Mad Concubine Poison Walks the World

Chapter 155 Pure Yang and Pure Yin Cheats

Chapter 155 Pure Yang and Pure Yin Cheats
Jun Wushang sensed the aura of a stranger, and opened his eyes immediately, his sharp eyes shot out. He never expected that someone would be so ignorant that he dared to come in and disturb him while he was cultivating. He was getting impatient, he had already hidden a lot of anger when Mo Qingyou left his side, and he hadn't had a chance to vent his anger, but he didn't expect that someone would come to beat him up.

"You, hand over our young master's cheat book." Jingui's subordinates straightened up when they saw Jun Wushang coming out, raised their heads slightly, and shouted at him loudly. They are working under Jin Gui's subordinates. They are used to the power of the fox and the tiger, and no one dares to do anything to them.

But Jun Wushang is different. Seeing those people making trouble so unreasonably, they want his cultivation secret book, which makes him not angry. He also wants to rely on this secret book to improve his martial arts as soon as possible, so that he can go to school as soon as possible. Looking for his Yuko, I don't know if she was taken away by the black and white Shuangsha, whether she was doing well, or whether she was abused, but obviously, he was thinking too much, Mo Qingyou was doing better than he imagined, the black and white Shuangsha It can be said that it was all right for her.

"Looking for death!" After Jun Wushang finished speaking, with a move of his hands, the few people in front of him were shot away by him in an instant. Although he was not the opponent of the two old men, black and white, he could deal with these incompetent people. Man, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.

"Ouch! Master, help me!" I saw those subordinates who were beaten into the air shouted loudly in the direction of Jingui, and Jingui burst into anger when he saw his people being beaten. Thinking, daring to offend him, Jingui, is really impatient.

"You dare to beat my Jin Gui's man, you really don't want to live anymore, you two, regardless of life or death, until he doesn't even know who his parents are." Jingui took a few steps back and asked the people behind him to replace him. He charged forward.

Because he is the only young master of the Jin family, he has not paid much attention to the cultivation of martial arts all year round. Anyway, his father will send capable people to protect him, so why should he practice hard, after all, it is a very painful thing to practice. And what he fears most is pain.

Jun Wushang just came to Baiyan, he didn't know who Jingui was, and with his temperament, even if he knew who Jin Gui was, he wouldn't be soft-hearted, after all, in his dictionary, there was never the word admit defeat.Soon, all those people brought by Jingui were beaten back by him. Although they were not fatal, they could maximize the pain of people. It seemed that these people were bullies all the time. Those who have been harmed by them, teach them a lesson.

Just when Jun Wushang was about to walk towards Jingui, two people appeared beside him. Those two people were obviously much stronger than the group of people who were useless and only yelled, but Jun Wushang At this time, Wushang felt that it was a good time for them to appear. After all, the improvement of martial arts can only be improved quickly through fierce battles.

Jun Wushang didn't say much, but focused on the confrontation with the two people in front of him, completely ignoring that Jin Gui who thought he was capable with a smile on his lips.

It has to be said that Jun Wushang's foresight is brilliant, these two people were hired by the patriarch of the Jin clan with a lot of money, just to protect him, Jin Gui, who has nothing to do all day and always makes troubles outside, it can be seen that How much Patriarch Jin attaches great importance to his precious son.

In the beginning, the two were able to draw with Jun Wushang, but within a quarter of an hour, Jun Wushang had already figured out their ways, and he didn't intend to hide their strength anymore. , the two of them were sent flying by his internal force, and the flying movements were unprecedentedly consistent.

The two people who were beaten out by Jun Wushang seemed to be on fire. At this moment, their bodies were exuding extreme heat. If it weren't for their hard skills, they might be roasted at this time. People's martial arts are really abnormal!How did they never know that Bai Yan had such a character, if he died at his hands, they would still be full of resentment.

As soon as Jin Gui saw that the two masters hired by his father were not his opponents, and he dared to play any tricks there, he quickly ran behind him, the speed was absolutely top-notch, Jun Wushang watched Jingui, who had run away, didn't catch up, and didn't bother to look at the people who fell to the ground. He returned to the place where he stayed and continued to practice.

Just when he was fighting just now, he touched the slightest threshold again, and he felt that he could raise one level again.

The two who were injured by Jun Wushang glanced at each other and left quickly. They were still under the care of the Jin family, and they couldn't let the young master of the Jin family suffer the slightest harm. This is what they must do in this business. of.

"You two bastards, you can't even deal with one of them. It's really embarrassing to me. After I go back, I will ask my father to fire you." Jingui saw that there was no shadow of Jun Wushang behind him, and immediately recovered. According to his usual habits, he just cursed at the two of them.

One of them was going to retort, but was stopped by another person. He protected Young Master Jin from danger to his life this time, and he had already completed his task. As long as he sent Young Master Jin back to the Jin family, they would There is no need to protect him anymore, so why bother to have more troubles with him, if it has the opposite effect, then the gain will not be worth the loss.After all, that person is really powerful, and Bai Yan can be regarded as a rare master here.

It's just that they have been wandering in different realms of Bai Yan, and they have never heard of his reputation at all. It seems that they have to go back and review some new stars again. After all, they are in this line of work. Life is carried on the belt of the trousers.

Jun Wushang didn't know about these things. At this time, his whole body had undergone a qualitative change, and he had already cultivated to the sixth level of the Pure Yang Cheats. At this time, his vision seemed to have doubled. Everything can be sensed unexpectedly, perhaps, this is the power of this cheat book, no wonder those people have evil intentions.

"Master, we have all stepped into a new realm, and we feel a great change in our whole body." Ji An and Ji Xing opened their eyes together, and said to Jun Wushang with a smile.

"Well, it's a good thing to be able to make progress. I will give you a task. Ji'an will follow me. Jixing, you wait until Jiajia's martial arts is mastered, and then go to inquire about the whereabouts of Black and White Shuangsha, and find your mistress as soon as possible. This matter is very important. , you must go all out." After Jun Wushang finished speaking, he headed towards the east. He just felt that there seemed to be something attracting him in that place, and the gravity could give him a very sentimental feeling. He has always been very sad. Trust your instincts, and if you think something is there, you have to find out for yourself.

Mo Qingyou, who was cultivating, raised her eyebrows lightly. She felt that something was getting farther and farther away from her, making her less and less accessible, but at this time she was at the most important time of her cultivation.In order not to get distracted, she didn't dare to be distracted, but slowly gathered her mind and fell into the boundless realm. It wasn't until one morning, when a cold aura emanated from her body, that she stopped practicing and opened her eyes. eyes.

Unexpectedly, the secret book given by Black and White Shuangsha is so cold, as if she can use martial arts to freeze things in an instant. For this idea she thought of, she decided to try it out. She moved her hand and said silently in her heart. Judging, the chair she was looking at really turned into ice at the fastest speed, and there was a chilly air on it, which can definitely clean people instantly, this martial art is really a clever plan up.

"Girl, you are finally out of seclusion? Do you know that you have been in seclusion for more than a month, but we two old men are so hungry. Ever since we ate the food you cooked, Meng Gu's food is just It's enough to fill your stomach, but it can't satisfy your appetite at all, when can you go and cook a meal for you?" Black and white Shuangsha looked at Mo Qingyou with pitiful eyes, as funny as he looked Forced, it's not like what a centenarian can show, but what Mo Qingyou doesn't know is that the black and white double evil is not only a hundred years old at all, but in the place of Baiyan, the life span can be extended , let alone someone with such high martial arts skills as Black and White Shuangsha.

Just as Black and White Shuangsha was about to pull Mo Qingyou out, they saw the frozen stool behind her, and couldn't help but froze there for a moment. Isn't this girl too perverted?This is just a month of retreat, how could it be possible to learn the fifth level of the pure yin secret manual?This is not a joke!But they looked at the stool behind her, and they had no reason not to believe it, so they could only ask weakly.

"Mo girl, you won't cultivate to the second level of this pure yin secret book, right?" After Black and White Shuangsha finished speaking, he couldn't help but look at her quietly, not daring to move for fear of missing her answer.

"No? I just cultivated to the peak of the fourth level." Mo Qingyou couldn't help feeling a little annoyed as she spoke. She had already touched the fifth level, but she was always stuck at the last point. If you don't enter, you have to wake up early.

"What? It's just the top of the fourth floor? Why are you so perverted? Do you know how difficult it is to progress on this floor? You even took a month to reach the fourth level, which is far from the fifth level. It's just a matter of time, aren't you hurting the two of us?" Black and white Shuangsha faced her with a mournful face, it was a shock, could they pretend that they hadn't been here before? Their hearts are not strong enough to withstand it, and this girl is too perverted.

(End of this chapter)

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