Mad Concubine Poison Walks the World

Chapter 123 Killing You Is Easy

Chapter 123 Killing You Is Easy
Jiajia's martial arts is not as good as yours, so the task you and Quzhe have to complete is ten times heavier than what I assigned to Jiajia. So, will you still act so blindly? "After Mo Qingyou finished speaking, she folded her arms around her chest, her eyes revealing an extremely sharp gaze, she stared at the masked man without blinking.

"I'm going to chase her." The cold-faced ghost wanted to leave after finishing speaking, but was stopped by Mo Qingyou.

"I know you have a lot of prejudice against me, but what I want to say is that the person I like is Jun Wushang, not you. Your opinion is irrelevant to me. Whether you listen to me or not, I will It doesn't matter, but Jiajia is like a sister to me. If something happens to her because of your arrogance this time, I will never let you go. Don't think that I am Just kidding, you are no longer my opponent now, and it is easy to kill you." After Mo Qingyou finished speaking, she picked up the person on the ground in her hand and quickly disappeared in front of her eyes. Believe it, what she said is true, he really can't match her opponent.

I don’t dare to think too much, the force under the masked man’s feet is even faster, it can be said that he has used all his strength, and the Qinggong has been lifted up. I hope Jiajia can last a little longer. No one knows, in fact, he has known Jiajia for a long time. Well, when he was in despair when practicing Qigong before, it was her gentle voice that encouraged him. Therefore, when he saw her, he always had a different mood towards her, wanting to get close to her but being afraid, so he used cold mask facing her.

But at this time, when he thought that she would be hurt, he felt so scared in his heart, a feeling he had never felt before, which made him unable to stop.

Mo Qingyou checked the person brought back by the masked man. Judging from the toxins in his body, her initial diagnosis was not wrong, and now she is going to find the antidote. Qingyou sent him back again without anyone noticing.

The antidote needs to be made in batches. Now she doesn't have so many medicinal materials. Everything depends on the two masters. They have stayed in Lincheng for a long time. It is not difficult to collect all the medicinal materials .

"Shanshan, how are you? Are they awake?" Mo Qingyou opened the door and walked in, and asked Shanshan who was sitting beside her.

"Sister Mo, they vomited poisonous blood just now, and now they fell asleep again. I stayed with brother Zhe for a while, and I know this is for detoxification. Besides, you still have things to do, so I won't bother you." .” Shanshan stood up and told her about the situation here.

"Thank you Shanshan, you're tired too, go and rest first! I'll just watch over here." After Mo Qingyou finished speaking, she let her go. She still had to heal the two masters. It's good that the masked man didn't get Jiajia away, she can heal the two masters now, and now, she can only stabilize her heart, after all, she involves healing with internal force. Not much.

"By the way, Sister Mo, I have a secret book on healing internal injuries. Give it to me. You will definitely need it. I'll go get something to eat. Everyone is hungry." After handing it over to Mo Qingyou, she went out to prepare dinner. She remembered that Sister Mo left after breakfast, and it was almost time for dinner now.

(End of this chapter)

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