Daddy, big boss mommy has fallen off the horse

Chapter 450 Your Face Is Real or Fake

Chapter 450 Your Face Is Real or Fake

"I really didn't realize that you, Yeze, are such a kind person." Su Wan said meaningfully.

There was a hint of sarcasm on that tense face.

Ye Ze didn't answer.

"Wanwan..." Lin Jiu tried to call out.

Su Wan closed her eyes and said, "Grandpa, retreat, and then stay at Su's house and wait for me to come back."

This is the plan to settle accounts after autumn...

Lin Jiu refused, he said: "Wanwan, can I say no... I am not right with your grandfather..."

Su Wan glanced at him instantly, and he said, "Grandpa, what are you talking about?"

Lin Jiu: "?"

"Don't you like my grandpa the most?"

Is this human?

With that stubborn Mr. Su!He can't talk at all!If it wasn't for Wan Wan, Lin Jiu would never have had any contact with someone like Mr. Su in his entire life!

"Of course, if you really don't want to, you can..." Su Wan pondered for a moment, and said, "After tonight, you can go back to Country Y and be your Earl Lin Jiu, and I won't bother with your affairs in the future. "

Lin Jiu's heart skipped a beat.

Finally panicked!

This time, Wan Wan was really angered.

In the past, no matter how angry she was, she would never say such unfeeling words.

Lin Jiu quickly said: "What are you talking about? Wanwan, I have the best relationship with your grandfather. As you know, I haven't played chess with Lao Su for a long time. I'll go find him right away."

After finishing speaking, Lin Jiu turned around and said to his subordinates, "Retreat! Retreat! Let me go!"

This group of mercenaries came with a lot of momentum when they came, but when they left, they all had their tails between their legs, wishing they could be more low-key.

What's the matter!
Did the count bring them here just for a walk?

Wang Sen had a complicated face, and before leaving, he glanced at Su Wan.

It turns out that this is Miss Su whom the Earl has been thinking about.

In terms of courage and strength, it is indeed absolutely incomparable.

Wang Sen couldn't bear it, and gave Su Wan a military salute to show her respect.

Su Wan naturally also saw this scene and nodded at him.

At that moment, Wang Sen immediately felt like he was about to ascend!look!Miss Su, who was so strict with their Earl, took the initiative to say hello to him!
Satisfied, Wang Sen beckoned people to leave.

"Wanwan, look, grandpa has already listened to you, don't worry... I will go to your grandpa soon... I am also very obedient..."

Lin Jiu can't wait to engrave the words "I'm very obedient" on his forehead.

Su Wan didn't respond, he glanced at Ye Ze, who had a cold posture, and said, "Is the play good?"

"It's okay." The man nodded slightly.

Su Wan suddenly sneered.

When he came to Tianshu this time, he planned to get rid of Ye Ze's relationship with Mu Shaotang in front of so many people.

Clinker, not only did she fail, because her grandfather, a pig teammate, actually let Tianshu's people know that Yinhu was Su Wan.

Su Wan was a little out of breath, snorted softly, and said, "If you watch too many dramas, accidents will happen. Feng Shui turns around, so please take care of yourself."

Su Wan's petite figure blended into the night.

She did not go back to the Twelfth Hall, and now that her identity was exposed, she was too lazy to face the questioning eyes of the people in the Twelfth Hall.

Some time has passed, and the Twelve Palaces are still in shock, which shows how shocking the news that Su Wan is the Silver Fox is.

Chuxue bit her lip, "It's disgusting. Since it's Su Wan, why didn't you say it badly from the beginning? It was a waste of our feelings. Lan Ke recommended her sincerely before."

At this moment, this young bomb genius's hands were itchy, and he really wanted to throw a bomb or two to relieve his hatred.

Someone sighed and said, "I'm just saying how Silver Fox knows everything about all countries in the world..."

"So... that means our handle fell into Su Wan's hands?"

When Yinhu entered the Twelve Halls, he used a not-so-bright method, using hacking techniques to find out the weaknesses of these people.

Everyone was silent...

In the end it was always decided...

It's better not to provoke Su Wan for the time being, just pretend you don't know anything.

At the airport, Su Wan was about to leave.

A deep voice came from the dark night.

"Su Wan." Su Wan turned her eyes and turned her head to look.

Ye Ze put one hand in the pocket of the windbreaker and looked at her quietly.

Su Wan raised her eyebrows, "You've become a stalker again?"

The man was not annoyed at all, he asked the doubt in his heart, "When I was in Tianshu, why did you attack my face?"

Afterwards, he pinched his face as if to confirm...

Whether his face is real or fake.

But it's impossible...

Only the Mu family and the Lu family know the truth about Ye Ze's face.

And this face has never appeared in the outside world...

What's wrong?

Was Su Wan suspicious of his face, wearing a human skin mask?


Only in this way, will I touch his face again and again to confirm.


Su Wan gestured to the plane in front of her.

He didn't refuse, and set foot on the plane with him.

In the cabin, when Ye Ze walked in, Su Wan locked the door of the airport.

"Crack", a crisp sound came.

Ye Ze looked up at her.

"Sit down." Su Wan glanced at the sofa beside him and said.

Then he went to get a bottle of red wine, opened it and poured himself a glass.

"Do you need it?" she asked softly.

The man flatly refused, "No need."

Su Wan curled her lips, and drank the red wine in front of his face.

The wine moistened her soft lips, and Su Wan subconsciously licked her lips.

The wine is strong and cowardly.

Su Wan put the goblet on the table, then walked towards the man.

At this moment, Mu Shaotang was sitting on the single sofa, with an elegant posture, handsome and dignified, like a nobleman, and he was indeed fashionable.

Su Wan propped her hands on the armrests of the sofa and leaned over to look at him. This was a gesture to encircle him. In this way, Ye Ze seemed to be trapped in her arms.

She let out a long breath, with a sweet smell of alcohol.

Ye Ze hates the smell of alcohol on others, and always feels that there is a smell of alcohol.

However, Su Wan was a little different.

He moved his Adam's apple and said, "What are you doing?"

"Don't you want to know, why should I touch your face?"

She put one hand gently on the side of his face, with a little coolness, just sticking to his cheek.

Such a posture is too intimate/ambiguous.

Ye Ze felt uncomfortable.

He resisted the urge to push her away, his mind was reminding him, it's best not to annoy Su Wan at this moment.

He raised his eyes and looked at the girl.

She still has blond hair, but her face has changed back to Su Wan's face.

Su Wan let out a chuckle and said, "So, Ye Ze, whether your face is real or fake, I can't see the flaws."

(End of this chapter)

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