Chapter 103 Finally found it!
In the past, she carried too many burdens, and she dared not tell her about her deep love. Now she let go of everything, and she feels very relaxed.

"Yaoyao, you finally got out of the past, does this mean we can have a 'rainbow'?" Fu Boyan held her little hand, looking forward to it.

Xiao Mengyao was silent for a while, didn't speak, just nodded silently, and answered him...

The screen changes, and the Night Ghost Club in City A is at a gathering point.

"Still haven't found it yet!?"

A cold voice sounded gloomy, and no one dared to speak in the huge room.

"Live to see people, die to see corpses, since the corpses are not found, it means they are still alive! You all go and find them for me, if you can't find them again, don't come back alive!"

The cold voice sounded again with anger.

"Yes! Boss!" Everyone in the room left immediately after receiving the order.

After everyone left, Lu Zixuan took off his mask.He really underestimated Fu Boyan's strength. He dispatched half of the Night Ghost Society's manpower, but failed to catch them.

Thinking about the death of so many subordinates, but they failed to catch Fu Boyan and the little fool, Lu Zixuan was very angry and angry.

Although he has not found them until now, he does not believe that they will die. If Hei Di dies so easily, then he is not a bloodthirsty Hei Di!
Therefore, Lu Zixuan was certain that they must still be alive...

City K, in the dream of angels.

"Have you found it?" Qing Lin stood behind a man with a serious face, asking very anxiously.

The man's eyes were fixed on the screen of the glass notebook, and his eyes searched carefully on the satellite map of City A.

"Don't call, I'm looking for it!" the man said dissatisfied.

"Can you do it? If you can't, I'll take someone there to look for it. It's been several days, and I don't know how the boss is doing!" Qinglin called out again, he was really worried about the boss.

But Tang Mo didn't let him take anyone to find him, so he had to confirm the location of the boss first before letting him go.

But he has been searching on the satellite map for several days, but the result is also inconclusive.

"Damn? How dare you doubt me!?" Tang Mo frowned, scratching his flaxen-colored and stylish hair, which was also quite painful.

He was also very worried about the old man, but city A is so big, it can be found by manpower, and the three-year deadline for the old man is coming soon.

I remember that Lao Bushi has a glass mobile phone developed by him, and the mobile phone has a satellite locator chip. It stands to reason that it should be very fast to find it with a satellite map.

But why can't I find it now, what's going on! ?
Ho Ho Ho, so annoying!
"You look for it slowly, I'll take someone back first, and tell me as soon as you find it." Qinglin really couldn't wait any longer, and was about to leave in a hurry.

As soon as he left, Tang Mo exclaimed excitedly, "Found it! Finally found it!"

Qinglin stopped, turned around and ran over quickly, "Where is it, I will take someone there right away."

Qinglin was also very excited, finally there was news of the boss.

"On an island in City A, you go there first, and I'll send it to you after I draw a detailed map." After a short moment of excitement, Tang Mo was busy with his hands on the computer keyboard.

"Well, then hurry up, I will arrive in City A in about three hours." Qinglin left a word and hurried out...

City A.

This time, the Night Ghost Club mobilized all the people in City A to search along the river. They didn't miss any place, until finally they found a small island by the sea.

Through the binoculars, they found white smoke on the island, so they concluded that there were people on the island, then turned their course and drove towards the small island.


Seeing that Fu Boyan's condition was gradually improving, Xiao Mengyao dared to leave the cave to find food.

They are all human, so if they want to survive and wait for someone to rescue them, they must find food, otherwise they will starve to death even if they wait for someone to come.

(End of this chapter)

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