Mad Concubine Poison Walks the World

Chapter 84 The Baby in Room 1

Chapter 84
Stepping into the house, a row of rare herbs of different types, similar to grass but not grass, greets the eyes. Some of these herbs are extinct that cannot be found in modern times, but now they are concentrated here, and their vitality is tenacious. It can be seen that the collectors have taken good care of them.

"These herbs are all found by me and your master traveling all over the world and exhausting all kinds of hardships. In order to make them survive, we have to spend a lot of thought." The right hall master looked at these herbs. As if looking at his own child, with kindness in his eyes, Hall Master Zuo stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder in a timely manner. The two people's thoughts burst into each other's eyes, and then turned into indifference.

Looking at the peaceful appearance of the two, Mo Qingyou felt a warm feeling in her heart. She nodded towards the two of them, moved her eyes away from the medicinal herbs, and turned to the shelf where the bottles were placed. There are letters on the outside of the bottle, there are cold medicines for detoxification, and poisons for sealing the throat with blood, all of which are full of wonders.

There will be a corresponding antidote on the opposite side of each bottle of poison, and only one of the antidote spaces is left blank.

"That's the gap left by your right master who hasn't researched the corresponding antidote." The left hall master followed Mo Qingyou's gaze and explained. The two have fought for most of their lives, but they are still on par. Now because of that matter is more urgent, I have to let go of what I am doing.

"There is a shelf for weapons over there. Every weapon on it is one of the best when you take it out. However, I think you have already got the best one. That kid Wushang came here early in the morning. Looking for Xuantie, people hurriedly forged a set of exquisite silver needles, I think he made them for you!" Zuo Hall Master continued to say to Mo Qingyou.

His temperament is not as easy to talk as the right hall master, but he feels very close to Mo Qingyou who met for the first time, maybe this is the so-called fate!
After Mo Qingyou looked at the things in the room, she headed out the door. It wasn't that she didn't need these things, but that she couldn't use them. Let's not talk about those precious herbs. It might not be possible to change the place It grows better than here, and if she wants to study those poisons, she can guarantee that the result will definitely be better than the two masters. Of course, she will not say these words.As for weapons, as Master Zuo said, they are not necessary.

"Masters, I know that you are all for my own good. However, everything in it is important. If Qingyou needs it, she will come to ask for it. Don't be reluctant, Masters. " Mo Qingyou said with a mischievous smile.

The two hall masters saw that she was not the kind of greedy person, but that she advanced and retreated with restraint, and they couldn't help but feel a little better towards her in their hearts.

After going out the door, Mo Qingyou saw Jun Wushang waiting at the side at a glance, and immediately quickened her pace, heading in his direction.

"Are you chasing so closely, kid? We can still eat this girl! Do you need to act like a thief?" The left and right hall masters couldn't help blowing their beards and staring at Jun Wushang's defense against thieves. When it cleared up, it only took a while, and they hurried over.

Jun Wushang didn't care about the two's accusations, he gently took the slender hand of the person beside him, and interlocked his fingers, the affection between the two of them melted into his heart in the meeting of his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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