In this world, the only Mr. Warm

Chapter 19 Extra Story 2 The Warmth Hidden Between the Lines

Chapter 19 The Warmth Hidden Between the Lines
Not long after Chi Qiaoqi and Jian Yanzuo got married, Ye Ce and Martina took Dora back to China to see them by taking the opportunity of an academic exchange.

Dora has grown a lot taller than before, and her words have the wisdom that a child of this age should have.The noise made the whole atmosphere extra joyful.

It was the first time for Martina to meet Jian Yanzuo, but luckily she had a good opinion of him.With a chuckle in his words, he kept sighing with a smile, "You are right to wait."

Although Chi Qiaoqi was not surprised by Martina's approval, he still felt a little indescribably happy when he heard her say that.Probably in their eyes, she can get it again after hundreds of twists and turns, which is already the happiest end.

When Ye Ce came back this time, he didn't stay for a short time.Such a rare opportunity, Chi Qiaoqi quietly asked him if he still wanted to visit Zeng Huaichu's place.

Ye Ce's expression was much calmer than Chi Qiaoqi imagined, and he sighed softly, "I think what she said is right, it's better for us to be happy separately."

Not disturbing each other is already the best state.

Ye Ce and Martina's busy schedules are very consistent, and Chi Qiaoqi and Jian Yanzuo naturally take on the work of taking care of Dora.

For them, it can be regarded as an untouched life mode.It's very fresh, but it's more of a way of getting along that hasn't been touched.

Jian Yanzuo likes Dora very much, and accompany her to read stories, watch TV, play model airplanes, and play house, like a responsible parent.

Even though Dora unintentionally destroyed a lot of objects that they once cherished, Jian Yanzuo still couldn't see any distress in his eyes.

Looking at Jian Yan's tender eyes on the left, Chi Qiaoqi suddenly understood the slightly tender moment that Qiao Duo told her before.

In the orphanage, Chi Jinyuan looked at her who had not been adopted at the time with a gentle face, his eyes were full of tenderness, as if he was a family member who should be together.

Chi Qiaoqi had never thought about what kind of feeling this was, but when she saw the beauty that seemed to overflow from Jian Yan's left eye, she suddenly understood what completeness was.

It was indeed a very heart-warming moment, long enough for them to remember for a lifetime.

Dora's Chinese is already very good. There are basically no obstacles in ordinary conversations and simple spelling, and she has even started to learn more complex new characters.

Jian Yan sent a lot of books to Zuo, and every day when he was free, he and Dora would seriously read the fairy tales that he had already mastered by heart.

Chi Qiaoqi would like to see his patient and meticulous appearance, the sunshine is just right, the time is slow, their overlapping voices are natural and relaxed, mixed with the bliss that is already brimming in fairy tales, it will make people feel that the so-called happiness is nothing more than that.

One afternoon, Jian Yanzuo dictated new words to Dora in the living room, and Chi Qiaoqi prepared refreshments for afternoon tea in the kitchen.

Dora's favorite icing puffs and lace shortbread, Jian Yan Zuo's favorite almond walnut tart, and her favorite brown sugar and dried fruit hurricane, everything is so beautiful.

As soon as she left the kitchen with a tray, she heard Jian Yanzuo softly beckoning her over from the living room.Pointing to the ringing phone, he explained seriously, "I'll answer the phone, you can help Dora dictate what's next."

Seeing her nodding, she added, "I heard 'encounter', you can continue."

Chi Qiaoqi nodded and took the book over, Jian Yan took the mobile phone to the yard outside the door, and picked up the call that would not be short at first glance.

meet.Chi Qiaoqi's fingers flicked earnestly, and finally saw it in the third row.

Chi Qiaoqi glanced at Dora's direction. On the Tian Geben, the words had been neatly written, and Dora was raising her face, waiting for the next word seriously.

The next one, Chi Qiaoqi's fingers stopped silently.

Maybe a coincidence.

Chi Qiaoqi stopped his fingers where he was, and frowned slightly. After a little daze, he turned to Jian Yanzuo who was on the phone in the courtyard.

When the sun was just right, he stood in the light with a warm face, behind him was the faint shadow of a tree, and under his feet were shiny stones of various colors.

As if aware that Chi Qiaoqi was looking at him, the moment he raised his eyes, his expression became softer.Squinting her eyes slightly, she gave her a warm smile.

With such a smile, Chi Qiaoqi faced Dora and read out the words that need to be dictated next time.


At that moment, Chi Qiaoqi seemed to see that innocent and serious little girl smiling affirmatively and hopefully at the teacher in the second grade class.

"The synonym of warmth is Jianyan Zuo."

This is the fact that she has always believed in since she met her.

I have never doubted it, and will always believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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