Chapter 414
After some planning, the two immediately decided to arrest both Ye Luoluo and Bai Anjing.

over there.

Bai Anjing was looking at Ye Luoluo expectantly.

"Little fairy, don't be silent, just talk to me, because I like you so much, don't be so heartless."

With Bai Anjing's coquettish tone, Ye Luoluo's goose bumps almost fell off.

Ye Luoluo said impatiently: "Shut up."

"Little fairy..." Bai Anjing's face showed a trace of grievance. He has reached this level, but he still can't impress her?
As expected of the little fairy he fancied, she was so hard to chase.

"What kind of flowers do you like? I will send you other flowers tomorrow. Today I will give you 99, and tomorrow I will give you 99, okay?"

Ye Luoluo: "..."

Ye Luoluo rolled her eyes, ignored the sand sculpture, and walked out with her bag.

Suddenly, Ye Luoluo frowned fiercely, and her face changed instantly!
Someone is following them!

Bai Anjing still didn't know what happened, but he still followed Ye Luoluo persistently, "To be honest, I don't think Mr. Mu is very good. He is so much older than us, so there must be a generation gap."

"I'm different. I'm only one or two years older than you, Luoluo. They say that if you want a husband, you have to find someone who is one or two years older. He will love others. Little fairy, don't you?"

Ye Luoluo turned around and pushed Bai Anjing away!

It happened to dodge the flying knife that was coming in a hurry!

There was a bang of the knife!Brushing Bai Anjing's cheek and passing by!Hit the big tree behind them!

A bloodstain was drawn on Bai Anjing's face.

Bai Anjing's face turned pale from fright.

"What, what's the situation!" Where did the knife come from!

Fuck!If the little fairy hadn't given him a hand just now, he would have died, okay?

That knife was obviously aimed at his head!

Ye Luoluo yelled: "Get out!"

Seeing that they had been spotted, the two killers simply walked out from behind the bushes not far away.

One of them was wounded holding several knives between his fingers, while the other held a submachine gun in his hand.

This time, the two learned a lesson.

When facing Mu Shaotang before, they were careless and only brought ordinary daggers and guns, which damaged the two brothers.

This time, they simply brought the best equipment directly.

The boss looked gloomyly at the two of them.

When Bai Anjing saw these two terrorists, he was terrified. He couldn't help but took a step back and stood behind Ye Luoluo.

"Who are you..." Bai Anjing stared at them with little confidence, his voice trembling slightly.

The boss showed a nasty smile on his face, and said, "Young Master Bai, did you forget about us so quickly? You called us yesterday and asked us to assassinate Mu Shaotang, forgot?"

"It was agreed today that I will personally hand over Mu Shaotang's head to you. No, the fourth brother and I didn't dare to delay at all, so we hurried over here."

"I didn't expect that, we are working tirelessly, but you are very chic, Young Master Bai, and you are here to flirt with Shaotang's woman."

As the boss spoke, his entire face twisted.

"'s you!" Bai Anjing's pupils shrank suddenly.

"It's us." The boss smiled and walked forward.

"So, so you really killed Mu Shaotang? Where's Mu Shaotang's head?" Hearing this, Bai Anjing felt urgent.

"Of course it's here, if you want it, come get it!" The boss patted the bag behind him.

Seeing this, Bai Anjing immediately stopped being afraid and stepped forward eagerly.

Seeing this, the boss burst out laughing, and said, "Young Master Bai, you are really amazing. You didn't get 6000 million, but you lost my two brothers."

Bai Anjing froze, "What do you mean?"

Listening to their conversation, Ye Luoluo had roughly figured out what happened, and looked at them coldly.

This Bai Anjing wanted to die, and bought a murderer to kill Mu Shaotang?
However, looking at the current situation, it seems that these two killers have failed?

Ye Luoluo narrowed her eyes slightly.

The boss threw the bag in front of Bai Anjing, and said, "It contains the head you want."

Bai Anjing suppressed his excitement, and was about to unzip the package.

Ye Luoluo suddenly shouted angrily: "Stop! Don't move!"


Bai Anjing was at a loss and froze in place.

Inside the package, there was a small "click" sound.

Others can't hear it, but they can't hide it from Ye Luoluo, who has outstanding hearing.

Ye Luoluo's expression darkened suddenly, and he said, "Stay back, there's a bomb inside."

As soon as Ye Luoluo said this, Bai Anjing's face turned pale with fright.

"Bomb, bomb?"

Bai Anjing scrambled and pushed back.

Seeing this, the boss snorted coldly: "Tsk! We've been seen through!"

He didn't expect that Mu Shaotang's fiancée would be able to see through his tricks!

What was in that bag was the careful bomb he had installed in advance. The bomb could not kill anyone, but it was more than enough to blow Bai Anjing into paralysis!

The eldest brother and the fourth child looked at each other, and the fourth child said angrily, "Brother, stop talking nonsense with them! Go straight to it!"

The fourth child immediately raised his gun, "da da da" a burst of fire!
Ye Luoluo held Bai Anjing's back collar and dodged left and right. The bullets sank into the concrete floor in front of them, making shallow craters one after another!
Seeing this posture, Bai Anjing immediately exclaimed, "Ahhhhhhh!"

Ye Luoluo got a headache from his noise and angrily said, "Shut up!"

"Gun! They're shooting!" Bai Anjing said tremblingly, his demeanor was gone instantly, his face was full of horror!

"If you don't want to die, just shut up!" Ye Luoluo gave him a fierce look.

Bai Anjing met her gaze, and suddenly shrank his neck.

Why do you feel that the little fairy is more terrifying than those two killers?

There is a feeling of deja vu!
"Damn it! It's fine if Mu Shaotang is good at martial arts, but why is his fiancée so good? I've never heard of it!" The fourth child said unwillingly after changing a clip of bullets.

The boss didn't speak, he took a smoke bomb from his pocket.

"We didn't prepare well last time. We can't let them go this time! Hmph! When we catch Mu Shaotang's fiancée, are we worried that we won't find a chance to take revenge on Mu Shaotang?"

The boss lit the smoke bomb in his hand and threw it towards Ye Luoluo.

Suddenly, a burst of thick smoke rose into the sky!With a pungent smell!
Those students not far from the library, who heard the movement and came to watch, were instantly stunned before they could see why!

Ye Luoluo grabbed Bai Anjing, pressed him to take a picture, and then covered her nose.

The eldest brother and the fourth child wore gas masks and swaggered towards the smoke.

The fourth child said with a hint of pleasure in his tone, "Damn, with such a large dose of smoke, even an elephant should fall down! I don't believe it, even Mu Shaotang's fiancée can't be taken down!"

(End of this chapter)

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