Mad Concubine Poison Walks the World

Chapter 13 The Annoyed Jun Wushang

Chapter 13 The Annoyed Jun Wushang
On the second day and the third day, Mo Qingyou didn't go out for a whole month, and she didn't take Jun Wushang's words seriously, so should the contract be signed or not?It doesn't have a big impact on her, as long as the order is successfully prepared by Qu Banxian, is she still afraid that there will be no chance to make money?
Finally, after drinking the bitter decoction for a month, the poison in her body was almost cleared, and her complexion became rosy. Looking at her body that was no longer moving and fainting, Mo Qingyou nodded in satisfaction.

"Xiao He, we will come to the door to collect the cash tomorrow." Mo Qingyou put away the poison she prepared, and said to Xiao He with a wicked smile on her face.

Jun Wushang sat in the medicine hall for a whole month, but his complexion became darker day by day. Even Leng Xiaxi, who was always smiling, was scared away by his uncertain cold eyes.

During this period of time, he took some wrong medicine, and he didn't offend him!Leng Xiaxi came out from the back door, scratching his head while thinking, when he ran into Qu Zhe who happened to be holding medicine for the patient, he walked forward slowly.

"Xiao Zhe, your senior brother has had another attack during this time?" Jun Wushang would have such an irritable mentality, unless he had another attack, otherwise, he really couldn't find any other excuses.

"No! Brother's body has recovered a lot under the master's treatment, and he fell ill without moving, what's wrong?" Qu Zhe stopped his hands, turned his head to look at him and asked, Leng Xiaxi's face To everyone except Jun Wushang, they were like cowhide. If they didn't get a satisfactory answer, they would refuse to leave. In order not to let him delay his work, Qu Zhe decided to send him away first.

"No? That's strange!" Leng Xiaxi couldn't find the answer, and didn't dare to ask the person concerned, so he left in a desperate manner. After watching him leave, Qu Zhe shook his head and continued with the work at hand.

Early the next morning, when the gate of the Baicao Medicine Hall just opened, Mo Qingyou's figure also arrived as promised. It's been a month, so she should come and see how much money she has made!
As soon as Qu Zhe saw the two of them, he went up to meet them. The master had specifically explained that as long as the two of them came back, he must stay and inform him.

Jun Wushang looked at her from the inside of the door. These days, he had sneaked into the general's mansion secretly, knowing that she was recuperating her body, and watched her gradually recover from a sick person to a normal person. Her medical skills are excellent. It is not high.

And what he cares about is not this, but the person who gradually exists in his heart, and the lingering figure that always haunts his heart from time to time, making him haunted by dreams.

Another point is that her medical skills can cure him, he always has this feeling.

As soon as Qu Banxian heard the sound of the bell, he hurriedly put down the things in his hand and ran out in a hurry. The list was simply beyond the reach of ordinary people, and some even contradicted each other, but in his However, it is feasible. With his current ability, he just got a hang of it. If he can be invited to help cure his illness, he will definitely be able to recover very quickly. , I thought he wouldn't come. I've been waiting for a month, but I didn't expect it to come. His impatience is beyond comprehension for ordinary people.

"You are here, hurry up, please come inside, Xiao Zhe is going to build a pot of good tea, don't neglect the guests." Qu Banxian invited Mo Qingyou to the inner hall.

(End of this chapter)

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