to you, so don't worry about it, okay?" Shanshan pulled his sleeve pitifully, her face gradually showing innocence.

"Listen well, my name is Qu Zhe, don't think that I can't cure you, if you dare to use these formations on me at will, be careful that I will tickle you to death, I am a person who is good at medicine, remember it clearly for me. Qu Zhe said to her solemnly.

He has to intimidate her no matter what, otherwise he will be so depressed to death if he is shut up by her for two days next time, although he will not do anything to a little girl.

"Got it, got it!

Hurry up and I'll take you to a place where you won't be mad at me anymore. "Shanshan took his hand and ran out, as if she still disliked that her footsteps were not fast enough. After using the lightness kung fu, Qu Zhe could only roll her eyes while following behind. This girl's lightness kung fu is pretty good. He Still trying my best to keep up!
It seems that apart from formations, she is also good at learning martial arts. If Qu Zhe finds out that Shanshan is only good at light kung fu and not at all martial arts, he will definitely regret what he said today.

"Brother Zhe, have you seen the garden full of herbs? These are all my father's treasures! Today you can take whatever you like." Shanshan said while patting her chest.

"You said it belonged to your father? It's a very shameless act to take it without asking." Qu Zhe looked at Shanshan's expression and complained weakly. No matter which doctor saw this precious medicinal material, he would be very moved. , but his self-cultivation made him unable to do such a thing.

"Don't be afraid, Brother Zhe, as long as it's my father's, it's mine. Since I let you take it, then take it whatever you want. If he dares to speak against you, I'll take care of him." Shanshan said in a self-righteous manner.

"Forget it! I'm going back." Qu Zhe took one last look at the herb field and left without looking back.


"Get up, don't think that I don't know that you all secretly want to beat me up, now, prove it to me." The masked man looked down at Mo Qingyou, his eyes flashed with ruthlessness.

Mo Qingyou casually reached out and wiped her mouth, there was a piece of dirt on her hand, hum!The cold-faced ghost definitely did it on purpose. How much enmity and resentment there is between them, this hand is too heavy!I don't know about pity and pity at all.

(End of this chapter)

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