speak humor, be humorous

Chapter 36 Humor Method

Chapter 36 Humor Method (2)
Phrases are usually the flashes of thought that pop up during your heightened state of mind.As the saying goes: "Get up from where you fell." If you are passive in "reason", the best way is of course to regain "reason", whether it is "strong words" or "clever words" ’ That’s fine, as long as you can get out of it by making fun of yourself or making fun of others.

Strong words are actually "unreasonable and wonderful".It is obviously unreasonable, but you still say it is reasonable, which is naturally contrary to the routine of life and does not conform to logical reasoning.However, sometimes the farther away from the reality of life, the more humorous it is.The more attuned to reality, the less likely it is that humor will exist.That's what humor is all about!
Zhang Guan Li Dai: divert the original intention of the other party
The other party clearly meant something A, but I took it for him to mean something B; the other party clearly meant this way, but I deliberately mistook it for another meaning, which is Zhang Guan Li Dai.

In life, we often inevitably have some small conflicts with others.In these conflicts, sometimes the other party deliberately provokes and finds trouble; sometimes the two parties bump into each other unintentionally, resulting in a small friction; There are small bumps on it.If you make a big move and deal with it as if you are facing a big enemy, it would be too much to make a fuss and waste your time and energy in vain.However, if you ignore it, it is also related to pain and itchiness, and you will feel restless.At this time, Zhang Guan Li Dai's humor technique can show its talents.It deliberately transfers the meaning of the other party to other things or people, causing obvious dissonance, and letting laughter dissolve the conflict invisible.

The use of Zhang Guan Li Dai's humor technique generally falls into the following two situations:
In the first case, the other party deliberately provokes and tries to embarrass you.In this case, the most effective way is to "wear" the "crown" back on him directly, and let him "swallow the bitter fruit".Because of the discrepancy and drama of expectations versus reality, humor comes with it.

The second situation is that the two parties have unintentional conflicts, or they have accidentally offended others and are blamed.The counterattack at this time cannot be as sharp-edged and aggressive as in the first case, but should minimize the impact and divert the conflict.When using Zhang Guan Li Dai, try to avoid directly "wearing" back to the other party, but "wearing" to a third party who has nothing to do with both parties.Because of "wearing" cleverly, the meaning of humor is naturally revealed.

The bus suddenly braked, and all the passengers on the bus shook violently.A young man was unsteady on his feet and bumped directly into a girl.The girl raises her eyebrows and raises her eyebrows: "Virtue?"

The young man hurriedly said, "No, it's inertia."

When the girl said "virtuousness", she blamed the young people for their misbehavior and suspicion of immorality.However, the young man cleverly borrowed the word "sex", intentionally interpreted it as a certain attribute of physical matter, and then negated it, replacing it with the physical term "inertia", which not only avoided disputes with the girl, but also euphemistically explained this. An unexpected reason, indicating that the responsibility is not on him, thus calming the girl's anger, eliminating a possible conflict, and letting laughter rippling in the car.

All in all, Zhang Guan Li Dai humor can not only effectively dismiss malicious attacks, but also ease rifts caused by misunderstandings while making people laugh.As for how to properly use its double-edged function, the user depends on the specific situation.

Upside-down dislocation: contrary to common sense, shifting smoothly

"Logic" is contrary to the norm, so fallacies are produced, and the material of humor grows out of "fallacies".There is a cross talk that tells such a story:
When A and B meet each other, they feel like old friends at the first sight, shake hands and talk happily, and ask each other how they are.After the two were very intimate, they suddenly found that the other party was a stranger, so they asked in unison: "May I ask your name?"

As the material in cross talk, this story is full of humor.So how did its sense of humor come about?It obviously changed the normal handshake order of things, which violated common sense.In daily life, people always get to know each other first and then make out with each other. In the story, A and B are too busy asking each other's name and name to say goodbye. Normal logic is incongruous, so a sense of humor emerges.

Dreams cannot be continued, but in humor they can:

A man had a dream in which a friend invited him to drink and watch a theater.Everyone had just entered the table, the wine was filled, the dishes were served, and the play started, but he was awakened by his wife.So he scolded his wife badly.

The wife said: "Stop scolding, you should go to bed early! Maybe the play is only halfway through now!"

This person may be a glutton, reluctant to part with the banquet in his dream.But the dream was broken by his wife before it came true, how could he not be annoyed?This person is also stupid enough, how can the dream be taken seriously?Even if the dream continues, what he appreciates is nothing more than the moon in the water and the flowers in the mirror, and what he tastes is nothing more than a picture cake that cannot satisfy his hunger.But the story has developed so far that there is not much humor, just a general sarcasm.His wife's answer played a finishing touch for this story.She took the dream as reality and asked her husband to continue to dream, to find the lost happiness in the dream, which seemed very absurd, and the sense of humor came from it.

Displacement Truth: Shifting Emphasis to Another Subject
People always hope that they can speak eloquently, and be able to chat with colleagues and friends around them in a witty and humorous manner.Perhaps a humorous technique like displacement truth can add color to your conversation.

Displacement is the deviation of a disposition of thought, the shifting of mental emphasis to another subject than the original one.People often ask such words, such as how, how, what, etc. For the answers to such questions, the displacement truth method often brings unexpected humor and witty effects.

The literal meaning of what people say is often not exactly the same as the meaning that the speaker wants to express. We call them the nominal meaning and the true meaning for the time being.Abandoning the true meaning of the speaker and taking its superficial meaning is the fundamental skill of the method of shifting the true meaning.

A girl went to the editorial department of a magazine and said to the editor-in-chief: "I have a joke to submit, please publish it in the magazine."

After reading the manuscript, the editor-in-chief said: "Miss, but this joke is a bit cold." "It's okay, you can publish it in summer."

Here, what the editor-in-chief said meant that the joke was a bit cold, but the real meaning was that the joke was not suitable for publication.Although the girl knew the true meaning very well, she deliberately ignored it, picked up the meaning of the words, and humorously witty.This is also a humorous technique that uses the method of displacement truth.

Everyone speaks with certain premises, and these premises are often recognized by everyone, and are tacitly omitted.Displacing these premises requires a keen mind and strong logical reasoning ability.The humor created by shifting the premise with the method of shifting the truth often attracts people's praise.

The tenant said to the landlord: "I can't take it anymore, this roof keeps leaking water into my room."

The landlord retorted: "What else do you want? With your little rent, don't you still want to leak champagne?"

This is indeed a very good sense of humor, the tenant's true meaning is "whatever is missing is in his way".But the experienced landlord pretended to be ignorant, and shifted it to "leaking champagne is better than leaking water, and leaking water is the second best".

If you can distinguish between the true meaning and the superficial meaning, you can use this method of shifting the true meaning to create a lot of humor in what you say in ordinary times.If someone complains about you with very specific facts, such as when you treat someone to dinner and a friend jokes that your wine was mixed with water, you might as well try to use this method to humor.

Laughter will make people cheerful and radiant, and humor will bring you laughter and joy.There is humor everywhere in life, as long as you have a humorous heart, you can catch it.

Analogy Humor: Putting Disconnected Things Together

The method of analogy humor refers to comparing two or more things that are irrelevant or even completely opposite, and have no historical or conventional connection with each other, so as to reveal their differences, that is, incongruity factor.

In analogical humor, the more obvious the difference between the two sides of the comparison, the more appropriate the timing of the comparison and the choice of media, the stronger the degree of incongruity caused, the deeper the other party's understanding of the difference between the two sides of the analogy, and the humorous artistic conception created. The more intriguing it is.

People's daily life is the same as scientific research, the classification is conventional and must use the same standard, otherwise, it will inevitably cause confusion of concepts and make it difficult to carry out in-depth thinking.People have been trained to master this minimum thinking skill since childhood. For example, pigs, cows, sheep, and peaches cannot be juxtaposed together, and people will delete peaches. This is a scientific truth, but it is not humorous.

To create humorous interest in analogy and classification is precisely to destroy this scientific logic and juxtapose things in a nondescript manner.

Analogy humor has been a basic humor technique commonly used by people in our country since ancient times. It can enable people to open their minds and be educated with a knowing smile or embarrassing situations.

Look at the analogical humor of the ancients.

Gan Luo's grandfather was the prime minister of the Qin Dynasty.One day, Gan Luo saw his grandfather walking up and down in the back garden, and kept moaning.

"Grandpa, what's wrong with you?" Gan Luo asked.

"Oh, my son, the king has listened to someone's instigation, insisted on finding a hen to crow, and ordered the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty to try to find it. If they can't find it within three days, everyone will be punished."

"King Qin is too unreasonable." Gan Luo said angrily.He blinked, thought of an idea, and said, "But don't worry, grandpa, I have a solution. I'll go to court for you tomorrow."

The next morning, Gan Luo really went to court for his grandfather.He walked into the palace unhurriedly and saluted King Qin.

The King of Qin was very upset and said, "What kind of trouble is this little boy here! Where is your grandfather?"

Gan Luo said: "My lord, my grandfather can't come today. He is giving birth at home, so I asked me to come to court for him."

The King of Qin laughed loudly after hearing this: "You child, why are you talking nonsense! How can a man's family have a child?"

Gan Luo said: "Since the king knows that men cannot bear children, how can hens crow?"

Originally, King Qin’s hen crowing was absurd enough. At that time, it was difficult to persuade King Qin rationally. The impossibility of the film shows a great sense of incongruity, so that the humor arises spontaneously.

This is a masterpiece of ancient human analogy and humor.

Because the method of analogy to humor is simple, it can be widely used for self-deprecation and jokes among friends in modern people's social activities.

Although analogous humor is simple, it also requires wisdom and detachment, otherwise it will be difficult to play out.

A stingy boss asked his servant to buy wine, but he didn't give him any money. The servant asked, "Sir, how can I buy wine without money?"

The boss said: "Using money to buy wine is something anyone can do. If you don't spend money to buy wine, then you are a capable person."

After a while, the servant came back with an empty bottle.The boss was very annoyed and scolded: "What do you want me to drink?"

The servant replied calmly: "Anyone can drink wine from a bottle with wine in it. If you can drink wine from an empty bottle, then you are truly capable."

The analogy between buying wine with money and drinking from an empty bottle creates a tit-for-tat contradiction, and the humor emerges suddenly.The boss shoots himself in the foot, and at the same time shows the wisdom of the servant.

Here not only the method of analogy and humor is shown, but also the form of returning humor is included, that is, treating the person in the same way as the person.It can be seen that the form of humor is often not used alone, but the cross-use of several forms of humor.

The method of analogy to humor is very simple and widely used in social activities.For example:
On Saturday, a young man went to the city to sell eggs. He asked the egg dealers in the city: "How much do you give for today's eggs?"

The egg dealer replied: "Two cents."

"It's only [-] cents each! This price is really too low!"

"That's right! Our egg sellers held a meeting yesterday and decided that the price of an egg should not exceed [-] cents."

The young man shook his head sadly, but had to sell and go.

A few days later, the young man came into the city again. It was the same egg dealer last week. He looked at the eggs and said, "This egg is too small."

"Yeah," said the boy, "our hens had a meeting yesterday and they decided they couldn't lay as hard as twenty cents is too little!"

One is the "Human Club" and the other is the "Chicken Club". The juxtaposition is wonderful.

The sense of humor of analogy humor is "compared", and its taste is also "compared".This is conducive to the psychological acceptance of the other party.Let's look at the following example:
There is a middle school student who has very good grades and is the top two in the class almost every time he takes an exam.Once she got fifth in the exam, her mother said angrily: "I was so proud of you last year, what's wrong with you this time, you used to be the best in the class!"

The daughter smiled and said, "Every classmate's mother wants to be proud of her child's first place in the exam. If I always come first, what will their mothers do?"

The mood of the mother of the student who won the first place is compared with the mood of the mother of the student with poor grades. The two moods are completely opposite, and the fun is born here.

A double entendre: saying one thing on the surface is actually saying the other
Using the homonym or synonymous relationship in language and characters to make words or sentence patterns involve two things at the same time, saying one thing on the surface but actually saying the other, this is a frequently used pun.Puns can make the expression lively, euphemistic and subtle, chewable, and have an endless aftertaste.

There is such a story in ancient times, it is said that a county magistrate rode to Wangzhuang with his entourage to deal with official business. Old man, how do I get to Wangzhuang?" The farmer ignored him and just hurried on his way.The magistrate yelled at him to stop.The farmer said: "I don't have time, I'm going to Liuzhuang to see a strange thing." The county magistrate asked: "What strange thing?" Really? How could a horse dismount a cow? It should be dismounted!" The magistrate was baffled, but the farmer replied seriously: "There are many strange things in the world, how can I know that beast will not dismount?"

Facing the rude county magistrate, the farmer wittily uses semantic puns to point at "animals" to reprimand the county magistrate, and his method of scolding is really clever.

Puns are a wonderful weapon of humor. When using them, you must adhere to the principle of civilized expression and convince people with reasoning. The style is noble and elegant, and the content is pure and upright. Cursing.

Contrast between positive and negative: forming a psychological gap

As the saying goes: better than not knowing.Contrast enables us to discover the peculiar in the ordinary and the absurd in the normal.Contrast can also form differences and create contradictions.If we compare life to a stage, the comparison allows us to see different people's interpretation of their roles, and see the same person's performance in different scenes. When we watch the performance, we often smile knowingly.

Former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill was invited to a radio station to deliver an important speech.The car broke down on the way. He called a taxi from the side of the road and said to the driver:
"Drive me to BBC Radio."

"Sorry, I can't go, I'm just going home to listen to the radio and Churchill's speech!" said the driver.

Churchill was very happy, and immediately took out the pound to the driver.

The driver was also very happy when he saw so much money, and he exclaimed:

"Get in the car! Damn Churchill."

The comparison of these two scenes may have embarrassed Churchill, but we found it very humorous.

Einstein dressed poorly when he was not famous.Once, an acquaintance saw him on the streets of New York and asked:

"Why are you dressed so shabby?"

Einstein replied, "Nobody here knows me anyway."

A few years later, after Einstein became famous in one fell swoop, the acquaintance met him on the streets of New York and asked in surprise:
"Why are you still dressed in such shabby clothes?"

Einstein replied with a smile: "Everyone here knows me anyway."

Here, two opposite answers to the same question constitute a contrast.In the comparison, we fully felt Einstein's unrestrained demeanor and sense of humor.

One day, Tieguai Li, one of the Eight Immortals, walked across a small bridge made of two pieces of wood, one high and the other low.Tieguai Li walked by, just making do with his long and short lame legs, which was more stable than walking on flat ground.Therefore, he was full of praise: "A bridge in the world, even if this bridge is the best!"

A few days later, Tieguai Li walked back.This time the direction of walking happened to be reversed from the last time, so the high and low logs on the bridge did not fit his legs.He walked on high logs with long legs and low logs with short legs, limping even more than usual.He got angry and cursed repeatedly: "Of all the bridges in the world, this one is the worst one!"

Contrast always creates a gap in people's psychology, and we often feel humor in this gap.

Set up suspense: set up baggage, pre-make hints

The method of setting up suspense is an important technique of humor, and cross talk actors call it "setting up the burden".That is to draw out your humorous power with earnest tone, real details and dramatic plots, laying down the foreshadowing and hinting before the key sentence is spoken, so that the audience "follow your way".Then, use key words to point it out, or untie the "button" and shake off the "burden", so that the listener has an unexpected feeling, so the effect of humor is brought into play.

An old woman was sitting on a park chair, and a child came by.

"Grandma, are your teeth okay?"

"It's gone, it's all gone."

So the child took out a pack of walnuts and said, "Please take some for me, and I'll go play ball."

The suspense in this humor is cleverly set up by naughty children, making it hilarious.

When using the method of setting suspense, there are two problems that need attention.Don't play tricks and make people confused.The setting of suspense should be ingenious and logical, so as to achieve the effect of humor.Otherwise, the traces of "axe and chisel" are too heavy, giving people a sense of mystery, not only not humorous, but disgusting.The suspense set should be closely related to the theme, carefully designed, and just right.

Don't be in a hurry.If you can't wait to tell the funny words, if you are too eager to make the audience laugh, if you let people know the interesting "answer" too early, you will appear to be too hasty, reveal the "secret" too early, and leak the surprise. mature, and lose their sense of humor as a result.

(End of this chapter)

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