Mad Concubine Poison Walks the World

Chapter 17 The Disgusted White Snake

Chapter 17 The Disgusted White Snake

She's not stupid, and it's not like she doesn't know how difficult his illness is to cure. If she wants to cure his illness, she will have to lose a layer of skin at least, because she is tired.Otherwise, Qu Banxian couldn't do anything until now, squatting in the backyard all day thinking of ways.

At this moment, Jun Wushang understood that he had fallen for a woman who was obsessed with money, and if he didn't satisfy her appetite, he wouldn't get the result he wanted, so he turned around and didn't even bother to look at her With a glance, it just flashed out of the window.

Fortunately, Leng Xiaxi had sworn to promise that as long as he came out with this dozen banknotes, he would definitely be able to take Mo Qingyou down, but what happened!It's not that it's not beneficial to accompany the wife and break the army. A person like him dares to laugh at him. That's right, he stayed in the medicine hall for a whole month thinking of a way, and his face almost cramped when he thought about it. But now, I haven't seen how effective his method is!

"Walk slowly, welcome back tomorrow! Remember to bring more silver." Mo Qingyou looked at Jun Wushang who was left by her anger, and smiled shamelessly, telling him to bully Xiao He, dare to bully the person she is covering , I simply don't want to mess around anymore, and there is no psychological pressure at all to pay his silver taels.

Although she is not a money addict, who would think too much of such things as bank notes? In modern times, she is already a rich woman who earns a lot of money, but in this ancient time, she had to keep everything. Only by continuing the fine modern traditions will I be worthy of her family's professor!

On the second day, Jun Wushang came a little earlier than the first night. She always said that night is the best time for a girl to sleep at home. He came early now, so she must be embarrassed to take the bank note and not do anything. !

Who knows, he thought too much, Mo Qingyou took the bank note and kissed it with glowing eyes, and then put it next to the pillow, but this time she was different, and put a white note on top of the pillow. The vast object, the whole body is slippery, Jun Wushang frowned when he saw it, how could a woman like such a cold-blooded animal?Didn't it say that women are most afraid of snakes, or something?She also put it on the pillow, even held it in her hands, and brought it to her lips for a kiss.

Seeing this, Jun Wushang felt goosebumps all over his body, he felt his entire scalp explode, he squinted his eyes and opened them again, he had lost the idea of ​​negotiating terms with her, now when he thought of her kissing that The movement of the white snake made him feel nauseous for a while, and he could still stay there, and then quickly left her room in a flash.

Mo Qingyou looked at the figure who had gone away, but she had prepared a lot of words to talk with him!In the end, before he could say anything, he was already scared away by Xiaobai, which is too embarrassing to be scared!
"Xiaobai, you are awesome, keep working hard tomorrow!" Mo Qingyou has done a lot of research on raising snakes in modern times. In modern times, there will occasionally be one or two precious little snakes in her room. Often it was to help her look after the house, and even bit a few thieves!Fortunately, she found out that she was rescued in time, but it also saved her loss, right?

Right after Jun Wushang left, he felt that he shouldn't just run away like this, turned around, and he returned to her room again, but this time, his eyes were not on the white snake, and he spontaneously to ignore it.

(End of this chapter)

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