Daddy, big boss mommy has fallen off the horse

Chapter 448 He Lin Jiu Can't Counseling

Chapter 448 He Lin Jiu Can't Counseling

"You, are you really Su Wan?" They had disbelief on their faces.

"I'm not, are you?" Su Wan mocked.

The middle-aged man in the lead was greatly shocked when he saw her face.

What kind of ghost story is this?Didn't the count say that Su Wan would not be here tonight?Then who is the person in front of them?
But this is indeed Su Wan's right!

"Please hurry up!" Su Wan urged.

She has already done this, and these people still don't believe it?
"You, you wait a moment, we will contact the earl for you now!" The leading man said hastily.

After finishing speaking, he took out the walkie-talkie and said, "Master Earl, are you still there?"

Earl’s voice came from the walkie-talkie, “What’s the matter? Didn’t you say, don’t bother me if you have nothing to do? You just need to squat for me outside Tianshu, come out and kill each other!”

Hearing this, the subordinate looked at Su Wan with a guilty conscience.

"That... Earl, I might not be able to kill him..."

"You idiots, don't hesitate, just say what you want!" Lin Jiu was extremely impatient.

He was about to fire the second shell.

"Your granddaughter, Su Wan is here! Are you sure you want to encircle Tianshu?"

Hearing this, Lin Jiu was stunned for a moment, then smiled, not believing it at all, and said: "Impossible! I have investigated everything, Wanwan will never be in Tianshu tonight, you must have been deceived by someone Bar?"

Hearing this, his subordinates glanced at Su Wan with guilt.

"But she has the exact same face as your granddaughter, she is indeed Su Wan..." the subordinate tried to explain.

Lin Jiu snorted coldly, with disdain on his face, "Don't you know that there is a technology called disguise in this world? They Tianshu people are deliberately confusing you, do you understand? Idiot!"

Of course he knows the disguise!But the problem is, the face of the blond girl just now seems to be a human skin mask!
"But, the face after she removed the human skin mask is your granddaughter's face." The subordinate said weakly.

"Hehe, then you are even more stupid! We all know that there is a disguise, she can wear one layer of human skin mask, can't she wear two layers? She is deliberately confusing you!"

Su Wan naturally also heard these words, and her face turned dark immediately!
Can her grandfather be more unreliable?She wasn't free enough to wear a two-layer human skin mask.

Su Wan threw down the hostage in her hand, stepped forward and snatched the walkie-talkie from him, and said, "Grandpa, I haven't settled with you for leaving the island without permission, who do you think is a counterfeit, huh?"

"Yo, you counterfeit, you've done your investigation quite clearly, and you actually know that I was sent to the island for a while in Wanwan."

With a dark face, Su Wan couldn't bear it anymore and said: "Are you not good at hearing or not at all, I am Su Wan, your granddaughter."

"Hehe, my baby won't talk to me like that in Wanwan! Counterfeit, dare to steal my walkie-talkie, just wait, I'll bring someone over and bombard you right away!"

Su Wan: "???" Who are you bombarding?Say it again?
After Lin Jiu finished speaking, he unilaterally cut off the communication.

Su Wan looked at the walkie-talkie and fell silent.

After a while, Su Wan took out her mobile phone and planned to call grandpa.

Unexpectedly, just after the call was made, Lin Jiu refused on the other end!
"Sorry, the number you dialed is busy, please dial later."

Su Wan felt so angry for the first time.

What is grandpa doing.

At this moment, Lin Jiu sat in the command room with a guilty conscience.

Just called him late at night!

Why did Wanwan call him? Could it be that he found out that he came to encircle Tianshu?

No, it can't be known by Wanwan, he can't answer this call.

Wait until tonight is over, Tianshu disappears, everything is settled, and then I will apologize to Wanwan.

Lin Jiu sighed, looking at the phone in his hand with a complicated expression.

Unexpectedly, one day, he would refuse to answer the call from his precious granddaughter.


Tianshu outside.

That subordinate felt ashamed that he was bewitched by Tianshu's monster before.

With a straight face, she said, "How good is it to be exposed by the earl? It's useless for you to wear two masks! Since you are not sincere, we don't need to talk nonsense with you."

The middle-aged man waved his hand and said, "Brothers, come on, arrest her to see the earl! By the way, arrest the man next to her too, maybe it's not the real Ye Ze."

Ye Ze: "..."

Su Wan carried the long knife, the bright light of the knife reflected dazzling brilliance in the dark night!

"Bang" sound.

Su Wan directly repelled the attackers.

Then the long knife swept out!Everyone fell to the ground in horror.

Before Su Wan, the long knife directly touched the middle-aged man's neck.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to explain." They didn't believe it even after explaining.

The brain is a good thing, but it's a pity that they inherited her grandfather's brain.

"You should be the leader among them, take me to Lin Jiu."

In the smoke, on the battlefield.

Hundreds of people surrounded the girl, and a tall man stood beside the girl.

At this moment, the girl was putting the knife in her hand across the necks of their companions.

"I've said it, even if you threaten me, it's useless. They won't be threatened by you." The middle-aged man said with a face of death.

is it?

Yinhu took out the mobile phone with one hand, clicked on the mobile phone, and then called up the information of these people.

For a good hacker, breaking into his grandfather's database is easy.

"Wang Sen, 48 years old, has a wife who is seven years younger and a son who is 12 years old. He is studying in junior high school in Shuitian Middle School, right?"

The hostage he held was Wang Sen.

Hearing this, Wang Sen immediately froze in place.

"Okay, you are very stubborn and have the courage to die, but I don't know if your family members have the courage. Do you want them to die with you?"

"You...shameless!" Wang Sen spit out these words through his teeth.

Yinhu glanced at the people around him, "There are also Zheng Qing, Feng Ye, Jeluff..."

"Do you still need me to report one by one? If you continue to delay, I don't guarantee that I will do anything."

she threatened coldly.

At this moment, she looks like a real villain.

3 minute later.

Su Wan and Ye Ze followed behind Wang Sen and came to a helicopter.

Wang Sen knocked on the cabin door and said, "My lord, the people from Tianshu have come to see you holding Ye Ze's head."

Hearing this, Lin Jiu immediately beamed with joy, and quickly opened the door of the helicopter.

Afterwards, when he saw Su Wan and Ye Ze standing at the door, his expression froze in place.

Su Wan raised her eyebrows and said, "Grandpa, do you see clearly now? Am I wearing a double mask? Am I a fake?"

Lin Jiu suddenly wanted to die!

(End of this chapter)

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