Chapter 429 Be good, please?

"I want to chat with you, Su Wan." The man sighed.

Su Wan looked at him in surprise.

She thought that after the previous incident, except for the monthly agreed meeting, Mu Shaotang would avoid her like a snake, and it would be too late to avoid her. How could he take the initiative to meet her?
Su Wan's eyes widened slightly.

"You want to chat with me? What are you talking about, could it be..." Su Wan smiled.

In an instant, like the grand scene of a hundred flowers blooming in spring, it has a shocking beauty.

Mu Shaotang choked for breath.

Su Wan approached him with a smile, hooked one hand around his neck, and blew into his ear, "Master Mu, do you want to talk to me about this kind of thing?"

Mu Shaotang subconsciously stretched out his hand, about to push her away.

But it suddenly occurred to him that when he was in Shengying, he also pushed her away, making her look like that.

The strength of Mu Shaotang's men was immediately released, and one hand was placed on her shoulder, neither taking it off nor letting it go.

Su Wan's small hand hovered around his waist, and she said with deep meaning in her eyes, "Young Master Mu is the man with the best figure I have ever seen."

She saw that after he said this, the man's pupils shrank suddenly, and his Adam's apple rolled slightly.

Su Wan was satisfied, she squeezed Mu Shaotang's chin, and kissed it.

Her lips pressed against his lips, and she said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "If we talk about this kind of thing, I'm quite willing."

"Su Wan... You, you are crazy." Cold sweat immediately broke out from the man's forehead.

"This time, you didn't push me away." There was a little teasing in her voice.

"Are you afraid of hurting me again?" Su Wan bit his lips lightly, and said, "It's okay, I can bear this little pain."

But last time, when he was in Shengying, who pitifully said the word pain to him?

"Su Wan." The man pinched her cheek with two fingers, and stepped back slightly, "Treasure yourself."

Su Wan was slightly taken aback.

"I just want to talk to you alone."

He didn't say much, grabbed his wrist, led her to the side stone table, and then sat down facing her.

"I cherish myself very much..." Su Wan said.

"A person who loves himself will not use this method to trample on his heart. Are you really happy now? Are you really happy when you do this to me?"

As if being poked at a pain point, Su Wan became annoyed and said, "Of course I'm very happy!"

"You are Mu Shaotang, the famous richest man in country Z. Of course I am very happy to be able to tease you!"

What does he know?He knows shit!

Su Wan stared at him firmly, and said, "Don't force your ideas into me!"

"Okay..." The man lowered his eyes and said, "Then let's not talk about this."

Su Wan pursed her lips in displeasure, poured a pot of tea and drank it down.

"Su Wan, I have a son, do you know?" Speaking of Mu Mu, his voice became much softer.

"Mumu has been in poor health since she was a child. Maybe because of her poor health, her temper became more irritable. She was only five years old, and she started to be rebellious and mischievous."

"Everyone has nothing to do with him."

Su Wan turned the teacup in her hand and listened to him quietly.

"I am not a competent father. I educated Mumu very strictly. Over time, Mumu regarded me as an enemy."

"Until...until my fiancée enters the door of Mu's house."

Having said this, he raised his eyes slightly.

"When your fiancée entered Mu's house, your son suddenly became obedient?"

Hearing this, Mu Shaotang laughed immediately, and he said: "No, they are naughty together, which often makes me burn out."

"Oh? Then, Young Master Mu, you are so happy."

"I sometimes think, what would Mumu be like if his biological mother grew up with him?"

Su Wan's body froze slightly.

At this moment, nothing escaped Mu Shaotang's eyes.

Mu Shaotang pretended not to know: "Although Mumu is naughty, he is a good boy and will take special care of Mommy."

"Oh, what does this have to do with me?" Su Wan's expression was light.

"It doesn't matter, I just feel that Mumu is somewhat similar to Mr. Su in some aspects."

"Huh?" Su Wan raised her head and looked at him suddenly.

"Same stubbornness."

Su Wan sneered, "In terms of stubbornness, Young Master Mu is no worse than me."

"Maybe, Mumu inherited from his parents."

"Do you want to see Mu Mu?" Mu Shaotang asked the question in his heart.

Mu Mu is also Su Wan's biological son, he really can't imagine why Su Wan would be so cruel and throw Mu Mu to him to raise.

Does she have no feelings for Mumu?

"No need." Su Wan said displeased.

"Your Mu Shaotang's son, why do I, Su Wan, want to meet? Don't forget, although we have agreed to meet every month, we are still hostile."

"It seems that you have a good relationship with your son. You are going to make me angry. I tied your son in a fit of anger. Believe it or not?"

In Mu Shaotang's eyes, her ferocious appearance was so cute.

"Do not believe."

"You!" Su Wan was furious and got up, trying to argue with him...

Suddenly, there was a burst of thunder, and there was a "crash"!The pouring rain fell instantly!

The cold rainwater slapped Su Wan's face icily!

The sky was clear just a moment ago, and suddenly it rained?
The weather is also a look.

Su Wan suddenly became even more angry!
Her hair was wet from the rain and stuck to her face.

The man took off his coat, put it on her head, and walked towards the gazebo with his arms around her shoulders.

Su Wan struggled: "What are you doing? How can this little rain affect me?"

"You get a cold, and a cold makes you weak."

This man really didn't open any pot, and she immediately thought of what happened in the desert.

Su Wan said stubbornly, "I'm in such good health, am I afraid of the rain?"

His duplicity made him laugh.

He said solemnly: "Well, you are Su Wan, you are President Su of Shengying, how can a rain defeat you? But it will be ugly if your clothes are wet by the rain. Do you want me to see you in a mess? ?”

The rain "slapped" on the nylon jacket.

Su Wan was dumbfounded.

"Okay, just for a while. There is no umbrella here. I feel wronged that President Su used my clothes to keep out the rain. Be good, okay?"

Su Wan was taken away by him.

When he got to the gazebo, he realized belatedly, Mu Shaotang, who is so dead, actually said something like being good to her?

This kind of coaxing words usually only appear on Ye Luoluo's body.

Su Wan immediately exploded, "Who are you talking to?"

"Who allows you to talk to me like this!"

Seeing her blowing hair, Mu Shaotang said calmly: "Well, Mr. Su, what you said is right, it's my fault."

(End of this chapter)

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