Chapter 19
"Okay, don't forget to come over tomorrow." Jun Wushang got an affirmative answer, and he didn't bother with the banknotes anymore, anyway, he has plenty of banknotes, so why give them to her!

"Miss, I was really scared to death by you just now. He is such a terrifying person, how can you not be afraid? How dare you follow him to negotiate terms so blatantly? I dare not mess with my feet while waiting outside." I haven't recovered my thoughts yet!" Xiao He heard the silence in the room, and she came out after a long time, rubbed her stiff feet, and looked at Mo Qingyou with trepidation.

"Who is your lady? Why are you afraid of him! He has one nose and two eyes, so he can still eat me? Even if I give it to him, he may not be able to eat it!" Mo Qingyou said later , muttered in a low voice.

"..." Xiaohe was at a loss for any words to express. After tucking her in, she walked out of the room and went back to sleep. Since her young lady got well, she no longer needed to stay in the room, as long as she served She was up early and made it.

Jun Wushang originally planned to turn around and say that he would send someone to pick her up tomorrow morning, but who would have heard her muttering this sentence afterward, which almost made him lose his mind, so he decided that he should not go in. To avoid getting angry with her again.

Is this woman still a woman?Let's not talk about love, but dare to say such words, he is not like her maidservant who is unfounded, although she muttered very softly, it still did not escape his ears.

This night, Mo Qingyou had another good dream. The next morning, if the sun hadn't sunned into her humiliation, she would definitely have fallen asleep in dizziness!Completely forget Jun Wushang's words, get up early or something, that is something she hasn't done in 800 years, unless the sky is under pressure, otherwise, she can sleep enough to talk about it.

From her point of view, the disease didn't last for a day or two, and it didn't matter if it was healed an hour or two later. What she didn't know was that in the whole pharmacy, except the client, everyone Everyone was waiting for her with great anticipation, and they almost lost sight of her.

Finally, just when the group of people felt that Jun Wushang was being fooled, Mo Qing walked into the medicine hall slowly, looking at the listless people, the way her eyes lit up when she saw her, made her heart Deep chills, as for?They seem to have met a few days ago, do you miss her that much?

Apparently, Mo Qingyou's self-evaluation is too good and she thinks too much. Others have gone through countless years of hopelessness, and this summoning sees hope. Whoever it is, everyone's eyes will light up, and they will be excited of.

"Everyone is so early today! I'm not too late, am I?" Mo Qingyou walked into the medicine hall and saw several people staring at her. She couldn't help asking, she came much earlier than usual, should she It's because they work too hard and get up early.

Several black lines slid across everyone's foreheads!morning?They have been waiting here for almost a whole morning. You must know that they have not eaten anything, unlike her, who only go out after eating and drinking. Now they have their intestines stuck to their backs and are suffering from hunger and cold.

"Don't stare at me. I won't be full if you look at me. His condition is not urgent, so he has to take his time. Do what you should do! There are so many people guarding one person, and those who don't know think they are about to die. He's dead!" Mo Qingyou waved at them, and walked into the backyard alone, the front yard was too noisy, she needed a quiet place.

(End of this chapter)

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