Mad Concubine Poison Walks the World

Chapter 138 Mo Qingyou's Cruelty

Chapter 138 Mo Qingyou's Cruelty
With the speed I saw, I saw that the wound dissolved quickly after touching the potion.

The pain of muscle necrosis before death, which dissolves and slowly turns into a pool of water, is unbearable as long as one is alone. Mo Qingyou doesn't want to hear his call, at the moment when he is about to call out For a moment, he tapped his acupoints, and then stood aside and watched quietly. There was no pity in her eyes, but a more determined light appeared in her eyes.

"Remember, Jiajia is mine, and not anyone can offend her. My aunt is not a person who will be slaughtered until now. You can go with peace of mind. This will be regarded as your repayment of yourself." The debt you owe!" After Mo Qingyou finished speaking, she turned and left after seeing the man finally melted into a puddle of water.

Sure enough, Yu Fan was still very afraid of death. After Mo Qingyou went back, he gave Jia Jia a pulse, and he already knew the fact that the internal medicine in her body was cleared, and immediately threw a pill at Ji Xing .

"Send this to Yu Fan! Don't resort to any means, otherwise, the result will not be something you can afford." Mo Qingyou stopped looking at him after she finished speaking. Her responsibilities have always been like this. Ma, since she agreed to exchange terms, she will not break her promise.

After Mo Qingyou confirmed that there was no heart-eating cup in Jiajia's body, she helped her up, and slowly injected internal force behind her. These healing techniques were all learned from that secret book, but It is undeniable that the effect is extremely good, and the two masters only spent an hour on her, and the internal injuries in her body have all healed.

Now, what Jiajia suffers is external injury and internal injury, as long as the internal injury is healed first, and then the external injury is slowly recuperated, I believe it will not take long for me to be alive and kicking again.

"Miss, you don't blame me anymore, do you?" Jiajia has been dizzy these days, and when she woke up, she saw Mo Qingyou and asked with bright eyes, she seemed to be more energetic .

"Miss, I was wrong. I won't do this again in the future. If I can't fight, I will run away immediately. Now I won't take my life seriously and give it back to the lady." It's all my fault for all the trouble."

Jia Jia woke up once during the period, and overheard what Ji Xing said to the two hall masters, and then she realized why Mo Qingyou was so angry, it was because she caused her to be hit, and she would always They all lost their lives. It turned out that in Miss's heart, she was really important. Once she realized this, Jiajia could die without regrets, but she never thought that Miss would take risks for her. I can't wait to kill myself.

"Okay, just remember the lesson from this time, and don't do it again in the future, otherwise, I won't be so easy to talk to next time, and my tone was not good in those days, so don't take it to heart, but your situation at that time is also not so good. Don't allow me to think so much, in my heart, you are no longer a handmaid, but a sister-like existence, so don't throw yourself into danger easily, because I haven't agreed to throw away your life Woolen cloth!"

Mo Qingyou helped Jiajia lay on the edge of the bed, and then stood up, "You rest first, don't worry about other things, take care of your body, I still have a lot of things for you to deal with!" Covered with the quilt, he turned and left.

(End of this chapter)

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