Daddy, big boss mommy has fallen off the horse

Chapter 468 She Is An Emotional Coward

Chapter 468 She Is An Emotional Coward

No one would know what it would be like for a girl to lose her child after leaving her alone in winter.

As powerful as Su Wan, she was just a woman, an ordinary mother.

She had looked forward to the arrival of this child more than anyone else, and she loved him more than anyone else.

"Late night."

The old man squeezed his palm hard and said, "Don't cry."

Su Wan suppressed the tears in her eyes.

As Su Wanshi, she would not shed tears.

She said softly, "I didn't cry."

The old man sighed, his heart ached so much, he couldn't imagine that his Wanwan had endured everything he shouldn't have since five years ago.

In such a desperate situation, she endured it silently, with no one to share with her.

This is Su Wan.

Su Wan, whom he was proud of, the jewel in the palm of their Su family, had been wronged, but they didn't know it at all.

Su Wan didn't cry, but the old man did.

The old man couldn't help stretching out his hand, wiped the corners of his eyes, and said: "I don't hate Mumu, I don't hate him, that kid is smart at first glance, how could I hate him."

From the beginning, he never really hated Mumu.

At most, he would deliberately talk back to Mu Mu, just to tease him.

Because he is Mu Shaotang's child, he will put on an annoying look, but he doesn't think so in his heart.

The old man got up and slowly hugged his little granddaughter.

He suddenly realized that Wanwan is not very old now, only 23 years old, this age is placed on ordinary people, even just graduated from university.

Su Wan reached out and patted his back.

"Grandpa, Mumu is very cute, you will know if you get along with him more."

"Okay, Wanwan, I support you, and grandpa listens to you."

He will try to get along well with Mumu and give this child family-like care.

It was not easy for Mu Mu to grow up to such a big age.

The Su family are all protecting their weaknesses. Even though Mu Mu has Mu Shaotang's blood in his body, when Mr. Su knows the truth, he can't help but want to give him all the love.

This child lost his mother since he was a child, and was sent to Mu's house in the cold weather.

If the members of the Mu family hadn't found him at that time, the child might have died that day, what kind of blow would it have on Su Wan then?
Elder Su was extremely fortunate that Mu Mu was still alive, and he was still alive and kicking.

"So... Wanwan..." Elder Su looked at him hesitantly.

There was a question that he couldn't help but want to ask, and he was afraid that he would touch Wan Wan's sad things.

"Grandpa, if you want to say something, just say it."

Elder Su nodded, and said, " you still like that Mu Shaotang?"

He noticed that Su Wan used the word once.

Su Wan picked up the cup on the table, took a sip, and covered her flustered eyes.

She lowered her head and said, "It's not important."

"This is very important... Wanwan, is it because of Mu Shaotang that you stayed at Mu's house?" Elder Su asked tentatively.

"I want to give Mumu a complete family...I'm afraid that if I take Mumu away from Mu's house suddenly, Mumu will be sad if she loses her father...I...don't want to make this child sad anymore, I will feel distressed."

"Besides not wanting to make Mumu feel bad, what do you do to Mu Shaotang?"

If Wanwan still likes Mu Shaotang...

Elder Su is a little at a loss. The Mu family and the Su family have been pinching each other in the mall for so long, so let's just let it go?
"I want to try it, I want to give Mu Mu a complete family." Su Wan said these words pretending to be calm.

She wanted to try and like Mu Shaotang one more time.

"Wanwan, no matter what decision you make, grandpa will support you." Elder Su said seriously.

Su Wan smiled, and she said, "Thank you."

"Wan Wan, you can actually tell Young Master Mu directly that you are Ye Luoluo, this Mu family... anyone with a discerning eye can tell that he loves Ye Luoluo very much."

Su Wan clenched her fingertips, and she said, "Grandpa, if I say I am Ye Luoluo, he won't even like Ye Luoluo, do you believe it?"

"Five years ago, I confessed my love to him twice, but both were rejected."

"Five years later, I tested him as Su Wan, and he avoided me like a snake."

"He said he didn't like Su Wan and wanted to draw a line with Su Wan."

When Mr. Su heard this, he immediately flew into a rage: "He really said that?!"

Su Laoqi's eyeballs were rounded.

This doesn't know what's good or bad, what's wrong with his family late at night!

"I'm really afraid of being rejected, Grandpa."

As proud as Su Wan, she has never been rejected like this before. This is the first and only person who has rejected her so many times.

Emotionally, no matter how strong and powerful a person is, once they fall into the vortex of emotions, they will become cowardly and inferior.

Su Wan five years ago dared to love and hate.

Five years later, Su Wan couldn't do it. She was too afraid of being rejected, so she took every step carefully.

She dare not gamble with the future.

What will Mumu do if he loses the bet?Is it really necessary to make Mumu a child of a single-parent family?
"Wanwan." Mr. Su put one hand on her shoulder to give her strength, he said, "Don't be afraid, I will help you, our Su family will help you."

"You like him, even if I tie him up, I will tie him to your side." Elder Su said firmly.

Su Wan shook her head.

"Don't mess around..."

Elder Su has already sighed countless times tonight.

Whenever I think of the heart-pounding words that Su Wan said one after another, I feel sad.

His family Wanwan has been rejected so many times.

No one is born perfect, he once thought that Wanwan was, but Wanwan also has some areas that he is not good at.

In terms of love, she was undoubtedly a coward, but she made him feel distressed and helpless.

"By the way, Grandpa, you can also help me cancel the Lu family's marriage. Before that, the young master of the Lu family gave me a garden and said it was to cancel the wedding. I think he also had this idea."

Hearing this, Elder Su was slightly taken aback.

"This matter... If you don't tell me about this matter, I will almost forget about it. Okay, Wan Wan, don't worry, I will take someone to Lu's house some other day."

"Thank you grandpa."

In the past, she told her grandfather many times that she wanted to divorce, but the old man did not agree.

Unexpectedly, this time he agreed decisively.

In the end, he didn't want his granddaughter to be wronged any more.

"It's a pity that the Lu family is not in good health, but everything is good. I'm afraid you don't know. If the Lu family has no health problems, there will be nothing wrong with the Mu family today."

Elder Su sighed, thinking of the little Lu Tingzhen he had met before, what a proud and outstanding genius boy, the word "Pride of Heaven" was prepared for him.

Otherwise, Elder Su would not insist on letting Wanwan marry him.

With just one glance, Elder Su was sure that this child would definitely become a great weapon in the future.

Of course, after all, he was dragged down by his body.

(End of this chapter)

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