Chapter 101 I Don't Deserve Your Love
He lives for her, if she cannot be well, he will not live happily.

Xiao Mengyao leaned against his arms, her gaze was still on his face, he didn't know why.

"No, you don't have to lie to me. Although I don't know the secret about you, I know that you need rest more than me at this time, so..."

"Yaoyao..." He interrupted her, but he couldn't think of what to say, so he fell silent again.

After a while, he spoke again, "Yaoyao, the rainbow is beautiful because it was preceded by a terrible storm, and we have experienced many storms, should we see a rainbow now!?"

Xiao Mengyao knew exactly what he wanted to say.

Indeed, there is always a beautiful rainbow after every storm.

But the 'rainbow' between them was covered by 'dark clouds', even if the 'storm' passed, the 'rainbow' would not appear.

"No, you know, even if the storm passes, the rainbow may not appear, because the remaining dark clouds will bring the next storm."

In fact, everything between them is like this, the next storm after the storm, or the continuous rain, never clearing up, let alone a rainbow.

She was really scared, she would only be his disaster star, and would always bring him endless troubles.

Of course she loves him even more than herself, he is her own life.But she couldn't accept him, because she couldn't face the past, and couldn't get rid of the guilt.

Her words turned the expectation in Fu Boyan's eyes into disappointment.

Why would she rather die with herself than accept the emotions between them? How exactly does she want to settle her emotions! ?
Do you want to escape for a lifetime?

"Yaoyao, don't run away anymore, don't violate your heart again, and don't reject me again. Since you love, why hide it, why don't you dare to admit it!" He said to Xiao Mengyao's heart, but She just stepped over that hurdle.

Xiao Mengyao's eyes darkened, her eyes slipped in pain, she didn't want to face it bravely, but she was trapped to death in the deep pool of guilt, every time she tried to climb out, she was trapped even deeper.

Perhaps, being with Nuo is her unattainable dream.She once regretted choosing to leave, but it was too late.

If she hadn't hurt him too many times, she wouldn't be in such pain.

"No, you shouldn't love me, I'm your enemy, I killed your brother, I killed your woman, I don't deserve your love." She was really about to collapse, she was a murderer, yes Sinner.

To be alive is suffering for her, and it is an extravagant wish for her to forget the past.

Fu Boyan was silent again, endured the severe pain in his body, and hugged her tightly, "I don't need relatives, I don't need friends, I just want you! Yaoyao, I only have you as a woman, and I have never loved anyone except you. woman."

He has lived for thousands of years and has met many women, but in his eyes and heart, there is only one her.

Eternal unchanged!

Xiao Mengyao couldn't control the tears that burst out of her eyes, she was struggling with being moved and heartbroken.

She has no relatives, no friends, she only has him, but she cannot have him because she is not qualified.

"No, thank you for loving me, but I have done too many things to hurt you, I can't forgive myself, so... I'm sorry" I love you.

She didn't say the last three words because she didn't have the courage.

"I never cared about it, Yaoyao, let go of your heart, let it choose freely, don't live in the past anymore, okay!"

He never blamed her, and never cared about the so-called harm she said. He said a long time ago that he did it voluntarily.

"Yaoyao..." He wanted to persuade her, but his voice stopped when he opened his mouth.

He couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of thick black blood, but his face changed instantly, and then he vomited out another mouthful of black blood.

His situation made Xiao Mengyao panic immediately, "Nuo, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me..."

She cried and hugged Fu Boyan, her beating heart almost jumped out of her throat.

(End of this chapter)

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