Mad Concubine Poison Walks the World

Chapter 141 Building up the power

Chapter 141 Building up the power
When Jia Jia came back, she saw that the two were still talking, and she didn't feel any dissatisfaction in her heart. After all, Xiao He has been with the lady longer than her. It is natural for the lady to get close to her, but she is meditating Wait and don't let anyone bother you.

"Xiao He, I have given you a task. Their martial arts have been cultivated. What I want is to establish our power in this place in case of emergency. These are some very complicated things. Leave it to You're a woman, I'm making things difficult for you, but the only person I can use and trust is you, are you the right one, are you willing?" Mo Qingyou told Xiaohe about the current situation, but she didn't expect her As soon as he mentioned it, Xiao He readily agreed without any hesitation. It can be seen that Xiao He has exhausted all his efforts in treating Mo Qingyou.

"This is 200 million taels of silver. You open the restaurant first. As long as you have enough financial resources, we can support our own power. The hard work of this cannot be explained clearly in a few words. You Have you really considered it?" Mo Qingyou put the banknote in front of Xiao He, and asked her again.

Xiao He is the one who treats her the most when she came to this world. She doesn't want anyone to treat her badly, but if she wants to consolidate her power better, she must also need her.

"Miss, for me, from the day I followed you, everything about you should be helped by Xiao He, even if it is my life, as long as I need it, Xiao He can give it up without blinking an eye. "There was a little bit of starlight in Xiao He's eyes, and the light became brighter and more determined.

In the end, Mo Qingyou and Xiao He stayed in the room for a long time, mainly because Mo Qingyou told Xiao He some modern and excellent skills, and passed down some essential things in detail, Xiao He was like her second pair of hands , she needs her help to open up another world.

The next morning, Xiao He didn't delay, brought as many people as she wanted, and continued to take away as many people, but this time she left her without any sadness, but with a firm determination.

Things should have calmed down, and Mo Qingyou could stay in peace for a few days. After all, she didn't have a good rest these days, but the sudden pain in her heart made her suffocate for a while.

"Miss, miss, go and see Ji Xing! He has been seriously injured and is about to die." Just when Mo Qingyou was in a daze and her thoughts were lost, Jiajia broke into the door and pulled With Mo Qingyou's hand, tears welled up in her eyes. As soon as Mo Qingyou heard her words, an inexplicable feeling of irritability arose in her heart, as if something was about to leave her, but at this time She didn't come to think too much, so she could only deal with the matter here first.

Mo Qingyou thought that Jiajia would exaggerate the truth of the matter, but the moment she saw Ji Xing, she realized that the matter was really difficult. Ji Xing had many lacerations on his body, serious internal injuries, and almost Disappeared without a trace, who is it?Who would have the ability to hurt him like this.

I have to admit that even she herself doesn't have this ability. She took a deep breath to calm down, looked at the wound on Ji Xing's body, picked up the tools at the side, and sealed it bit by bit.

(End of this chapter)

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