Mad Concubine Poison Walks the World

Chapter 78 The Well-Deserved Chapter 1

Chapter 78 The well-deserved number one
In the competition field, the eight people are concentrating on making pills. This time, the theme is the same. It is necessary to compare the purity and grade of the pills made by whoever made them.

Mo Qingyou quickly picked up the herbs and threw them into the medicine cauldron one by one without looking at them. For her, it was only a small matter to make these pills successfully. It's completely unnecessary.

But Yunxian, Meteor and the others next to them are not so lucky. Because of the improper use of medicinal materials, they have ruined the pills several times. According to their impatience, whether the pills can be made or not depends on the situation. One thing!
Time was getting closer and closer to the end, but in the end, only four people made pills, and the rest ended with bombing pills.

Yun Xian looked at Mo Qingyou who still had the same expression, her eyes were blazing. Why is this woman superior to her in everything, even in pills, although she really didn't want to admit it, but This is an indisputable matter, now, she is counting on her elder sister to catch up with her, otherwise, they won several championships one after another, it will embarrass the Miracle Doctor Pavilion, which will damage the reputation of the Miracle Doctor Pavilion.

The chief examiner walked up to the competition with the pills for the four people, looked at the people all around and said, "The winner of this conference is Mo Qingyou. Contest.

In addition, there are two tied for No.2, namely Qu Zhe and Yuncai. They have respectively refined two pills with a purity of 90% of the fourth grade. The last one is Xu Ting, who has refined a pill with a purity of 90% of the third grade. . "After the examiner finished speaking, he paused and glanced around, then continued.

"As usual every year, No.1 will receive generous rewards, while the second, third, and fourth have the right to choose medicinal materials or weapons, and now let people award them. The rewards for the second, third, and fourth place, No. 1 is to follow me back to the Yaoxian General Assembly to collect it."

Wow... I saw that as soon as the chief examiner finished speaking, everyone in the audience went crazy. Although the reward for No.1 was very high in previous years, I have never heard that you can get it to go to the Yaoxian Association. In one year, Mo Qingyou can be said to have made a lot of money in the arena. Let alone what rewards she will get, even if she can go to the Yaoxian Association, it is much better than getting any rewards.

There was an angry light in Yun Cai's eyes. Didn't Dad say that he sent a killer last night?Why Mo Qingyou was able to appear in the competition field unscathed and beat her with the advantage of No.1, this is really hateful.

Although very unwilling, Yuncai understands that those rewards are still very attractive. Whether it is medicinal materials or weapons, they are rare in a century. Although she has a handy weapon, Yunxian does not have one, so she said nothing She chose a weapon suitable for Yunxian. For her younger sister, she loves her very much.

But Qu Zhe chose medicinal materials. For a person who loves medicine like him, there is nothing that can compare with precious medicinal materials.

The final No.4 is to choose a handy weapon, and the conference is coming to an end, and the examiner also announced that there will be no more five-year conferences in the future, and it will only stop this year. In the end, regardless of the people who were still talking below, they politely took Mo Qingyou and left.

(End of this chapter)

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