Chapter 23 1
Mo Qingyou had just returned to Qingyuan from the back door, and without further ado, she ordered Xiao He to move out a chair for her. Acupuncture is all about concentration and there should be no mistakes. It is the most tiring job. At this time, she was also a little sleepy.Seeing Mo Qingyou's tired look, Xiao He consciously came up behind her, rubbed her shoulders gently, and let her relax.

Just as Leng Xiaxi was about to open the door and walk in, he heard the footsteps of several people in the distance. He jumped up and hid on the roof. Now, it is not suitable for anyone to see him. It is better to wait for people to finish walking. It's never too late to go out.

"Miss, His Royal Highness has invited you a letter of engagement! I believe that you will soon be able to become a princess, and the general will be back soon. By then, Miss will definitely have a very grand wedding, and everyone will be envious Humph, this time I'm sure I'll piss that woman off." Xiao Jia said while flattering her with a grin.

Mo Ziyou heard that there was a smile on her lips all the time, and there was a sense of success in her eyes. The princess should have been what she deserved, not the fool who was useless since she was a child. How much effort she has made for this day, since childhood, Her mother taught her according to the rules of the palace, and she was immersed in a boring and unchanging life every day. Today, she finally got her wish.

Moreover, if it wasn't for the reputation of the general's mansion, I believe that father would also drive out such a fool as Mo Qingyou. The status of Mo Qingyou's mother's mother's family is not as good as her mother's. But her mother has always been superior to her, and for this reason, she, Mo Ziyou, is much more noble than Mo Qingyou. From today on, she can no longer threaten her.

As they walked, they got closer and closer to Qingyuan. That's right, she was here to scare off that idiot today. A person like her is not worthy of being her older sister. Isn't she just born a few minutes earlier!She is not qualified to call her sister.

Mo Ziyou stopped in front of the courtyard, glanced at Xiaojia beside her, the person beside her nodded, stepped forward and kicked the door open, the door opened from the outside with a bang. open.

This time she brought more martial arts skills, and she must avenge the kick last time.

Mo Qingyou inside the door originally planned to take advantage of this time to take a good rest, after all, she still had to go out for a while, but unexpectedly, an uninterested person would call at the door before she closed her eyes, and the tired Mo Qingyou Qingyou's eyes tightened sharply, she glanced at Mo Ziyou and her party outside the door, cast her cold eyes, and didn't bother to respond.

Didn't she, Mo Ziyou, want to marry the prince?The status of the princess should be very important to her. She will definitely let her pay for the feeling of climbing the clouds and then falling down. The feeling will definitely be very good.

"Mo Qingyou, you are really rude. When you see people coming to the door, you don't even know a little bit of etiquette. No wonder people like you are abandoned by His Highness the Crown Prince."

Mo Ziyou raised her chin and said with a haughty look, today, she didn't want to make her feel better, only when she was sad, she would be happy, after all, she got it with great difficulty.

"Mo Ziyou, in terms of seniority, I deserve you to call me elder sister. In terms of politeness, you should follow me to greet people, but you look at people with your chin up high. Could it be that you didn't learn enough last time? ?”

(End of this chapter)

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