Chapter 150
"Brother Wushang, let's go! In fact, I have always known why you stayed in the Spirit of the Forest. Once, I sneaked into Daddy's room and saw the person you were looking for.

At that time, I thought that my mother's death was all because of my father, because he fell in love with the woman in the painting, so I have always been very indifferent to him.

I didn't understand him very much. I didn't understand the reason until the letter he left behind. The spirit of the forest was actually founded by your mother. At that time, our family was saved by her. She just takes over.

Dad promised not to tell this matter back then, so when you asked him, he always hesitated. If this matter was not related to the survival of the spirit of the forest, Dad would definitely not say this matter. from.

I will continue to take over this, because this is my father's promise to the savior of our family. If one day you want to come back and take over, the door will always be open for you. "Jin Ling seems to have grown up in an instant, and his thinking is comprehensive.

"Jin Ling has grown up and is sensible. Li Zihao is a person worth entrusting for life. Take care of what you need to grasp. I will leave it to you. I believe you can do a good job. I still have a lot of things to do , not able to stay here all the time, take care of yourself.

This is a distress signal, you just need to shoot her into the sky, and someone will take care of it for you. Of course, I hope it never goes off. After Jun Wushang handed her a flare, he took Mo Qingyou and left.

"Master Shang, this may be her best destination. Everyone's life experience is different, so they grow too slowly. I believe she will gradually understand in the future." Mo Qingyou took Jun Wushang's hand to enlighten her. with.

"Fool, what are you thinking? I'm not worried about her affairs, but the emperor sent me a letter saying that the crown prince is dead, so let me go back to Kyoto as soon as possible. After all, I'm still the crown prince's uncle in name , I’m afraid things here will have to be put on hold.” Jun Wushang rubbed her head and said with a smile.

Mo Qingyou was stunned for a moment, her face turned red instantly, Jun Wushang didn't think she enlightened him because she was jealous, did he?How could she be like a mute eating yellow lotus, she couldn't tell the pain!
"Why did the prince die for no reason? There is no conspiracy involved?" Mo Qingyou thought of the prince's personality, but she couldn't arouse the slightest interest no matter what. Ordinarily, if Jun Wushang hadn't mentioned it in her ear, she would never have remembered that there was such a person.

No matter what the reason is, since he has said it, it is impossible for Jun Wushang to sit idly by.

Walking on the road, Mo Qingyou recalled the days since she traveled here, whether it was to attend the Yaoxian Conference, or to cure the emperor of the Sky Blue Kingdom for Min, then went to Shengshi College and followed Jun Wushang to this forest. Ling, it seems that she spends most of her time on the road.

Fortunately, this body has strong resistance, and it is not easy to get tanned. If she is replaced by her modern body, she will be tanned like a minion, and no one in custody will recognize her. .

This time when I returned to Beijing, I didn't know if it was because of Jun Wushang's blessing. The father with this body would go out of the city to greet him. When Mo Qingyou saw him ignoring him and walking behind Jun Wushang, she would rather admit that he was here. The one who greeted Prince Lie was not for her daughter who had already been kicked out of the house, otherwise, she would still look down on him.

"Qingyou, since you're back, let's go home! There are girls who go out all day to show their faces." Mo Shili coughed lightly, straightened his face and said.

When Mo Qingyou saw his face, she just ignored him, and after Jun Wushang told her to go there, she took Jiajia away without looking back.

Home?That is not her home, since she was kicked out that day, she will not recognize them again, she has already paid off the debt of the deity, and now she is free, Qi will be controlled by others again.

"Qingyou, stop for me, didn't you hear what I said?" Mo Shili looked at her and ignored him, turned and left, he was used to giving orders all his life, he experienced such setbacks that day.

It was already a great gift to allow her to step into Mofu again according to his wishes, but she still took Joe, which was completely ungrateful.

"Mo Shili, stop crying like cats and mice chasing fake mercy. Since you beat me indiscriminately, you are no longer worthy of being my father. Now get the hell out of here. I will definitely let you taste the pain of the whip for yourself, just because your old bones will not be able to endure the torment." Mo Qingyou walked around him and left.

"Your mother has been waiting for you at home. She has caused you to suffer all these years. I hope you can go back and visit her. If there are some misunderstandings, Yiyi can explain to you. Then you will understand the reason." Mo Shili looked at her. She left and tried to persuade her to stay again. It was all his fault that caused the current deadlock. His daughter didn't recognize him, and he deserved it!
"Are you trying to talk about your princess? Huh! People like her have been arrogant all their lives. This may be her retribution. I don't have anything to say about her. If you are sensible, you will detour when you see me in the future." Let's go, I don't want to have anything to do with you, just push it away."

Mo Shili looked at the figure that was getting further and further away. In just over a year, too many things happened. His son died in battle, his youngest daughter went crazy, his eldest daughter didn't recognize him, and the house was in a mess. Maybe it's true. It's his retribution!The blind choice that led to such a result could only be blamed for being too greedy when he was young.

"General Mo, let's go into the palace, the emperor still needs you!" Jun Wushang called him and took his thoughts back.

"Well, Prince Lie, please!" Mo Shili knew what was the most important thing at this time, so he had no choice but to let this matter go.

"Miss, that was your father just now? But why is your attitude towards him so awkward?" Jiajia is used to being by Mo Qingyou's side, and Mo Qingyou is usually not too strict. Like a master and servant, like a sister.

"Jiajia, if your father beat you to death indiscriminately, would you still recognize such a father?" Mo Qingyou didn't answer her, but asked a question instead.

"Ah? Miss, it's better not to recognize such a father." After Jiajia heard it, the anger was obvious on her face. Fortunately, she thought that the lady had gone too far. Now that she knows the truth, if she hadn't disappeared With Shili's figure, she can't wait to go forward and beat him up.

"Miss, why are you still so calm? If it were me, I would want to go up and beat him up. With Miss's current martial arts skills, he is no match for you at all." Jiajia was very curious.

Mo Qingyou looked at Jiajia with a smile on her face, yes, he is no longer his opponent, but she doesn't even care about him, maybe this is the best punishment for him !
"Jiajia, if the dog bites you, will you bite the dog?"

A simple sentence tells everything.

"Let's go, let's go find Xiao He and let him come to our capital and have a good meal."

Sure enough, as soon as Xiaohe saw Mo Qingyou, she ran forward happily, took her hand, showing a happy expression, and when they heard that they wanted to eat delicious food, Jiajia quickly brought them there , invested by Mo Qingyou and managed by Xiaohe, Zuixianlou.

In a short period of time, according to the method Mo Qingyou explained to her, Xiaohe managed Zuixianlou into a restaurant in the capital that people with status and status yearn for.

Not only is the environment beautiful and the food delicious, but even the waiters who serve the dishes are good at martial arts, but those who have a little money can make it look like a bag, and they can also enjoy the exquisite sound of flute and piano. It's hard not to attract attention.

"Miss, I specially reserved the Xiange Pavilion, so that one day you can sit in it and taste these delicacies in person. I didn't expect this day to come so soon. I'm really happy." Xiao He ordered After ordering Mo Qingyou's favorite recipe, she brought them up.

The Immortal Pavilion in Zuixian Tower has always been a place that everyone is curious about, even if they are rich, they will not announce it to the public, but the always curious Master Hou just came back from the palace, and when he heard that he had never entered a place, he unexpectedly Someone went in, so he couldn't sit still, and immediately rushed away with the people.

As soon as the dishes were put on the table, someone came up and told Xiao He that Master Hou had rushed downstairs with a group of people, and he was making a fuss just because he had never been to the fairy pavilion before.

"Tell your boss to come out to see me. If you don't see your boss today, then this son will stay here." The son of the lord Hou looked very attractive, sitting in front of the table with his legs crossed, but he didn't like it. Because of his identity, no one dared to step forward to stop him.

"Miss, let me go down and take a look." Xiao He opened the door and walked out after finishing speaking. Now she is no longer a little maid at the beginning. After more than a year of training, no matter what she is doing She is still more proficient in being a human being, and her domineering aura is more and more similar to that of Mo Qingyou.

The master is such a powerful existence, and he can't be weak at all.

"Is the son of the world here to smash the Zuixian Tower for me today?" Xiao He walked down the stairs step by step with a veil on her face, looking down at the son of the Hou, and interrogating her son with a sharp tone. disadvantaged.

"Boss He, let me make it clear today! I'm not a troublemaker. Usually I spend a lot of money when I come to your place. You need a lot of money. Who doesn't know that this fairy pavilion of yours is not open to the public?" , Today, my son is just curious about who is sitting in the fairy pavilion, because his identity has surpassed this son, and this son will leave immediately without saying a word." Hou Ye patted his chest and said.

(End of this chapter)

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