Chapter 410 I understand you

"No." Su Wan said first.


"I'm not uncomfortable, so there's no need to apologize." Su Wan calmed down, her voice cold.

At this moment, the corner of the man's lips curled into a smile that he didn't even notice, and he responded: "Okay."

Su Wan lowered her eyes, and vigorously cut the steak in front of her.

However, I don't know if it was because I was in a mess, but I didn't cut a piece after cutting for a long time.

The man watched this scene in silence.

Finally, he took the steak in front of her and said, "I'll help you."

He skillfully cut the steak into small pieces, and then put the plate back in front of Su Wan.

Su Wan stared in amazement at the cut steak in front of her, and tasted a piece. The meat was so tender that it melted in her mouth.


"It tastes even better with this bottle of red wine."

The red wine was almost awake, and the man poured her a glass himself.

Su Wan raised her head, looked at him and asked, "How do you know?"


"How do you know it tastes better with red wine?"

"I have." Ye Ze replied lightly.

Five years ago, after Su Chen left, Mu Shaotang came to the imperial court countless times to order the same dinner that Su Chen had ordered.

In fact, the dinner was delicious, but he didn't know if it was because of his mood, but he just thought it was tasteless.

Now, he and Su Wan sat at this table again.

In fact, one of his wishes was fulfilled.

He once thought that it would be impossible for him to find Su Chen's elementary school brother in his life, and it would be impossible to hear her call Brother Shaotang again.

Ye Ze shook his head amusedly.

When did I become so sentimental?

Su Wan took a sip of the red wine, her eyes fell on his face, and she said, "Why don't you eat it?"

"Do you need me to help you?"

"Cut the steak."

After saying that, Su Wan didn't wait for the man's answer, but also directly brought the steak in front of him, and helped him cut it vigorously.

I don't know if the candlelight was too bright, but at this moment he actually saw Su Chen's shadow on her body.

The cheerful and optimistic little sun has not completely left.

"Eat." Su Wan handed him the cut steak and poured him a glass of red wine.

The man ate bit by bit.

It was delicious, really delicious.

At this moment, Su Wan's heart was unprecedentedly peaceful.

They were supposed to have dinner together like this five years ago, but they missed it after all.

Su Wan's cold little face softened a lot in an instant.

"Su Wan." Putting down the knife and fork, Ye Ze called softly.


"I can't give you the garden anymore." After all, he still said such an unpleasant remark.

But I don't know if Su Wan was in a particularly good mood tonight, she didn't get angry, and said, "I don't want it anymore."

"Thank you."

"No need to say thank you."

She is actually easy to be satisfied, but this man in front of her always has a way to piss her off.

For the sake of being happy today, she won't be as fussy as he is. She got up and said, "Ye Ze, I'm here tonight. I'm done eating. Let's go first. Eat slowly."

After saying that, Su Wan wanted to turn around and leave.

Ye Ze felt a little unbelievable.

This little woman called him over tonight just to have a meal with him?

Ye Ze subconsciously reached out and grabbed her.

Su Wan raised her eyebrows, stared at his hand, and said, "What? Don't you want me?"

"If you are reluctant, I can stay with you." Su Wan joked.

The man squeezed her wrist tightly, and said in a muffled voice, "No."

"I'm not reluctant, why don't you let me go?"

"Sit down and talk."

He actually felt sorry for this girl.

Su Wan fixedly glanced at him, without saying a word of rejection, "Okay."

Su Wan sat opposite him again, the candlelight dazzled his eyes.

He said, "Why did you call me over for dinner in the middle of the night?"

Su Wan didn't know that he already knew that she was Su Chen's business, she shrugged and said, "I'm hungry, can't I?"


She is in a good mood tonight, and she doesn't mind talking to him a few more words.

Su Wan propped her chin with one hand, looked straight at him, and said, "Ye Ze, is there anything in your life that you regret?"

There are too many regrets in Ye Ze's life, and Su Chen's departure in the past was one of them.

He nodded slightly and said, "A lot."

The corners of Su Wan's lips curled slightly, and said, "I don't have many, only one."

"I once liked someone and asked him to have dinner here, but that person missed the appointment."

"I sent him many text messages and made many phone calls, but I never got her."

"Did you know? It was winter that time, and it was very cold. I only wore a short-sleeved dress for the sake of looking good, and I waited for him all day and night on the top floor, which is here."

"I thought he'd come."

Su Wan thought that her heart was firm enough, but when she talked about the past, she still couldn't help her eyes turning red.

Su Wan narrowed her eyes to hide the thoughts in her eyes.

"He didn't come. It snowed heavily that day. I, Su Wan, once liked someone so much. It's ridiculous."

The man was shocked in place, staring at him fixedly, his whole body froze.

Su Wan liked him, the former Su Chen liked him.

So I asked him to meet here, so I wanted to tell her everything.

He came that day, but he was still late after all, and he didn't see the person he wanted to see.

"Maybe..." The man's voice was a little sour, "Maybe he has been here, but you don't know."

Hearing this, Su Wan let out a chuckle and said, "Come here? Impossible, it's meaningless to say these things now."

"At the beginning, if he really wanted to, he could call me or even send me a text message to prevent me from leaving, but he didn't."

At that time, he had just woken up, his mind was extremely confused, and he just wanted to rush to the imperial court as soon as possible to see Su Chen.

The clinker Su Chen would leave him one step ahead, after all, it was destined.

Later, he thought of sending a text message to Su Chen. Su Chen at that time had already blocked him completely, and he could no longer contact that person.

"It's meaningless to tell you these things. Don't think too much about it. I invite you here tonight not to make up for any regrets. It's just because I'm hungry and I want to come over for a meal."

Even at this time, she still has mixed feelings.

She didn't want to be too cowardly, and she didn't want to be looked down upon.

I don't even want the person in front of me to know how embarrassed she is.

She looked like a lonely and helpless little hedgehog. Although she was covered with thorns, she was indeed soft and warm inside.

she is so good.

He once failed such a good girl.

The man felt a dull pain in his heart.

"Su Wan, you don't need to talk about it." He looked at her fixedly, and said, "I understand, I just want to have a meal here with you, just a meal."

This meal is a regret between each other.

This night, they seemed to have returned to their youthful days.

He is Mu Shaotang, and she is Su Chen.

Su Wan smiled, "Is the food delicious?"

"good to eat."

(End of this chapter)

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