Mad Concubine Poison Walks the World

Chapter 37 1 must be dazzled

Chapter 37 Must be dazzled

"Xiao He, the General's Mansion has nothing to do with us in the future. Don't tell me what they are doing. Go find Jun Wushang and tell him that I have something to discuss with him." Mo Qingyouke She is not a person who can be manipulated by others, Mo Shili dared to treat her like this, she never thought of giving up like this, according to her words, the days are still long!
After a while, Mo Qingyou saw Jun Wushang hurriedly approaching.

"Xiao He said you have something to ask me? Is the wound hurting again?" Jun Wushang came to her bed, saw that her face was normal, and was relieved a little.

"Xiao He, you go out first!" Mo Qingyou pushed Xiao He away, and she slowly sat up from the bed. After a month of recuperation, the medicinal materials she used were all top-notch. I can walk freely, as long as it is not too much trouble, there will be no major problems.

"Once I heard you talking with Mr. Leng, I learned that there is a restaurant in Shangjing that serves delicious meals. It seems to be called Yingfulou. Can you take me there?" Mo Qingyou said after a month. Rehabilitation, she has been able to understand very well that Jun Wushang's ability is very strong, but she is very weak now, if she wants to go out, she must have a reliable person by her side, and he is the person she chose.

"Is your injury all right?" Jun Wushang frowned. Normally, it was Ji'an who brought these things to him. He always disdained to stay in the same place with everyone to eat and drink together, but Today, Mo Qingyou would come to call him, and he was naturally willing, but he was afraid that her body was not yet fully recovered, and there would be a lot of people going there, which would not be good for the wound.

"Don't you know my ability? Since I said I can go out, then I can go out. If you don't want to, then forget it. I'll let Xiao He call Qu Zhe to accompany me!" Mo Qingyou It seems that the determination to go out is very firm, and how could Jun Wushang allow her to have the opportunity to meet Qu Zhe, after all, Qu Zhe and her age are relatively close, and Ji An also said that it is easier to get along with each other if they have common topics, In this way, he will not agree even more.

"Let's go, I'll take you there." Jun Wushang's hand took hers out of habit. Mo Qingyou was stunned when she saw the clasped hands, but in the end she didn't shake them off. Forget it, hold her hand. Just pull it!It's not like she hasn't been led before in modern times, anyway, she always takes a carriage when she goes out.

When they passed by the front yard of the medicine hall, Qu Banxian and Qu Zhe stared wide-eyed, stretched out their hands and rubbed their eyes, and looked at them in disbelief, their mouths could fit a whole egg.

Jun Wushang, who loves cleanliness extremely and has an emotional obsession with cleanliness, would take the initiative to hold a girl's hand, and even guarded it like a jewel, so they were not shocked.

"What's wrong?" Mo Qingyou asked weakly, looking at them with some puzzled eyes.

"Ignore them, let's go, there will be no room for a while." Jun Wushang made a very unconvincing excuse, and pulled Mo Qingyou away. Before leaving, she seemed to be in Jun Wushang's ear. She saw a touch of red, but she didn't take it seriously, and got into the carriage with her support.

"It must be that girl's injury is not healed. That kid was thanking her for taking care of her a few days ago, so he led her." Qu Banxian muttered to himself, and walked away, making him believe that Jun Wushang would like it Alone, this is simply unimaginable.


(End of this chapter)

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