Daddy, big boss mommy has fallen off the horse

Chapter 431 Want V God's Cell Phone Number

Chapter 431 Want V God's Cell Phone Number

But he didn't intend to let her see it. The man turned around quietly, picked up the coat on the table, and walked outside, not disturbing the peace any more.

Leave the garden.

The garden that the little wife had been thinking about was transferred to Su Wan, which made Mu Shaotang feel very sorry.

The man took out his cell phone and made a call.

"Mubai, check, is the uninhabited island discovered by Professor Nie still for sale?" It is an uninhabited island that can be named freely, and he wants to name it after Luoluo.

"Young master, wait a moment, I will ask now."

Mu Bai quickly asked someone to contact Professor Nie.

It's a pity that the small island that Mu Shaotang took a fancy to has already been bought.

Mu Bai replied truthfully: "Young master, that island already has an owner. I'll inquire for you, and it's Mr. Su who bought the holy shadow of that island."

"Of course, if you insist on wanting it, I will send someone to negotiate with Shengying now, and they should be willing to buy it for us at a high price."

"No need." The man frowned, Su Wan, why is it Su Wan again?

Now it's all right, the island he had his eyes on has also become Su Wan's.

A trace of melancholy rose in Mu Shaotang's heart, what should I do?
Mu family.

Mu Chengbei crossed his legs and sat on the sofa in the hall with a proud face.

"Where's my brother?" Mu Chengbei asked expectantly.

"Master Biao, the young master hasn't come back yet."

Hearing this, Mu Chengbei was immediately unhappy, "Then tell me, when will my brother come back?"

"This... I don't know what business Master Biao is looking for with Eldest Young Master?"

Thinking of this, Mu Chengbei felt depressed.

Today his cousin, obviously promised, will come to watch his racing competition.

He also did see his cousin on the field, and he was sure it wasn't his hallucination.

But after the match, he wanted to seek comfort from his cousin, but unexpectedly, his cousin was gone from the auditorium...

He originally wanted his cousin to help him find out about God V.

Mu Chengbei thought for a while and said, "When does my brother usually come back?"

"Around six o'clock in the evening." Mu Shan replied.

Mu Shan would not dare to disobey this Young Master Biao, he is a genuine second-generation ancestor.

"Okay, then I'll sit here and wait for him to come back."

Mu Shan sighed, and said: "Alright then, if you have anything to do with Young Master Biao, just tell me, I'll bring you some snacks first."

Mu Chengbei ignored him.

All he thinks about is God V.

He only found out after the match that it was not Su Ran who was compared with him, but God V!
He never thought that one day he could stand on the same track as God V.

Mu Chengbei felt itchy, turned on his phone, and sent a message.

[Mu Chengbei: Is Young Master Su there? 】

Su Ran was holding the trophy and smiling happily.

Suddenly the phone vibrated, he took out his phone, and saw that Mu Chengbei sent him a private message.

Su Ran replied.

[Su Ran: What's the matter? 】

[Mu Chengbei: Young Master Su, it's amazing, the real person doesn't show his face, why didn't he tell us earlier if he knew God V. 】

The corner of Su Ran's mouth twitched. Even if he said it, this group of people would not believe it. They only thought he was bragging!
[Su Ran: Why? 】

[Mu Chengbei: You know God V, and you can open the dawn of God V, then you must have the contact information of God V, right? 】

[Mu Chengbei: Young Master Su!Do me a favor, if you have any conditions, just ask, can you tell me V God's mobile phone number or WeChat ID? 】

Su Ran was speechless for a while, this guy, he must be trying to hook up with his sister!

Su Ran pressed the screen viciously and typed a word.

[Su Ran: Dreaming!Think beautifully! 】

Unexpectedly, Mu Chengbei had a thick skin.

[Mu Chengbei: Don't dream, I think it's pretty beautiful, how about this, Young Master Su, do you think 100 million is enough? 】

Su Ran immediately showed a disgusted expression.

Does he look like the kind of person who would sell his sister's privacy for money?
[Su Ran: How about sending the beggar?Master, I will be short of this 100 million?What do you think of our Su family? 】

[Su Ran: Speaking of the surname Mu, you are too petty, I thought you would spend at least 1000 million to bribe me. 】

[Su Ran: 100 million, now I can't even buy the contact information of a popular flower. 】

Mu Chengbei: "..."

He is arrogant, and Su Ran is obviously more arrogant than him.

[Mu Chengbei: Then what do you like?Tell me. 】

[Su Ran: I don't like anything. 】

[Mu Chengbei: Is 5000 million enough?I promise not to disturb God V, I just want to be closer to God V. 】

If you had known that Su Ran knew God V, his attitude towards Su Ran would definitely not be that bad.

But it's too late to regret now.

[Su Ran: Master is not short of money, isn't your Mu family powerful?Let you, Master Mu, get it for you. 】

[Su Ran: At the beginning, I loved and ignored you, but now I can't afford you! 】

Su Ran snorted coldly and turned off the phone.

Mu Chengbei sighed, Su Ran, with God V as his backing, really couldn't afford him.

It seems that he can only pin his hopes on his cousin...

Cousin shouldn't hit him, right?
God V is such a nice and decent person, even if he likes him, his cousin shouldn't object.

Mu Chengbei couldn't help but sent a text message to Mu Shaotang.

[Mu Chengbei: Brother, when are you coming back? 】

Unsurprisingly, no reply was received.

Mu Chengbei spread out on the sofa, quietly waiting for Mu Shaotang's return.

An hour has passed...

Two hours have passed...

It was six o'clock in the evening.

Mu Chengbei couldn't sit still, he didn't even see a ghost!

Where is his cousin?
Mu Shaotang went to deal with the transfer of the villa and came back a bit late.

The night is picturesque.

As soon as Mu Shaotang returned to Mu's house, he saw Mu Chengbei lying on the sofa.

Mu Chengbei's face was pale, and he kept muttering something in his mouth.

It wasn't until Mu Shaotang got closer that he heard what he was talking about.

"Why does he know God V, and why I don't know God V, who was also born in a wealthy family, why God would like to take him in a racing car instead of taking me in a racing car, I can do it too, I am obviously better and better than Su Ran Looks good, when God V can take a look at me, if I can add it to the contact information of God V, I will die without regret..."

Mu Chengbei was so bored by himself, he simply started talking to himself.

"Big boy."

When Mu Shan saw the man, he immediately called out respectfully.

Mu Chengbei turned his head in surprise, and saw his brother standing behind him.

Then his brother must have heard what he said just now.

Mu Chengbei blushed immediately.

"Cousin, you're back." In front of Mu Shaotang, Mu Chengbei was as obedient as a quail, and he completely lost the appearance of the second generation ancestor before.

The man's cold eyes fell on him, and he asked, "What are you doing here?"

(End of this chapter)

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