God became the villain's little ancestor

Chapter 232 When Neptune Overturns

Chapter 232 When Neptune Overturns (54)

Yan Xun'an gave her a warning look.

"Don't mess with the fire."

Qian Lai stuck out her tongue and went into the bathroom by herself.


There may be something wrong with the company today, and there is no one at home, so Qian Lai naturally left the boy in his room for the night.

She thought she could see at least the shy expression of the young man, but who knew that he was calmer than himself, and even made the bed and waved to her to come over.

Qian Lai couldn't help but ponder whose room this was.

Of course, when the two of them were lying on the same bed, Qian Lai was very happy, hanging on the boy like a sloth, smelling the faint orange smell on his body.

"Brother, tell me, if my mother comes back at this time, how will she react when she sees this scene? Will she force me to marry you?"

Yan Xun'an: "..."

His tone was slightly dangerous.

"Marry who?"

Qian Lai said: "You marry me."

She is willing to tolerate all the bad temper of the little brother.

After nestling in his arms for a while, Qian Lai suddenly said, "Brother, do you think the principal will change?"

Yan Xun'an hugged her, maybe he had never thought that such a scene would appear in two lifetimes, and a low "hmm" rolled out of his Adam's apple.

This happened in the last life too. Yu Si's father was the mayor. Although he was too busy to pay attention to the main personality, the obedience of the sub-personality made him very useful.

If he goes to fan the flames he won't refuse.

Anyway, such things as evidence can be reached out.

The two of them "guessed" correctly, and not long after, news came from the school that Li Qiu would be suspended for investigation.

The outside world does not know why there are many people who eat melons, saying that this kind of principal is not worthy of being a principal, and they are worried about sending their children to such a school.

The city's Education Bureau was "forced" by external pressure to suspend Li Qiu and replace him with a temporary principal.

"Wucao, have you seen the new principal? He is so proud, it feels like his nostrils are in the sky!!"

Some students in the class who eat melons hurried back to the classroom to tell everyone the bad news.

Of course, the students didn't dare to speak very much.

Because Li Xingyun had been silent for a long time, just immersed himself in the test papers, even Nangong didn't dare to go up and say a word.

You have to guard against him at all times, lest he take a knife and go to the principal's office to chop off the new one on impulse.

At this time, Yu Si appeared as the main personality. After seeing what the sub-personality did, he gritted his teeth and stood in front of Li Xingyun, his words trembling.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I will go to my dad right away and tell him..."


Li Xingyun interrupted him in a cold voice without even raising his eyelids: "You don't need to go."

Yu Si stood there a little at a loss.

He didn't know how to make it up, even if Li Xingyun took his anger out on him, he should, but he didn't want the friendship between him and the other party to be broken.

After all, they all helped him so much, but in the end, he hurt them...

Yu Si opened his mouth, probably knowing that the last thing Li Xingyun wanted to see was himself. He lowered his head and trotted out of the classroom without returning to his seat.

Nangong Yunshen looked at the two of them, not knowing who to help for a while.

"Little Xingxing... You, this has nothing to do with Xiaoyu, don't take your anger out on him."

Well now, they should worry about whether the two of them will do something stupid.

Li Xingyun pursed his lower lip, and looked over coolly: "Do I have it?"


"No, if that's the case, we can all help. Don't hold back alone? Yu Si doesn't know anything, so it's wrong for you to mess around with people. Besides, if you're really worried, you can go home or make a phone call. Ask the head office? Who are you showing this face to?"

(End of this chapter)

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