Mad Concubine Poison Walks the World

Chapter 158 Participating in the Martial Arts Competition

Chapter 158 Participating in the Martial Arts Competition
Mo Qingyou didn't know what happened to Jun Wushang these days. At this time, she was being driven by the black and white pair of evil spirits. Because she took up too much time in cultivation, she was a bit delayed, although she was in a hurry. , but she felt it was worth it, all because she had broken through the seventh level of the pure yin secret book, and she was much more proficient in everything she did.

"Mo girl, with your current martial arts, you will definitely be able to win every single one. You don't need to worry about it at all." Black and White Shuangsha tested her by himself, and knew that her current martial arts had improved greatly compared to before. That's why they are so confident.

"Are you so sure? If I lose, you can't rely on me!" Although Mo Qingyou is also very confident in herself, she still feels that she needs to remind them, after all, she doesn't know this. Whether Bai Yan has the kind of person with high martial arts skills, if she can't win, and the two of them have high hopes for her, it will be a big deal.

"Don't worry, we won't blame you, just do your best." Black and White Shuangsha finished speaking faster, because the match had already started at this time, and they still needed half an hour.

"Is it because black and white Shuangsha don't dare to show up because they don't have any apprentices?" Some people who would take advantage of the excitement didn't think it was a big deal at all, and speculated wildly there.

"Don't, anyone can say anything, but you can't say bad things about black and white. Who doesn't know that they are completely merciless when they start their hands. Otherwise, this time's martial arts competition will not be good. Because I was afraid of him, I stopped posting him."

The scene was noisy and discussing, and at this moment, the black and white Shuangsha took Mo Qingyou and flew over their heads. Everyone could see that the girl was supported by the two of them, although everyone There was no further discussion, but from the eyes of each other, it can still be seen that Black and White Shuangsha is completely replaced by someone, and they still need to support them, and their martial arts are not that high compared to that.

"Have you started martial arts yet? Our apprentice is here." Black and White Shuangsha went up to the table and sat on the chair specially reserved for them, and then asked the invigilator loudly.

"You came at the right time, and it's about to start. Please let this girl go to draw a number. There will be a competition from one hundred to thirty, and this time the competition is based on the thirty red flags on the ring. Related, anyone who gets the red flag is considered to have entered the top [-].

Specifications, that is, there are no rules, and everyone can do whatever they want. "After the instructor finished speaking, he stepped aside again. He had already said it just now, and this time it was mainly for Mo Qingyou.

Thirty red flags, one hundred people stepped forward to snatch them, one can imagine how intense the situation was.Mo Qingyou was not in a hurry to step forward, but just let them attack each other on the sidelines. In fact, as long as she got a red flag, she would be considered a winner, and she didn't care about the speed of time.

The arena was very high, one person went up, and then was dragged down by another person, the speed did not slow down at all, one person after another fell from the top, and then climbed up again.

A man is very fast, very steady, always able to take another step up the moment someone grabs him, very steady, it seems that he is the only one who needs to think about it.

Mo Qingyou also moved after five or six people in a row got the red flag to the ring and handed it to the instructor for timing, but she chose a relatively far away place because there were relatively fewer people in those places, so they would not be caught. She didn't want to expose her details in the first round.

After randomly picking up a red flag that was closer to her, she quickly headed towards a place where there were few people. From the beginning to the end, her speed was very fast, and what others could understand was that her lightness kung fu was very fast. will not affect the future.

Each round passed quickly, and the thirty people were settled, followed by a lottery, and those who got the same lottery had to go to the arena for the second round of [-]-to-[-] competition.

Mo Qingyou's luck was very good, she got a relatively weaker martial artist, and she won this round easily, and the man who was the first to get the flag, his name was Xiao Xiao, also won easily. Xuan, a very feminine name, but she is extremely strong. If she meets him, even she herself is not sure if she is his opponent.

Among the other thirteen people who won, Black and White Shuangsha just told her to be more wary of a person named Jingui, because he was a person who couldn't hold back when he saw a beautiful woman, and he had faced Mo Qingyou countless times on the court. She cast her passionate eyes, if she hadn't looked at Black and White Shuangsha to support her, I'm afraid she would have attacked her on the spot. Black and White Shuangsha said that she couldn't stay by her side all day and asked her to pay more attention.As for the others, Black and White Shuangsha completely ignored them.

The fifteen-to-eight competition was held on the second day. After all, everyone was very tired after two consecutive matches today.

"Mo girl, you have worked hard. In fact, the previous ones are still easy to deal with. Your opponent will be Xiaoxuan who won the first banner in the first game. He is a very hardworking person. He is not recognized by anyone, so he has paid more and suffered more than ordinary people, if you are against him, if you can't beat him, don't force it, just do your best." Black and white Shuangsha stood aside Give her some things that she needs to pay attention to.

Mo Qingyou thinks that these two old people are actually very funny. Although they have a bit of a temper, they have never really hurt her, and even gave her such an important secret book. How can such a person be What outsiders say is perverse!
"I know, I won't make fun of my own life." Mo Qingyou said and went to the residence with the two of them. They came to the competition with rooms prepared, otherwise, if they arrived late like them, I'm afraid it's hard to find a place to live.

The place where Mo Qingyou lives is a single room, and she should be given alone because of her black and white face, but that's fine, she's not used to sharing a room with others.Putting things on the edge of the bed casually, Mo Qingyou went to take a bath, her whole body was sticky and uncomfortable all day long.

Just when she was about to rest and lay there before falling asleep, a small hole was pierced in her room, and a long bamboo stick came in from the outside, and Mo Qingyou immediately sneered , I didn't expect that someone here would dare to do something to her. Thinking of what black and white Shuangsha said to her today, Mo Qingyou quickly thought of Jingui. It seems that that man is purely for beauty, so he doesn't want to die. If so, Then don't blame her for being merciless.

Mo Qingyou pretended to be tricked, and fell asleep softly. Soon, someone picked her up. It would be okay if she really fainted. At this time, Mo Qingyou was awake and could feel the bumps She was in so much pain that she wanted to get up immediately and beat them to death, but when she thought of pulling out the big fish behind her, she endured it again.

Xiaoxuan had practiced martial arts in the back mountain, and just when he was about to go back, he saw two men carrying a woman on their backs and leaving quickly.And that woman seems to have come with Black and White Shuangsha. Although Xiaoxuan is not a nosy person, he understands that this woman is a strong enemy. This is a warrior's perception of danger, but he does not know that she is How did you get caught.

Although he didn't know clearly, he still followed. Even if he wanted to win, he had to win in a fair way, and this woman was the only one he regarded as his opponent.

"Young master, we have already brought her. Didn't you say how difficult she is to deal with? But it is very easy for us to catch her. She is fascinated by us with just a pack of drugs. Now she is here. It's up to you to be happy." The two men showed treacherous smiles while talking.

Mo Qingyou kept sensing quietly until she was sure that it was just the three of them, and there was no outsider except for an extra tail outside. At this time, she stood up from the ground in a leisurely manner.

"It's embarrassing for the two of you, I let you carry me so hard all the way, but your body is still a bit weak, and I, the one being carried, don't feel comfortable at all, if I don't want me to know who wants to tie me up , I’ve cleaned you up a long time ago.” After Mo Qingyou finished speaking, she quickly lifted the two of them up with a movement of her hands. The two big men were held above their heads by a woman with one hand. Without any ability to resist at all, it can be seen how powerful Mo Qingyou is now.

"Jingui, your people have offended me, so take your life to taste it!" After Mo Qingyou finished speaking, she exerted force on her hands, and there was a click, and two necks were snapped in response.

"I heard that you are a person who can't move when you see beauty, right?" Mo Qingyou threw the two of them on the ground casually, then looked at the stunned Jingui and said.

"Girl, please forgive me. I didn't intend to do anything to you. This is entirely the idea of ​​these two people!" Jingui was looking at where he could escape, but he didn't expect him to do such a thing so many times. Now he has been counterattacked one after another. The last time he fell in love with the Chunyang Cheats, if not for those two bodyguards, he was almost not killed by that man. After returning, he was even trained by his father However, those two bodyguards left because of their injuries. Just like that, there has been no one around him recently.

If it weren't for seeing that Mo Qingyou was a girl this time, he wouldn't have dared to send someone to kidnap her, but he didn't expect that she would be a ruthless master, even more ruthless than him in killing people.

"They belong to you, right? I don't think they would have the guts to do these things if you didn't order them! I never thought that you are such a useless person. People like you would be muddy in the world out of air!"

(End of this chapter)

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