Mad Concubine Poison Walks the World

Chapter 127 Miss is the best

Chapter 127 Miss is the best
"You were really perverted when you trained people at that time. The lady had so many injuries and didn't make a sound. In fact, I could see it. She was all trying to keep up with the master's footsteps as soon as possible. After half a year During this time, she lost a lot of weight than before. What is more enviable than a sincere relationship!
Don't treat Miss like this again in the future, okay? "Jia Jia was in Ji Xing's arms, looked up at him, said something nice to Mo Qingyou, and worried that he would do something to Mo Qingyou that she was not happy about in the future.

"Okay, just worry about her. With her current ability, I can't move her anymore. Just be happy!" Ji Xing would not admit it to death. He felt a little sour in his heart that a woman could Let this careless and annoying Jiajia take care of him, and he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

"Really? That's really great! I knew that Miss is the best." Jiajia had a sweet smile on her face after she finished speaking, as if it was more refreshing than praising herself.

"Are you that happy? Are you so happy seeing me fail?" Ji Xing said sourly, but he didn't dare to hold her too hard, because she is too weak now.

"No! Ji Xing has always been very powerful in my eyes. Miss martial arts has improved, which means she has taken another step towards the master. I am happy for her! I am a little sleepy, I want to sleep for a while." After talking, Jiajia couldn't resist the drowsiness, and fell asleep in Jixing's arms.

Looking at Jia Jia who was sleeping soundly, Ji Xing's heart was full of sweetness. In order not to let her down and finish the task as soon as possible, Ji Xing quickened his pace.

Silly girl, you have always been so heartless, when will you see my concern for you and truly accept me!Ji Xing's hand stopped next to Jia Jia's cheek, took away the broken hair around her face, touched her smooth cheek, Ji Xing stood up and walked away without daring to turn back.

When Jiajia opened her eyes again, the wound on her body was no longer so painful. Seeing her wake up, an aunt walked in with a bowl of porridge.

"Girl, wake up, don't get up if your injury is so serious, I'll just feed you." The aunt put the bowl aside, took a pillow from the side and put it on Jiajia's back, and took the porridge , and slowly fed it to her.

"Thank you! Well, the person who brought me here just now, is he still there?" Jiajia asked and stared at the aunt nervously, afraid of hearing things she didn't want to hear from the aunt's ears.

"He left, just let me tell you a word, so that you can recover from your injuries. He will definitely come back as soon as possible. I have never seen the guardian so patient with that girl! The guardian is so kind to you, girl You have to cherish it!" Aunt looked at Jia Jia talking in a long voice, she is a person who has experienced it, so she can naturally see Ji Xing's different thoughts towards Jia Jia, and the person concerned is probably still in the dark!

"Don't talk nonsense, we are just friends! It's not like what you said! Aunt, I want to rest first, I'm a little tired." Jiajia recalled what happened in the past and what happened now. I don't believe that Ji Xing will have a good impression of her, it must be that the aunt's eyes are wrong, so she blocked the aunt for any reason.

(End of this chapter)

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