Daddy, big boss mommy has fallen off the horse

Chapter 423 It's all about man's effort

Chapter 423 It's all about man's effort

This Su Ran is an idiot, why should he compete with their cousin?

Seeing Su Ran sweating profusely now, they were extremely proud. Now, no one can compete with their cousin for the first place.

Even Mu Shaotang, who was sitting not far away, frowned involuntarily when he saw this scene.

"What's wrong with him?" The man's cold voice sounded.

Mu Qing hurriedly replied: "The car probably broke down."

"But it shouldn't be, Young Master Su should have checked the car before the race, why did something break down?" Mu Qing was puzzled.

Su Ran squatted down and checked the car again, almost crying in anxiety.

His sister was still watching not far away, but he was so embarrassed.

Let his sister see such an embarrassing scene, he just found a hole and got in.

Su Ran was full of frustration, checked for a long time, but couldn't find out what went wrong, and finally sat there in a daze, without saying a word.

Four weeks later, the audience gradually became dissatisfied with him.

Many people bet all their wealth on Su Ran's victory.

If Su Ran loses, they will lose everything.

"Master Su, can you do it! If you can't, get out!"

"Fuck, why can't I drive you to participate in some competition! Wouldn't it be good to stay at Su's house and be your young master?"

"I'm so mad! I bet 50 on him!"


Su Wan frowned, put on her peaked cap, and walked towards Su Ran.

"Who is that woman?"

"Is she trying to interfere with the game?"

Su Wan walked over to the referee and said, "Hi, I'm Young Master Su's maintainer. Please let me check the car for Young Master Su."

Hearing this, the referee nodded, "Okay, you can go there."

Ordinary racers will bring their own maintainers. After the general racers enter the station, the maintainers will also take the initiative to change their tires and check the car body.

Su Ran shook her head in frustration, not noticing Su Wan's arrival.

Su Wan stood outside the car, looked at him coldly, "Get up."

Su Wan's cold voice reached Su Ran's ears.

Su Ran turned her head too far, staring blankly at the person in front of her.

"Sister..." Su Ran called out in a low voice.

"Get up and get out of the car." Su Wan said.

Su Ran hesitated for a while, then obediently got up and got out of the car.

Standing beside Su Wan, he said sadly, "I'm sorry... I'm sorry, I didn't know that such a thing would happen, sister, I've shamed you..."

"I've obviously checked the car, and I don't know why it broke down suddenly...I'm so useless, I can't fix it..."

"Sister, hit me... I swore before that I wanted you to see how I grow up, but...but I'm still so useless."

"I didn't do it on purpose...I didn't want to be like this...I wanted to do it well..."

As she spoke, Su Ran's eyes turned red.

It was the first time that a proud man like him made such a big fool of himself in front of so many people.

Sure enough, what he said was not to be a little boy protected by his sister.

In the end, he couldn't get out of his sister's wings.

The car broke down, and there was nothing he could do.

Su Wan stepped into the car with long legs.

Surprised, Su Ran stretched out her hand to grab her, and said, "Sister, what are you doing? Forget it... the game has already started for 1 minute, even if it's fixed... it's too late..."

"Besides... besides, it's's not something ordinary people can cultivate."

Su Ran sniffed, her small expression was aggrieved, as if she was being bullied.

Su Ran like this seemed to let her see that smelly brother who loved to cry when she was a child again.

Su Wan reached out, touched his head, and said, "Wait."

So he bent down and fiddled in the car.

Su Ran didn't expect his sister to fix the car. He just felt that the atmosphere here was extremely uncomfortable. He wanted to escape, but there were people all around, and his sister was still here. If he escaped, would he leave her here alone? ?this is not good.

So Su Ran quietly stood aside, watching his sister repair the car for him.

The insults from all around continued.

The car fans who bet on Mu Cheng Beiying shouted excitedly, feeling that the matter had settled down.

Su Ran didn't dare to look up, didn't dare to look at the fans and audience.

"Sister, let's forget it...let's go back first...I'll call someone to help me take this car back..." Su Ran said in a low voice.

Su Wan looked up at him, said nothing, lowered her head and continued to repair the car.

After Su Wan reinstalled the seal shaft, she got up and clapped her hands, saying, "It's done."

Su Wan jumped out of the car and said to Su Ran, "Go up, the race has just started."

Su Ran stood at the same spot, glanced at him hesitantly, and said, "Sister, let's forget it..."


"It's been such a long time, even if it's really repaired, it won't be able to catch up..."

Su Ran said in a self-defeating manner.

Su Wan laughed angrily, "Who said before that you want to prove yourself to me?"


Su Ran bit her lip, "Even if I catch up now, I can only get one down, why bother to bring shame on myself."

It is better to let him die than to let him take the last place and let others laugh at him.

"So, you'd rather give up than try harder, right?" Su Wan stared at him intently.

Su Ran panicked when she saw her, and couldn't help taking a step back.

He doesn't want to be like this...

But if you know you're going to fail and still do it, isn't that a fool?

Besides, with so many people around watching, he is already ashamed...

With red eyes, Su Ran said, "Sister, people like you won't understand me."

Since he was born, he has lived under the halo of his sister, Su Wan is omnipotent, and he, Su Ran, is just a little waste living under her shadow.

Thinking of this, Su Ran's eyes were covered with water vapor, and she wanted to cry in pain.

He really imagined Su Wan to prove himself today.

But in the end, he didn't change at all. The car broke down and his sister repaired it for him. He could only stand aside and watch helplessly, unable to do anything.

He is just a waste living under the halo of his sister.

"Su Ran." Su Wan grabbed his collar.

Su Ran froze.

Afterwards, Su Wan directly dragged Su Ran into the car.

Su Wan was sitting in the driver's seat. She looked at Su Ran coldly and said, "You think it's impossible to catch up to the number one now, don't you?"

Hearing this, Su Ran nodded subconsciously.

"I never knew before that the men of our Su family would lose their fighting spirit when encountering setbacks."

"You have a good look at it. It depends on man's effort, and man will win the day. I hope you can understand this truth. You are Su Ran. You are not someone, and you should not be labeled as Su Wan's younger brother. You want to be yourself. I have no objection, but Giving up without trying hard, I'm sorry, I don't know such a Su Ran."

(End of this chapter)

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