Mad Concubine Poison Walks the World

Chapter 28 Healing Toxins 2

Chapter 28 Healing Toxins 2
At this time, no one can help him. Perhaps, she now has a little understanding of the reason why he doesn't let the few people outside the door come in. It took so many years for a master who thinks about him in everything Researching his condition, there is also a very sensible junior who is doing these things silently. Although a rich man who is smiling all day long and is good at slaughtering people, but he is able to spend money for him, how can he bear them again? Worried about him!

Time passed by every minute and every second, Jun Wushang endured so much that his blood was exposed in front of Mo Qingyou, but even so, he still didn't even utter a word.

During this time, Mo Qingyou went out to change the potion twice more. With each potion poured, the pain Jun Wushang had to endure intensified, each time stronger and more unbearable, but Mo Qingyou still didn't I could hear him make a little bit of sound, but luckily she didn't offend this man, he is definitely a formidable enemy, if a person can be so cruel to himself, then he will be even more cruel to others.

Finally, time passed, and as the water temperature passed, the pain in Jun Wushang's body gradually decreased. Looking at him who hadn't opened his eyes yet, Mo Qingyou was still thinking whether to go outside and call two people to relieve him. He lifted it up, but as soon as she moved her body, Jun Wushang opened his eyes, stood up in front of her, went into the bucket prepared for him early in the morning, and squatted down again .

Mo Qingyou looked at someone who turned a blind eye to her, and blinked her eyes twice. Did this person ignore her?Anyway, he should say something in advance!He is naked now!When I was getting the needles for him, some of his important parts were still covered, which is a completely different concept from now, not to mention that at that time her mind was all about getting the needles, but now she didn't do anything of.

And what she didn't understand was that after she got up from the bed to add water for him, seeing her tired, but still taking care of him responsibly, in Jun Wushang's eyes, she had already been identified, this woman's ambition was beyond words Not strong, the idea of ​​wanting to keep her by his side as his pillow was decided at that moment, since he was going to be his pillow in the future, even if he finished watching him, so what the hell!Otherwise, no matter how painful he was, he would have thrown her out instead of letting her stare at him for so long.

"You...can you go back to the bed by yourself?" Mo Qingyou asked seeing that his physique was not as good as that of ordinary people. She was really not sure if he could handle it by himself, after all, he was able to walk into the bathroom independently just now. Well, it should be okay to walk out again, but if he can walk back by himself, doesn't that mean that her medicine is useless?She had doubts for the first time.

Jun Wushang frowned when he heard her words, just now he was struggling to walk over, but he didn't feel anything wrong, but now that he was soaked in the warm water, without the nourishment of the potion, his body seemed like a It softened in an instant, and it was completely useless. If anyone came to him at this time, he could easily kill him. I didn't expect that the effect of this medicine was really different. He had underestimated it before. up.

"You help me up." Although Jun Wushang was very reluctant, but at this moment he had no other choice, it was better for her to see it all than to be ridiculed by those outside.

(End of this chapter)

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