Mad Concubine Poison Walks the World

Chapter 68 The Result of the 1st Exam 2

Chapter 68 The First Exam Results 2
The elder looked and looked at the herbs on the table, counted and counted, and after making sure that there was no mistake, he cleared his throat.

"Mo Qingyou, 250 plants in half an hour, [-]% correct."

What is the concept of 250 plants?That's the total number of mixed medicinal materials that the chief examiner put in a pile!
She found them all!How can this not be shocking, and it makes those elders not treat her differently. You must know that she did it when the time was approaching, and her recognition of herbs is extremely high. No one in the world has the ability like her, and the right herbal medicine is picked out at a glance.

The calm Mo Qingyou formed a strong contrast with the triumphant clouds just now. Flowers and cow dung, smart people will choose flowers.

Yun Cai clenched her hands tightly, and her expression became colder. This damned woman, if not for her appearance, she would always be the lady of the Miracle Doctor Pavilion with thousands of halos, now as long as she hears a little bit of other people's words Laughter, always subconsciously feel that others are mocking her.

On the other hand, Mo Qingyou still accepted everyone's blessings with a light smile, her attitude was neither humble nor overbearing, and she did not cater to people's wishes.She just stood there like this, and people could feel her indifference. This kind of demeanor was not comparable to that of Yun Cai.

"Hmph! Let's go, this is just the first competition, I hope you can still perform like this in the second competition." Yun Cai gritted his teeth at Mo Qingyou, then flicked his sleeves and left first.

Mo Qingyou looked at the figure who had already left, and shrugged her shoulders, she wasn't frightened, anyone can speak harshly!Anyway, she is not afraid, so come if you want!

"Yeah! That's great, the annoying person has finally left." Leng Xiaxi is a person who can't calm down. He has watched the excitement here for so long. If Jun Wushang was not suppressing him, he would have gone to bed a long time ago. I gave them a good meal before, how could I let them go away in such a disheartened manner.

Jun Wushang glared at Leng Xiaxi coldly, and then walked away from the noisy place. As soon as Mo Qingyou saw him like this, she knew he was angry, and immediately stepped forward to act coquettishly and cutely, as long as She can do anything if she can dispel Master Shang's anger!
"Mr. Shang, are you still angry with me? That kind of person doesn't need to be knowledgeable with him at all. Could it be that after a dog bites, will he go up and bite back? As long as I understand it in my heart, and you forget Our purpose? Anyway, there are opportunities to suppress the Miracle Doctor Pavilion, so why leave a bad word in front of everyone!" Mo Qingyou secretly glanced at him after finishing speaking.

"Since it's a problem between us women, let me solve it myself! I won't let myself suffer, I promise!" Mo Qingyou raised two fingers and said flatteringly with a cute face.

Jun Wushang raised his eyes, looked at the cute little girl in front of him, and felt helpless in his heart, she was always so worrying, these people, as long as he wanted to, there was nothing he couldn't handle, since she wanted to play by herself , then it doesn't matter if he lets her play!

Anyway, he will always be by her side, and he will support it when the sky falls.

"You! In the future, if there is anything you can't solve by yourself, just leave it to me, don't force yourself." Jun Wushang patted her head, completely as if with him, everything would be no problem, let Mo Qing Yu was moved indiscriminately again.

(End of this chapter)

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