The joy of success

There is one more thing you don't know, right?I am a doctor, your life, as long as I want it, it is a matter of minutes, even Jun Wushang dare not offend me casually, you think it is up to you... Huh! "After Mo Qingyou finished speaking, she no longer looked at him.

"Jiajia, let's go! Miss Ben has been staying in this place for a month, and she really hates it!" Mo Qingyou left before she finished speaking, although she didn't know what her Lord Shang was doing now , but she has always known what he thinks of her, maybe even he himself doesn't know, the person he sent will treat her like this!

Her Master Shang, she knows best. Mo Qingyou doesn't think she is a lazy person. Even when she is alone, she is extremely hardworking. Master Shang always tells her that enough is enough. Excuse me, For a person like this, how could he allow others to use such methods against her!
It has to be said that Mo Qingyou knows Jun Wushang very well.The masked man has always been by his side with his left hand and right arm. If he wasn't afraid of something unexpected happening to Mo Qingyou, he wouldn't have arranged for the masked man to protect her by her side.Although he also hopes that Mo Qingyou can grow up, he definitely does not want to use such means to accomplish it.

"Miss, you are so powerful? I don't know when you became so powerful in martial arts. You already know martial arts, right? A protector like me is really useless! The master meets the enemy in front , I can’t help you with anything, am I really bad!” Jiajia slumped her shoulders weakly after finishing speaking, just now she was happily immersed in the joy of her young lady winning the masked man, and in an instant disappeared.

"Who said, our Jiajia is the best, but no one can learn how to use a long whip within a month. This is beyond the reach of others. From now on, your young lady will have you in the front line. !" Mo Qingyou is very familiar with the principles of people's hearts. If this person is hit too much, his growth will be very slow in the future. She doesn't want to lose a helpful assistant.

She believed that after getting along with Jun Wushang for this month, even if Jiajia was Jun Wushang's person, she would definitely listen to her more in the future. This is her way of winning people's hearts. Sometimes, some people around her, she hopes to follow her and only listen to her.

"Miss, I will definitely listen to you the most when I stay by your side in the future. I will never be like the masked man. Even if the master's order only endangers your life, miss, I will definitely not obey it. Even if it is Jiajia will not hesitate to kill Jiajia." Jiajia stretched out her two fingers and swore to the sky.

"Okay, don't make it so serious, I still don't know you! Otherwise, why do you think I'm teaching you wholeheartedly! Of course, I really want to meet you girl! We can be regarded as partners. A good sister in need." Mo Qingyou scratched the tip of Jiajia's nose and said with a smile.

The two smiled as they looked at each other, a kind of affection that was more profound than that of slaves, it was called friendship, and both of them understood it.

The two quickly returned to the house to pack themselves, took their own change of clothes, and left without even looking at the scene behind them. This ghostly place tortured her so badly, she didn't want it here Memories!
(End of this chapter)

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