Mad Concubine Poison Walks the World

Chapter 52: You Can't Die If You Don't Die

Chapter 52: You Can't Die If You Don't Die

Everything is ready, only the east wind is owed. On this day, Mo Qingyou knocked on the door of Jun Wushang's room early in the morning. Today, he must, must go to the medicine hall. Even Yunxian has already heard the news from Qu Zhe that Jun Wushang will pass, and she will never allow him to back down halfway.

"Isn't it okay if I don't go?" Jun Wushang had a terrible headache, but he had already agreed at that time, and now even if he wanted to go back, he couldn't do it.

"Hmm!" Mo Qingyou frowned, her face unquestionably showing her decision.

Mo Qingyou and her had been heading towards the medicine hall since they took a carriage, but she didn't follow in, but let Qu Zhe, who was waiting at the side, lead her in from the backyard.

Sure enough, as soon as Yun Xian saw Jun Wushang, he immediately rushed up, his appearance was like a dog meeting a bone, his impatient performance, if it wasn't for Jun Wushang's strong determination, on the other hand, he had already agreed Qingyou, I'm afraid he will turn around and leave!
"Prince Lie, Yunxian is here to thank you. I prepared these early in the morning. I hope you like them!" Yunxian stopped Jun Wushang and took him to the table. Shang's face became even colder. If Yunxian could stop at this time, there would be no scene where she regretted it later.

Qu Banxian was wondering early in the morning why this cold-faced apprentice of his family asked him to help treat this young lady of the Miracle Doctor Pavilion for no reason. He is a doctor, and it is natural and righteous to heal the sick and save the patient.

But now he not only came here, but also accepted Yunxian's invitation. His disciple's cleanliness is very deep, did he take the wrong medicine today?

Seeing the two sitting together, Qu Banxian was furious. Although Yunxian was the daughter of a genius doctor, no matter where he looked at it, he felt that she was not half as good as Mo Qingyou. She was pretentious and annoying. died.

No, he must take good care of his apprentice, and not let him do wrong things, but what he doesn't know is that Jun Wushang is even more irritable, but he can't leave.

Qu Banxian was about to go up, but Mo Qingyou pulled him down in a hurry. The matter was about to be completed, how could Uncle Qu ruin it!
When Qu Banxian saw Mo Qingyou's figure, he became very anxious, and asked her to see his apprentice sitting with another girl on the spot, this girl would not be wrong!Moreover, they had conflicts before.

"Uncle Qu, don't worry, I came with Jun Wushang, and I asked him to deal with Yunxian. After a while, you just wait and see the show!" Although Mo Qingyou was talking to Qu Banxian, she But Yunxian kept looking at Yunxian, and as expected, Yunxian saw Jun Wushang's reluctance to take it, and put the medicine she had prepared earlier in the air without hesitation.

This medicine is very powerful, even people with high martial arts skills can't hide it, and it evaporates quickly, making it invisible to others. I believe her plan will succeed soon, but what she doesn't know is that, Jun Wushang took the antidote early in the morning, and it was specially developed by Mo Qingyou, so how could he be enlightened.

The corners of Mo Qingyou's mouth curled up, it seemed that the fish was hooked up, and she raised her thumb towards a black shadow in the distance, and soon, the black shadow moved and hugged Yunxian's waist.

Yunxian looked at the man in black who suddenly ran out and panicked. She had already inhaled the medicine, and Prince Lie would definitely have an attack in a while, and she wanted to take him into her room when he was in a daze Woolen cloth!Now that things have changed, what should she do?
(End of this chapter)

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