Chapter 109 What's so funny!

At the door, Qinglin really couldn't help laughing out, uh, it felt like he was about to suffocate his internal injuries, what should I do if he was swollen.

The so-called intolerable, there is no need to bear.

With a "puchi", Qinglin couldn't help laughing, Tang Mo was enough.

They two old men, do you want to be like this, I don't know if they will be misunderstood like this!

Qinglin laughed so hard that he couldn't straighten up, but Tang Mo's eyes were burning.

Only Fu Boyan looked indifferent, turned on the computer and searched on the satellite map.

"What are you laughing at? What's so funny!" Tang Mo stared at Qinglin with furious eyes, killing him N times instantly.

Smiling so happily, believe it or not, he will be turned into a robot in a while.

The Qinglin people were still at the door, and they could already feel the danger in Tang Mo's eyes.

In the next second, he shut up and forced himself not to laugh again. He still didn't want to be used by Tang Mo for experiments, and he still wanted to live normally.

"Stop laughing, I won't laugh anymore..." Qinglin raised his hand in surrender, but his fair face was already flushed.

"Hmph! You're smart, otherwise..." Tang Mo said angrily, and made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Qinglin shrunk his neck and swallowed, but fortunately he retracted quickly, he really believed that Tang Mo would wipe his neck and assemble him into a robot.

And the boss will not stop him, because they are in the same group.

After Qinglin and Tang Mo quarreled for a while, it wasn't until Qinglin was scared away that Tang Mo became normal.

"Old man, I have something to ask you." Tang Mo put away the mischievousness just now, and became very serious, putting his hands in the pockets of his trousers, feeling a bit bohemian.

Fu Boyan was still staring at the computer, and casually spit out a word, "Ask!"

"Why, the positioning signal I found on the satellite map that day wasn't the one I installed for you?" Tang Mo couldn't figure it out.

Although that signal does not belong to the chip in the glass phone, it is indeed his dedicated finalizer chip, and he is very familiar with that signal.

"I lost my phone a long time ago. The signal came from 'Zhixin'." Fu Boyan answered Tang Mo truthfully, his eyes still on the computer screen.

It was so!
Tang Mo suddenly understood.

But, when did he bring his 'confidant' with him, didn't he design it specially for a woman?
Could it be that he found her? !

Tang Mo's eyes were wide open. That woman had been dead for more than 1 years. What he found was her ghost, right?

Oh my god, it's scary and exciting.

Tang Mo imagined wildly, and in the next second, he couldn't help his curiosity again.

"Did you find her? Is it a human or a ghost?" Tang Mo walked up to Fu Boyan and asked boldly.

Fu Boyan didn't care about the first sentence Tang Mo asked, but the latter sentence made him uncomfortable!
What is it called, it is a person or a ghost, his Yaoyao is naturally a living person.

"Man!" He said a word coldly, and after a while he continued, "You can shut up after asking, come and find the signal you found that day!"

Fu Boyan pushed the computer in front of Tang Mo, and gave Tang Mo a look to work quickly.

The corners of Tang Mo's mouth twitched. This old man's attitude of making people do things is very tough!
But...he seems to be used to it...

"Are you looking for that signal, are you looking for her again?" Tang Mo asked, still took over the computer, and searched carefully on the satellite map.

"Shut up, I'm looking for you!"

Fu Boyan didn't have much to say. Tang Mo wanted to ask him more questions, but he swallowed them all.

These few days are the 'menopausal' time of the old man, it's better not to mess with him, otherwise the consequences will be dire.

Forget it, let's work, when the old man wants to talk, he will naturally tell him.

Tang Mo shut up obediently, and tapped on the computer keyboard skillfully with both hands, and the time slowly passed with the sound of typing on the keyboard...

(End of this chapter)

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